*Hello wonderful readers. I'm sorry to tell you this, but this will be the last chapter of Please Remember. *cries* But some things must come to an end. I cant thank you enough for your kind reviews and sticking with this story to the end.
I have some good news! This wont be my last story! I have a two more stories in the making. One will be a Vageta and Bulma story and the other is another Goku/Chichi fic. Yay!
Once again, this story is rated M for mature and should not be read by young audiences. I don't own DBZ.
It has been a real pleasure to write this and have everyone read and review. My only request to everyone who reads this, please review! Please, I beg you! Let me know what you think. Please enjoy the last chapter of Please Remember.
Please Remember
Chapter 12
"Goku?" Chichi looked up at him with widened eyes. He was unsure of what she would say next that he held his breath. "I…remember." She nervously spoke, causing Goku to go numb.
"What…do you remember Chichi?" He whispered to her, hoping the answer he had in his mind was right. She was silent to his surprise, and reached down to hold her chin with his fingers. "What do you remember?"
Goku's eyes widened and his heart almost stopped from just one word.
"I remember everything." Chichi whispered and got up on her knees when Goku didn't move or say anything. "I remember." She repeated and held his face with her hands, feeling herself tremble when she looked into his eyes. His eyes were filled with so much emotion, and even tears had formed, but he was still silent. "Goku…I thought you were dead." Chichi whimpered to him, her tears pouring from her eyes from the sudden emotion of relief and fear that she had lost him. "I couldn't loose you again." She sobbed, her tears took her voice and all she could do was stare at her silent husband.
"Chi…" Goku whispered, trying to comfort her anyway possible. "I'm here."
"I know…" Chichi cried with a whisper when seeing a single tear fall from each of Goku's eyes. To see him even shed a tear just sent chills down her spin. He was the strongest man alive and there he was crying over a little woman who he loved.
Goku placed his arms around Chichi's waist and pulled her against his chest, allowing her to cry on him and her tears falling down onto his skin. "Oh…" Chichi sobbed. "I was so stupid." Her words muffled into Goku's chest.
"No Chi! Don't say that." Goku cried into her hair as he rubbed her bare back with his hands. His body shook with tremendous vibrations from her crying and his will to hold in his deep emotions.
"I was…I should have never done that. If…I only waited-"
Her words were cut off when Goku brought her up to face him. His tears still freshly visible to her.
"None of this was your fault." He said calmly down to her as he tried to hide his shaken voice. "It was my fault. And if I didn't allow myself to loose focus, I could have saved you."
"But I was the cause of that. Goku, you always bare the weight of the world on your shoulders. Please don't add this to your burdens. Let me carry this one. I'm strong enough."
Goku sighed and blinked his eyes, feeling a small drop race down his cheek. He wouldn't allow his woman to ever carry the burden he caused, even if she was believing it was her fault for the accident. It didn't matter anymore. The accident had happened so long ago to him. But for Chichi, it seemed to have happened yesterday. She was healed and her memory had returned to her, it didn't matter who caused what. Just as long as they were together and completely whole once more.
"We'll carry it together." Goku finally answered her, and smiled brightly. Chichi returned the smile and wiped away his tears from his face.
"So what do we do now?" Chichi seductively asked as she bit her bottom lip.
Goku reached up and pulled away her hair that threatened to cover her radiant face, and cupped her cheeks with his palms. His lips came dangerously close to her own, and his breath hitting her skin lightly.
"Hmmm…" He contemplated. "I guess I should finish what I started on your birthday."
His request made Chichi giggled and blush at the same time. She remembered what he meant by that and it made her feel alive and relived.
"Could you refresh my memory." She purred onto his awaiting lips.
"I'll be glad to."
Goku pushed Chichi back against the bed and laid easily down on her, kissing her lips with great force. Chichi kissed back and ran her hands across his shoulders, enjoying the heat that radiated off of him. His large chest grazed her breasts, and his hips pressed against her womanhood. She was more that ready to have him and she spread her legs wider to get him to catch on at her motions. Goku pulled away from her lips and went to her neck, kissing and sucking at her sensitive skin.
"I think your birthday consisted of some of this…" He groaned into her neck, and kissed farther along her collar bone. Chichi shivered when his hot mouth went to her chest, teasing the tops of her bare breasts. "And this…"
"Please some of that…" Chichi moaned as his lips reached her hardened peek. Her nails dug into his shoulders and her back arched as his tongue teased her. He was just so amazing that she didn't know how much she could stand without him taking her soon. Her sensitive flesh between her legs tightened and her body trembled with excitement.
His lips traveled farther down her breast and onto her stomach, tasting her sweet skin along the way. Chichi couldn't believe that he had continued his path down towards her heated arousal. She felt like she could burst into flames at any moment…
The phone began to ring in the distance and Goku growled with frustration when it didn't cease it's annoying ringing. Chichi just sighed and hoped Goku wouldn't stop over the stupid phone. But when she felt him begin his descent farther down between her legs, she forgot about the ringing phone and moaned in pleasure. As his fingers brushed her nub, his tongue took over just as the answering machine picked up in the background.
"GOKU! CHICHI! I know your listening!" Bulma screeched into the phone, her voice echoed through out the house and stopped Goku's motions on Chichi's intimate flesh. "You need to get over here and get your son! He just threw up all over a cat! Trunks apparently dared Goten to lick a cat and I guess…he got a hair ball…Ewww!"
In the background at the Briefs house, they could hear a very disgusted Vageta angrily yelling at Bulma.
"Woman! I'm not cleaning that up!" Vageta's voice boomed over the answering machine.
"VAGETA! I'm not touching that! Oh my God! Are you sure he didn't eat the freaking thing-" Bulma gagged into the phone.
"Kakarot! Get your ass over here and get your brat!" Vageta came onto the line.
Chichi sat up on the bed and looked down at Goku who had stopped everything. Her arousal was completely gone now, thanks to that damn answering machine!
"Trunks! Don't you dare touch that!" Bulma screamed in the background. "Hang the phone up Vageta!"
"Don't tell me what to do woman!"
The answering machine beeped off and the house became silent again. Goku jumped up from the bed and let out a soft chuckle and he dressed himself. He looked over at Chichi and she had already dressed and cleaned herself up. Before he instant transmitted them to the Capsule Corp. Goku looked Chichi in the eyes and winked at her. She smiled brightly, and was ready to tell the news to her sons that her memory had returned.
"I promise we'll finish this." He whispered down to her.
"Yea sure you will." She huffed and stuck her tongue out at him.
They arrived in the kitchen at Bulma and Vageta's living quarters, finding Bulma washing her hands repeatedly in the sink. She turned and jumped at the sight of the two who appeared out of no where.
"Oh!" Bulma gasped and blushed brightly. "I'm sorry did I interrupt anything?"
"Maybe." Chichi giggled and went over to Bulma and gave her the biggest hug ever. When she let go, Bulma looked at her with confusion.
"What was that for Chichi?" She asked.
"Just for being a great friend." Chichi cheerfully replied and looked over her shoulder at Goku. "So…Where's Goten?"
"Oh he's…uh…well. Come here and I'll show you." Bulma led Chichi and Goku over to a pantry closet down the hall and knocked on the door. Goku and Chichi looked at Bulma like she was crazy. Did she really lock their son up in a pantry closet? "Goten…You can come out now." She said sweetly to the closed door.
"No!" Goten answered with a grumpy attitude.
"Ok then, I guess I'll have to tell these two people to leave then. Ya know…They kind of look like your parents even. But I guess if you want to sleep in the pantry all night, then be my guest."
"I'm not coming out!" Goten yelled.
"Not even for me?" Chichi asked to the door kindly.
No answer.
The door knob rattled and the door cracked opened. Goten peeked threw the crack and looked up at his mother who smiled brightly down to him.
"Hi Mommy." Goten depressingly said. "Hi Daddy."
"Goten, how about you come out?"
"I cant. Mr. Vageta made me come in here. He said I shouldn't be around cats, or him right now."
"Well that grouch isn't here right now. And besides your Mom and Dad are here kiddo." Bulma spoke, hoping it would help the situation.
"Hey Goten." Chichi knelt down to the floor and reached her arms to hold him. "I got something to tell you if you come out."
Goten looked around and made sure Vageta wasn't around and quickly jumped up into Chichi's arms, hugging her tightly.
"So your not mad about me throwing up on a cat?" Goten asked into Chichi's shoulder as she stood up.
"We're not mad Goten." Goku reassured him. "But I bet the cat is!" He laughed and patted his son on the head gently. "Where is Gohan?"
"Uh…" Bulma thought for a moment. "The last time I saw him, he was sleeping on the couch in the living room." They followed Bulma down the hall and entered the living room. Gohan was sprawled out on the couch and had a bit of drool running down his chin. When Chichi and Goku got a little closer, Goten giggled and placed his head into Chichi's neck.
"Oh!" Bulma gasped when seeing Gohan's face. "Trunks!" Goten snickered and looked back at his brothers marked face. Gohan seemed to have a marks all over his exposed skin, and a blue mustache colored above his lip. The words Trunks waz here, was written across Gohan's forehead.
When Bulma had screamed Trunks name, Gohan sat up and blinked his eyes to clear away the sleep. He looked around the room and then his eyes focused on his mother and father. They looked happy, and there was something different about his mom.
"Hey guys." Gohan said as he yawned and wiped his face, smearing the graffiti across his cheeks.
"Hi Gohan." Chichi happily said and took a seat beside her son then placed Goten on her lap. She let out a tiny laugh and reached over to the box of tissues on the coffee table, trying to rid Gohan of Trunks art work. Gohan looked at his mother funny but then soon realized she was wiping away something on his face.
"Mommy, you should have left it. He looked a lot better." Goten laughed and stopped when Gohan gave him the evil brother stare.
"Shut up Goten. At least I didn't get a hair ball from licking a cat." Gohan muttered into the tissue when Chichi started wiping away the drawn on mustache.
"Trunks dared me to!" Goten defended himself and stuck his tongue out at his older brother.
"Ok you two! Enough of the arguing. Now I have something important to tell you." Chichi butted in between the arguing siblings. They suddenly stopped and looked at their mother, waiting patiently for her to tell them the news. "I got my memory back today."
Goten and Gohan's eyes widened and Bulma gasped. They looked at her with happy and shocked faces, unable to move for a moment. Goten was the first to say something.
"Mommy? Does that mean you remember me giving you this?" Goten asked as he lifted the heart pendant from her neck and his little fingers twirling around the sparkling necklace. Chichi nodded down to him and kissed his forehead as he threw himself into her arms. Gohan immediately went to his mother and hugged her tightly. Her sons could hardly believe it. But it had to be true, and their hearts leapt for joy.
Goku walked over to his family embracing one another and smiled down at them. He couldn't have asked for a better family, and he rejoiced himself when his hopes came true. Chichi had her memory back, and everything felt at peace once more.
That night, Goku had finally finished what he started many days ago. Chichi laid in his arms panting to catch her breath from the exciting experience that lasted most of the night. It was worth the wait. He held her close against his sweating body, and wrapped his arms around her to keep her safe.
"I love you Goku." Chichi whispered before she faded off to her dreams that were now filled with memories.
"I love you Chi." Goku brushed his lips on her neck and watched her sleep until he too found the drowsy state take over him. He never let her go while they slept, and Chichi never tried to escape his embrace. His plea for her to remember kept her going, and his loving touches brought back those joyous memories she cherished.
Chichi remembered.
The End.
*Well, that's it. *sobs into pillow*
Hope you enjoyed my story!
PLEASE…*gets down on knees* Please, review! Pretty please! :D lol
Keep an eye out for my newest creations that will be coming your way soon!
Until next time readers!
God Bless! :D