a/n I don't own anything except Connie

"DANNY" I screamed, "DANNY WAIT FOR ME". I ran in the sun my dark brown ringlets swaying in the wind as I ran full pelt towards Danny and Rafe. " Connie, wait inside" Rafe insisted, moaning at the thought of his little sister joining in with their flying game.

I stared hopefully at Danny, he was only a few years older than me, his warm, brown eyes staring helplessly at the McCawley siblings, I could've sworn I saw his mouth move to give me a yes. " CONNIE, BEAT IT" Rafe shouted, angry now. I whimpered and ran off to the hill outside the barn, it overlooked where Danny and Rafe now stood on the grass, playing with paper wings. I stared at my bare feet thoughtfully, what would it be like to fly instead of walk. I dipped my toes in the dust pool by the place I was sitting and stared at my 10-year-old brother.

Danny stayed the night as usual. Mamma made up the spare bed on Rafe's floor, I watched behind her skirt as she kissed the boys goodnight. " Con, it's past your bedtime" Mamma scolded as I pulled her skirt a fraction to hard. Giggling I ran off and plumped myself into bed. My familiar teddy bear, Sandy stared at me disapprovingly as I jumped and ruined the covers of my bed. I snuggled into bed in my usual position; I tossed and turned after half an hour of attempting to close my eyes. I felt hot, the stifling hot Tennessee air rushed through my window and into my cramped room. I closed my eyes briefly and wished it would be daylight suddenly. No such luck.

I gave up and creaked over to Rafe's room as the door opened I heard a muffled thud, Danny looked up dazed as to what had hit him. " Con, you ok?" He whispered, " Danny can I sleep with you tonight" I pleaded. Smiling he opened his duvet to allow me in, I squeezed in, " What was wrong Con" he questioned, I helpfully shrugged, as any 8 year old does. Chuckling he sighs and goes back to sleep. " Danny" I spoke bravely, "I'm glad your Rafes best friend" He looked startled at me and then smiled" Well I'm glad you're his little sister" I looked up at him and fell into a deep sleep, smiling all the time.

9 years later things still hadn't changed. Rafe was more accepting about me; he usually forced me to come with him to double dates. Normally I would be taken out by some guy Rafe found on the high street. Apart from this we had finally decide to get along.

Danny was at the house; he had just finished fixing the crop duster in the back yard, " Oh good heavens Danny you look like you've just been dragged to Timbuktu" Mamma fussed. " Go wash in the bathroom before you leave" Curious to see the state of Danny I placed my book on the windowsill and crept up the groaning stairs. When I caught sight of Danny I laughed so hard that he turned around instantly. " My oh my, Daniel Walker did you jump in a mud bath before you came in". He rolled his eyes mockingly at my comment and carried on washing his arms. " Here Danny, let me try" My hand grazed down his arm and I tried to wash it, but failed. " Some housewife I'll make" I laughed at the thought of me doing all Mammas' jobs. The room went silent; I could hear the strong rhythm of Danny's pulse. I lowered my eyes and saw those warm, brown eyes staring at me. We stood there for a minute before I realised my hand was rested on his arm, tanned, rippling with muscles. Reluctantly I pulled it away." Thanks" he cleared his throat and carried on washing himself. I took that as my chance to leave, I turned on my heel and walked off to finish my book.

I was sitting by Jackson Lake sunbathing with my best friend Allie. I let my toes slide across the water as we lay there, hoping to catch a healthy glow on our skin. " Al, if I tell you something will you keep it a secret", She nodded encouragingly, I thought if I told her this the secret would be in the open, I would have to let the chips fall in to place. " I thinki'mfallingforDanny" I belted out. I stared back at Allie, her mouth had formed a little o and her eyes stared back as if she'd just seen the loch ness monster jump out of Jackson lake, she held this look "wow" Allie replied back stunned. I could tell that was the end to that conversation, rolling my eyes I played with my skirt and scuffed my shoes like a 6 year old. I was grateful to hear an old car motor rumbling down the track, Rafe appeared holding two iced teas and wearing his puppy dogface. This only meant one thing. Growling angrily I jumped up and snatched the iced tea. "Don't even tell me which poor stranger asked to take me out" I snarled. Allie smiled stupidly at Rafe as she gently edged out of his hands, laughing to herself and waving as I drove away with Rafe.

"So what's her name Rafe?" I asked jokingly. I saw his eyes jolt and his knuckles turn white on the steering wheel. I was too shocked to laugh, minutes later he proudly spoke. " Laur-" "last night" I interrupted. "JOSIE, just a ladies man, I am" he scoffed.

It was pretty easy getting ready now, I literally had a double date every night. Sighing I pulled out my red lipstick, bobby pins and navy dress and high heels. I walked down the stairs and there he was, his hair neatly combed back, wearing slacks and a white button down shirt. The man I had been dreaming of since our bathroom incident " Hey, Rafes out on a date tonight so you can't stay" He smiled up at me, " Con, I'm coming to the date to keep you company" "o-ok" I smiled holding onto the banister for support. Danny was my "date" I was practically screaming inside with excitement, yet shaking at the thought of the one friend who had known me since I was born, having feelings for me, and me having feelings for him. I was about to speak when Rafe thundered down the stairs, wrestled Danny and twirled me around, then after his little show he sprinted into the car and proceeded to honk the horn until we ran into the car.

The Blob was the latest horror movie. Rafe brought tickets to see the blob. I hate horror movies, always have. Rafe loved them; it gave him the opportunity to comfort his date. So Rafe decided we were going to see a horror movie. Allie stood by the cinema waiting for her own date to go and see Charlie Chaplain's latest comedy. Her eyes were like saucers as Danny and I walked past her apprehensively to the cinema. Rafe, being Rafe slid in, arm over Josie and claimed the best seat. I sat next to Josie and Danny. Danny and I spared a glance at each other, nervously giggled and watched as the curtain parted to reveal The Blob, as it parted I heard a faint laugher coming from the cinema opposite Charlie Chaplin was definitely good, I quietly groaned as the picture showed up on the screen.

When the blob mauled some old lady Rafe smirked to himself. How I hated him sometimes. Just as if he read my mind he started to cuddle Josie. I looked across at Danny. He was rigid as a post, I laughed as I suddenly thought I probably looked exactly the same, some couple we made. 30 minutes later the curtain closed, I dived over everyone in my aisle and ran out preparing myself for the scary part now. As predicted Josie walked into the girls' bathroom, smirking to herself, she reapplied her lipstick and blusher, and without a word turned on her heel. As I heard the scratch on the lino I mentally counted to myself, on time Josie finally spoke to me " So, Bonnie here is what's going to happen now, your going to leave, with your date and not bother Rafe and I again, understand toots" Ignoring the name mix up, at least she made the effort; I nodded and stomped out.

Danny and I watched dumbfounded as Rafe and Josie drove out to town. " Con, do you want me to walk you home" I silently nodded, A 30 minute walk would be enough time to figure out what we were going to do about this little attraction. I carried my heels by my hands, playing with the straps as we silently walked towards the glowing lights of houses in the distance. " Con, you looked beautiful tonight. He took my arm and led me to the jetty on Jackson Lake where Al and I had been sunbathing. " So how successful was I as a date compared to last nights" he teased, His brows furrowed as he said it and I thought I noticed his chest tighten. I smiled and looked towards him " I thought you weren't my date Daniel" I played coy, hoping to see the annoyance in his face. He just went silent. As we nearly finished the walk to the end of the pier I did something that I never used to do, I spoke before I thought. " Lets go swimming" I said, I could almost see the confusion in his face "now?" I smiled at his face. " Your wearing underwear aren't you?" he nodded, even though it was dark I could still see the slight blush. I simply didn't care. " Okay, close your eyes and count to 10 then open them, oh yeah take off your trousers" I threw my dress on the wooden planks of the pier and sprinted to take a dive into the lake. It felt like 1000 daggers stabbing at me, it was so cold. I kept a straight face though, so that Danny would suffer to. " Jump in!" I encouraged. I heard the creaking underneath the boards as he sprinted and bombed into the lake. " JESUS" he said when he was in the water, "forgot to tell me it was freezing" he said. I could have sworn I saw his eyes dart to my underwear, then back to my face. I laughed nervously and dunked him under water. "You done it now" Danny screamed, I laughed tauntingly and took off in my most graceful front crawl towards the other side of the lake. I put my feet down on the north side of the lake, I felt the slime under my feet, I stood up exposing myself to the open. I simply didn't care. I felt someone tackle me back into the water " stay down" hushed Danny. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Mrs Parker walk out from the brush, my heart froze, not because of the icy water. " Danny, Connie?" " Hi Posie" we both said through forced smiles. She rolled her eyes, staring up our uncovered chests and carried on with her midnight walk.

I went to stand up again but I slipped, screamed and landed in Danny's arms, splashing him everywhere. I noticed how the water trickled off his tanned, perfect chest. " Thanks" I smiled; I looked up into his eyes and gasped. The moonlight reflected off them making them a maroon colour, I had never seen anything so amazing. I didn't realise I was staring at him for too long, that was when he slowly edged towards me, I felt my eyelids flutter closed, that was when he pressed his lips against mine ever so gently. I let my hands roam over his chest as he deepened the kiss and I tangled my fingers in his brown hair. It was I who pulled back, I remembered I was due home, if Rafe got home before us there would be questions. " We need to get home before Rafe, he'll wonder where we are" I spoke reluctantly. The look on his face was heart braking, almost as if I didn't want this, but I did. I reached over pressed my lips against his. I got out on to the brush and waited for him to get out. He actually looked like a Greek god emerging out of the sea. " Race you to the pier" I smiled. With that he ran, and boy did he run.

As we walked up to the drive of my house he turned us and gave me a hug " I had fun tonight Con" I smiled and reached up and pecked him on the cheek before sprinting barefoot up the drive, to where an anxious Rafe and Mamma were waiting. I sprinted upstairs, past Rafe and Mamma and into my small room where I looked out the window to see Danny walking down the road to his house, hands in pockets.

We never mentioned what happened at the lake after that, we just carried on as normal I would give him a hug whenever I saw him, though I would've much rather preferred to dive into those strong arms. I was starting to doubt the lake had been a dream but one day I saw Posie Parker sitting peacefully in the living room "Oh, Connie how's that beau of yours?" I nearly spat the tea out of my mouth. " Sorry Mrs Parker", " Connie McCawley, your beau that strapping young lad Daniel Walker" Luckily I heard the screen door slam shut which meant Mamma was home. " Mammas here for you now Posie" I sprinted out the room and went to go and find Danny, I didn't care what anyone said. I ran in the sun my dark brown curls swaying in the wind as I ran full pelt towards Danny and Rafe by the crop duster. " When are we going to tell them Rafe, they'll have to know we joined up someday" I stopped and looked at them the only friend I had ever known throughout my life, and my cocky brother, both I loved dearly. They were leaving me.