So we have finally reached the end of our journey, dear readers. I hope you like it.

Chapter 26


Kate felt exhausted as she slowly approached the half open door. After flying in from Texas on the private jet that some one, she had no idea who, had organised she had almost caused a scene at the airport. Thinking about it now caused her cheeks to burn with embarrassment. She had wanted to go with Castle to the hospital. She had insisted that she go with him. Captain Montgomery who had met the plane on the tarmac with a waiting ambulance had other ideas and ordered that she go back to the precinct with him as there were some things that had to be cleared up.

She had been on the point of exploding when Castle had told her to go with the captain, that he would be all right, they were taking him to the hospital for a check up and he would see her back at the the loft later on. Reluctantly she had agreed.

The morning and afternoon had passed in a blur of briefings and telephone calls to notify some people, though the most important calls, Castle's family and Lanie, Kate had done before the plane had left Texas. She had thanked a few people for their help. There were more briefings after the calls until she was almost dead on her feet. Captain Montgomery finally praised her unofficially for a good job, then put her in a squad car and sent her home to the loft.

At Castle's front door she had found Sergeant Mavros still standing guard. She had not wanted to meet him because of her disappearing act but he had been good about it when she tried to apologise. He sent her into the loft with the words that she owed him.

Stepping into the loft she was immediately swamped by two redheads and an over excited Medical Examiner. They all hugged her and peppered her with a barrage of questions. Kate tried to answer a few questions but her eyes kept darting in the direction of Castle's other women got the hint and let Kate go. The question and answer session could wait for another time.

Kate paused at the door and used her hand to comb back her hair she could not remember the last time she had run a brush though it. It was only at this moment that she realised that she was still wearing the military kit from earlier in the morning, minus the ballistic vest. In all that had gone on during the day she had forgotten to change clothes.

She pushed the door further open and found Castle sitting up in bed propped up against some pillows with his laptop open laying in his lap. He was busy typing away. She smiled as she watched him for a moment and was relieved to see that the colour had returned to his face. The swelling over his eye had begun to fade though the bruise was still stark.

"Hey Castle." she called out softly.


The bright beaming smile he sent in her direction sent a flutter through her heart. She returned his smile as she approached the bed.

"You look terrible." Castle remarked. He closed the laptop and set it on the side table.

"Gee thanks, Castle you sure say the nicest things to a girl."

", I mean you look exhausted." He corrected himself hurriedly.

"Well it has been a rough few days."

Castle nodded his head in understanding.

"When did you last sleep?" He asked, concerned.

Kate shrugged her shoulders. She could not remember how long it had been, what she did remember was it had been here in this bed.

Castle shifted across and patted the space he had vacated inviting her to sit down. Kate hesitated.

"I promise to keep my hands to myself." He said.

"It's not you I'm worried about." A look of shocked surprise appeared on her face when she had realised she had spoken the thought aloud.

Castle's eyebrows shot up in surprise. A smile spread across his face as he looked up at her.

"Why my dear Detective Beckett did I hear correctly? You're afraid that you wont be able to keep your hands of my body?" His eyebrows did a little dance, jumping up and down. "Should I be concerned about my virtue?"

"Shut up Rick."

Kate sat down on the edge of the bed. Castle reached out and took her hand in both of his immediately breaking his promise to her. Kate did not mind this broken promise. He squeezed her hand gently. Kate looked down at her hand covered by his larger hands and smiled. Lifting her gaze to his face her smile broadened, matching his own.

"How you feeling?" She asked.

"Much, much better now you're here."

"What did the doctors say?"

"He said I had a big boo boo here and here." Castle said as he pointed to his black eye and bruised jaw. "And I have an even bigger boo boo here." He pointed to his chest.

Kate rolled her eyes. "You're going to milk this for all the sympathy you can get, aren't you?"

"Oh absolutely." Castle chuckled.

"What did the doctors really say?"

"Just a couple of cracked ribs, mild concussion." He informed her. "I should be good as new in a couple of weeks."

Kate nodded her head, silently grateful that was all the extent of his injuries.

"I would have been here earlier but I had to brief the captain."

Castle nodded. "Are you in trouble?"

Kate shrugged her shoulders and then shook her head. She was sure she must have broken a few police regulations in leaving New York and going to Texas and helping to organise and then execute the rescue operation but she did not care. She would have broken many more if it meant getting the man who was sitting in the bed next to her. She was sure Captain Montgomery would have her back in any case.

Her eyes fell to her hand holding Castle's. She watched as his thumb slowly stroked her hand, providing silent comfort and assurance.

Castle studied Kate's face carefully and saw how truly exhausted she was. He had seen her exhausted many times before but this time she was beyond exhaustion.

"Come on, get in." He ordered suddenly.


"Get in." He said firmly. Then he grinned at her. "It's not as if you haven't slept in it before."

Kate looked at him. "Aren't you concerned about your virtue?"

"I'll take the risk."

Kate hesitated biting her lower lip.

"Look, Kate you're ready to collapse and as you know I'm in no condition to pick you up off the floor which I would do regardless. Get in." Castle said. "Besides we're either too tired or injured to do anything."

Kate nodded her head. She was too tired to argue with him. She removed her hand from his and unlaced the combat boots she was wearing and then removed them. Slowly she slid into bed, sidling up close to him. She was careful not hurt him. Castle put his arm around her shoulder, drawing her closer. Gently she rested her head against chest.

"Are you sure I'm not hurting you?" Kate asked, concerned

"I'll let you know." he assured her.

Kate felt his hand start to stroke her hair. She smiled as she closed her eyes. Her arm moved protectively across his stomach. For the first time in many days her concerns and worries melted away. She felt at peace.

"Umm...Kate?" Castle asked softly.


"If you were to get a snake tattoo what kind would it be?"

"What kind of question is that?" Kate said. She opened her eyes and turned to look up at Castle. "Are you on heavy pain meds or something?"

"Come on, humour me." Castle urged.

Kate thought about the question.

"That's easy." She announced after a moment. "Indian rock python."

She almost laughed at his puzzled look. She could almost see the gears in his head turning over as he pondered on her answer. The puzzled expression on Castle's face did not last long. He suddenly smiled as he remembered the case that had involved smuggling diamonds in pythons.

"Next question." He said eagerly. "Where would you put it?"

Kate gave him one of her customary death glares.

"OK, we'll put that in 'for you to know and for me to find out' file." Castle replied, looking suitably admonished.

Once more she rested her head against his chest and enjoyed him stroking her hair. From time to time he would lean down and kiss the top of her head which never failed to send a thrill coursing through her body.

"So you dreamt about me, Rick?" She said.

"All the time."

"You're going to have to tell me about the those dreams."

"Sure...well there was one where you were an intergalactic companion and I..."

"Rick." Kate said stopping him. "I didn't mean right now."

"Oh, right..."



The pull of sleep was growing ever stronger with each passing moment and she did not want to fight it.

"Kate?" Castle said in a low voice.


"In all the excitement of today I forgot to tell you something."

"Tell me in the morning, Rick." Kate murmured sleepily.

"No, I have to tell your right now."

It was the tone of his voice that made her curious. Opening her eyes she turned to look up at his face. The intense look on his face made her catch her breath and sent her heart racing madly.

"Thank you for getting me out."

Kate smiled up at him. "Always."

Lanie was ready to head for home and to her own man waiting there but she wanted to check on Castle one final time before she left and also to say her good-byes to Kate. She and Alexis walked into the bedroom and stopped dead in their tracks on finding Kate and Rick fast asleep in each others arms.

The young redhead turned to look at the medical examiner. They smiled at each other before they looked back to the bed.

"Now aint that the most beautiful picture you ever saw?" Lanie said with a chuckle.

"It is indeed." Alexis agreed, her face beaming.

The two women quietly left the bedroom closing the door on their way out.


Author's note: To everyone who has read this story thank you so much. Also a very big thank you to each and everyone who has taken the time to send a review with their thoughts, opinions and suggestions. I can't tell you how much I loved receiving them and how inspiring I found them. Thank you again.

I don't know when I'll be posting again as I don't have any stories on the go but I have a few ideas bubbling around in my head.

So until next time,

Peace, Love and Happiness
