
Jayden checked on his team. He saw Mia and Kevin teamed up against the moogers. Mike was working alone. Emily was fighting the nighlok alone. Whenever Jayden tried to help her, moogers would just stop him.

The nighlok remembered what his boss, Master Xandred, had ordered him to do.

"I want you to infect the one that the other rangers care about the most," he told the nighlok.

If I get the red ranger, the blue ranger would take his place. The blue ranger, no, he won't do, neither will the green ranger. How about pink? he thought as he watched at her fight alongside the blue ranger. He remembered the little yellow ranger fighting him. He also noticed how the red and green rangers were trying to come to her aid. It's her I need! he thought.

He needed to weaken her before he did anything.

Jayden saw the nighlok cheap shot Emily. Once she hit the ground, the nighlok kept hitting her with all his might, while all Jayden could do was watch. He tried harder to get to her.

Once she demorphed, the nighlok picked her up and bit into her neck, breaking the skin. The poison on his teeth entered her bloodstream. She screamed in pain as the poison burned her from the inside. It felt as if was infusing with her. He pulled his teeth out. He licked over the bite mark, letting his saliva cover the mark, and sealing the poison in her body.

He got her wrist and bit into her wrist. She screamed and fell to her knees as the pain got stronger. He pulled back and smirked. Just when he was going to seal it, Jayden attacked.

Emily's head started to get fuzzy. Everything blurred. Her blue sweater started to get stained with her blood from the bite on her wrist.

"Emily, are you okay?" Jayden asked, kneeling down next to her. He noticed the blood and gasped. "Let's get you away from here." He helped her up and started walking away from the battle.

"N-no, I need to-to help you. I-I can't let this s-stop me," she slurred, as she shook her head. She pushed him, almost falling over. "Go, Go, Samurai!"

She morphed into the Yellow Ranger. She looked around and decided to take on some of the moogers instead. She knew she was strong enough to fight the nighlok; she couldn't exert a lot of energy. Jayden fought the nighlok, getting revenge for hurting Emily.

The moogers disappeared and Jayden used the 5-Disk Beetle Cannon on the nighlok, destroying its first life.

The nighlok turned grew and the rangers summoned their zords.

They destroyed the Nighlok quickly. Once the battle officially ended, Emily couldn't feel her legs; Jayden caught her before she hit the ground.

"Emily!" The four shouted, worried. This wasn't like the last time she fainted. She was hurt, and bleeding. They thought, if they destroyed the nighlok, Emily would be okay, but she wasn't and she seemed worse than before.

She didn't move to get up, worrying the others even more. Jayden picked her up in his arms, bridal style, and got out the megazord.

Once everyone was demorphed, he ran to their home.

Mentor Ji was waiting for them. He had a bed in the infirmary ready for her to lie on. Once Jayden put Emily down, he rolled up her sleeve and gasped at the bloody bite mark. His eyes watered as he stared at her wrist, wishing he could have prevented it. Emily slowly opened her eyes and moaned in pain.

"Please be okay," Jayden whispered, his voice full of pain. He always hated when she got hurt, when any of his team members got hurt, especially her.

"J-Jayden, I'll be okay," she whispered, smiling at him. She didn't like him to blame himself. He didn't deserve any blame at all.

She started coughing. She slowly lost consciousness again. A whitish goo, mixed with the blood, started to ooze out the bite.

"What that?" Mike asked, frowning and confused. He hasn't seen any cut do that before.

"I don't know," Jayden said, also confused. He was going to run his finger over it.

"Stop!" Mentor Ji shouted, shaking his head. He looked worried.

Jayden drew his finger back, and stared at his mentor.

"What is it?" Jayden asked, scared at his worried face. There wasn't a lot that got Mentor Ji worried, and if this did, than it was bad.

"No, no, no," Ji repeated as he looked at the goo. He was also looking through some books.

"WHAT IS IT?" Jayden screamed, tired of waiting. He needed to know what was going on. He needed to know if Emily was okay or not.

"Jayden, rangers, Emily has been poisoned," he told the teens, his voice full of despair.

Jayden felt his world crash around him. If she was poisoned, then her life is limited, meaning she'll die. She can't die, she can't leave him.

"How long, before-?" He asked, tears running down his face. He needed to save her, he had to.

"No more than three months," Mentor Ji answered, his voice full of agony.

"How will it start?" Kevin asked, curious, but also sad. His voice broke. He didn't want to lose his little sister.

"She will start forgetting things, little things at first. Then she'll forget she was ever a ranger, you guys, her name, and to end everything, she'll forget big things like eating, talking, walking, her organs will begin to fail on her, and she will be too weak to even breathe," he explained,

"They will pay; I will make sure they will," Jayden sneered, angry with all of everyone. He was shaking.

Mia asked the question in everyone's head, "Is there a way to stop it?"

"The Stone of Light," Ji answered, reading in a book.

"How do we find it?" Mike asked, feeling relief that there was a way to save her.

"No one knows," Ji said, agony in his voice.

"We have to find it," Jayden said.

Emily groaned in pain.

"Don't worry, we'll safe you Emily," Jayden said. He kissed her forehead.