"Hey, where's Lulu?" Shirley asked Milly as they began to set up for the school council meeting.

"I dunno, but now that you mention it, where's Suzaku?" Milly asked, a puzzled expression on her face.

Suddenly the double doors opened, and Lelouch and Suzaku walked in. Suzaku's arm was around Lelouch's shoulders, and they both seemed to glow with happiness as they laughed and smiled with each other.

'Lulu looks happy...' Shirley thought, watching them. She could feel the jealousy knot itself inside her, and she scowled.

"Hey guys, where have you been?" Milly asked, a cheery smile replacing her previous pout.

Suzaku and Lelouch looked at each other and then giggled. Shirley tried not to scowl again as she said, "Yeah Lulu, where've you been? You didn't come last time, something wrong?"

Lelouch giggled again, and Shirley could not help her cheeks turning pink. Lulu had never giggled like that before.

"Oh, nothing's wrong, me and Suzaku just had something to do, that's all," he replied, another giggled escaping his smiling lips, as Suzaku stifled a laugh.

"Hm," Shirley said, turning her back on them both.

'You've never giggled for me, Lulu,' Shirley thought, as her cheeks began to burn.

"Ok boys, go do something for a minute, Rizal said he'd be here soon," Milly said cheerfully.

"Ok," Shirley heard the boys reply. She heard them walk away, and then the scrapping of chair legs against the wooden floor as they sat down.

She tried to concentrate on what she was doing, but the sound of Lulu's giggles kept distracting her from the task at hand. She looked over to where they sat and gasped.

Suzaku's hand lifted Lelouch's chin up, and they stared at each other with half lidded eyes. Then slowly, Suzaku leaned down and kissed Lelouch.


The boys broke their kiss and looked towards where Shirley stood with blushing cheeks, wide eyes and a gaping mouth. She had not realized she had screamed the love of her life's name until it pierced the air around them.

"Oh!" she heard Milly gasp as she looked up to see what was happening.

Lelouch was blushing, but he composed himself with perfection as he said, "This is what it looks like."

Shirley blushed crimson and tried not to cry. Suzaku had stolen away the one she loved!

"Oh," Shirley heard Milly repeat, "Well, good for you two. You boys make such a cute couple!"

"M-Madam Prez!" Shirley exclaimed, turning around to face her. The colour drained from her face when she saw Milly resting her face in her hand as she stared dreamily at the two boys.

"Thanks Milly!" Suzaku said happily, as he squeezed his best friend.

"Ah, Suzaku!" Lelouch exclaimed, trying and failing to pry the younger boy's arms from around him.

"Ooh, but I love you Lulu!" Suzaku exclaimed with glee, "They know now, we might as well be open about it!"

"Idiot!" Lelouch said, blushing brightly.

Suzaku leaned forward and kissed Lelouch again, and Lelouch stared with wide eyes, before closing them and enjoying the kiss.

"L-Lulu..." Shirley whispered, as she watched them kiss.

She watched them in silence, thoughts rushing through her head, until a small and sad smile crept onto her lips. Her thoughts had simply stopped at, 'They love each other, and there is nothing I can do.'

And she was right. She could not do anything. Suzaku and Lelouch's love was far more powerful than her own love for Lelouch, and she could do nothing but watch as the one she loved kissed the one he loved.

"It's ok Shirley," Milly whispered to her as she also watched them kiss, "Someone will love you just as much as those two love each other."

Shirley nodded, "Thank you Milly."

"Oh my gosh!"

The girls turned around to see Rizal in the doorway, mouth gapping and eyes wide as he stared at the kissing boys.

"What the heck did I miss!"

This is short, I know, only 687 words, but that is THE POINT! I purposly was going to make this short because it's not really suppoused to be a proper chapter, more like a little ending note thingy-ma-bob, so just enjoy and review please!

I hope you enjoyed this little story thingy, and stay turned for any other fanfic's I may post up and stuff!

Enjoy and review please!
