Chapter 4



Clarice's voice echoed throughout the empty house.

Dropping her bag on the couch, Clarice headed towards the refrigerator to grab an apple. She opened the refrigerator. On the top shelf was a box of chocolates and a note written in Hannibal's fine copperplate.

My dear Clarice,

Sorry I couldn't be home to greet you, I had some time consuming business to attend to. But I'm sure I'll be seeing you later.



Clarice's eyes rested on his name for a minute before she placed the letter on the kitchen cabinet. He had time consuming business to attend to… She didn't want to know the details though she had a fair idea...

Clarice stopped dead halfway up the staircase. She'd stopped feeling shocked about Hannibal's actions a long time ago but now the thought of them no longer turned her stomach.

"Great," She muttered, continuing up the stairs and heading towards her bedroom. She flopped in the middle of her bed and closed her eyes. She had not intended to go to sleep but she soon did.

It was later that night when Hannibal returned. Gently placing a kiss on Clarice's forehead he climbed into bed next to her and opened his arms. She nestled herself in his chest before sleep overcame her once again.

With his chin resting on the top of her flowing copper hair Hannibal let out a contented sigh. His little Starling was right where she belonged.

The remains of Rutherford had been properly disposed of after Hannibal had taken his bounty. Now he sat at his piano in the house by the park, his fingers caressing the keys and weaving the melody of 'Aria De Capo' throughout the building. Every now and again his nostrils would flare as he took in a smell. It was so close to him that it had begun weaving its way into the notes of the song, tucked away in the music hall of his memory palace amidst the notes of "Goldberg Variations' and 'Chopin's Nocturne 7'. The red and white roses arranged perfectly in a crystal vase atop of the piano next to the framed drawing of Clarice. Clarice with her dress slipping off her shoulder and the lamb by her side… Clarice.

The small phone in the kitchen began to ring. Hannibal rose reluctantly from the piano and went to answer it. He glanced at the caller and in that instant all reluctance to leave his instrument fell away at once.

"Hello Clarice."

"Hannibal. There's something you need to see."

Her voice shook as she spoke.

"What is it?"

He was already halfway to the car.

"I can't tell you over the phone. Just be quick."

"I'll be there soon."

Hannibal was already speeding along the road.

"Be quick."

The line went dead and Hannibal placed the phone in his pocket as he drove. His mind wasn't on the road as he drove but he never wavered in his driving. His mind was centred on Clarice and what could possibly make her so distressed.

He parked four houses down and walked around the back of her house and to the door. He let himself in knowing that right now, Clarice wouldn't care.

She was sitting on the very edge of the couch hunched over an Envelope in her hands. He walked forward and placed a hand on her shoulder, with the other hand he received the envelope. Once settled on the couch he examined the envelope: it was your average post office envelope. On the front of the envelope, in a familiar scrawl, was his name.

"Hannibal Lecter… How do they know you're here?"

"A photographer managed to capture a photo of us together at the Restaurant. He means to blackmail us."

Clarice gazed blankly at the carpet before shifting her gaze to Hannibal's face.

"It doesn't surprise me that you already know all this before you've even opened the letter."

"Simply done my dear, I recognised the handwriting from a letter I acquired earlier today from a source," Hannibal replied, fuelling her unvoiced curiosity.

"This source…?"

"Will no longer be useful to us," Hannibal replied, slicing open the letter with his harpy knife. He pulled out a piece of you average stationery shop printing paper. Unlined and therefore messily spaced the letter was written in blue ink. He read through it quickly before handing it to Clarice.

Dr. Lecter,

I don't believe we've met before and I hope we never do so bar when it suits my intentions. You'll forgive me for not revealing my full identity; I don't want to become of your numerous victims. So I'll cut this letter short and say I have something that might chuck your little girlfriend in hot water; a photo of the two of you at the restaurant the other night. Now you have two options:

I can sell you the photo. Original and all negative's included. The price will be high but if the rumours are true it is nothing you won't be able to afford. You know what this photo could do and so I'm sure you won't object to a price of $2 million.


I could simultaneously hand a copy to the F.B.I. and your little Clarice Starling will be locked away forever. God knows what they'll do to get your whereabouts out of her.

But you're a smart guy and I'm going to cut you a break. I'll let you decided between the two options unless you try something stupid then I'll make the decision. I'll be in contact with Clarice soon so give her your reply,


The Photographer

Clarice stared blankly at the sheet of paper.

"They always forget to mention the third option," Hannibal said lightly, starting towards the door. Clarice took hold of his hand, stopping him in his tracks.

"Are you going to kill him?"

"If it comes to that then I'll do what needs to be done," Hannibal gripped Clarice's hand tightly as he spoke. His voice never wavered as he spoke.

"Please don't let it get to that."

"That will be his decision," Hannibal replied, turning to leave.

"Please Hannibal," Clarice called as he walked out the door. But there was no reply.

Clarice wrung her hands as she paced the lounge room. She could follow him but Hannibal would know straightaway. She hated it but realised she had to stay put. There was nothing she could do.

She hated this.


Hello my lovely readers!

First of all SORRRY! For two reasons. One: for taking so long to update and Two: For giving you such a short chapter... I truly am sorry but writers block has lately been eating my soul and This chapter was short but it was finished and it was SOMETHING! Something is better than nothing right? So yeah. Sorry about the lateness and the shortness and all other bad 'ness's but please review this chapter! Gladly I can confirm that Chapter 5 is almost halfway done already so you guys are in luck!

Till next time!


