"America, thank you for helping me to prepare this proposal." Ukraine softly broke the silence that they had been sitting in for almost ten minutes.

America looked up from the paper in front of him, wrinkling his nose. "It's no prob, Ukraine." He beamed his best smile at her before glancing back at the paper. "I still don't know why you'd want to join that European group when you could always join me…"

Ukraine raised an eyebrow, unable to keep a smile off her face. "Are you jealous, America?"

He twitched, startled. "N-no!" he denied, refusing to meet her eye. "I just think I'd treat you better is all."

"Well, I do appreciate your offer, but my people would rather join the EU." She stood up and walked over to give him a hug. "Thank you for helping my people. You are a real hero," she whispered the last part.

America turned bright red and gave an awkward laugh. "Again, it's no problem," he choked out.

Ukraine chuckled and returned to her seat. "Next—"

America simultaneously slammed a hand on the table and snapped his fingers. "I've got it!"

Now it was Ukraine's turn to be startled. "H-huh?"

"How you can be accepted by those guys!" He was out of his seat, eyes shining with exuberance. "Act all grumpy, grow thick eyebrows, and develop an addiction to tea!"


"Or an addiction to wurst! And get all stern and strict over things!"


"Better yet!" He rushed over to her, pulling her hands into his, looking her straight in the eye. "Declare yourself the big sister of the world and start groping everyone and claiming that you're a master of love!"

Ukraine forced a smile. "America, I do not—"

"And naps! You should nap every afternoon! Then wake up and eat tons of pasta! Or conquer Europe! All of those guys seemed to try to take over Europe at least once in their histories! You should, too! Or—or—"

"America!" Ukraine exclaimed, pulling her hands from his. "Be reasonable. I am not going to act like the other European countries…" She dropped her glance, looking down at her hands. "Besides, I thought you liked me as I am," she muttered.

America came crashing back down to Earth. "What? But, I do like you as you are! I just…" He frowned sighed. "I was just trying to help. They keep claiming that you don't really fit in, you know? I thought maybe your acting more like them would help them accept you."

"Oh, America." Ukraine gave a sad smile. "It is fine, really. We will work on this proposal and it will be… awesome?"—America couldn't help but smile at this— "And if they do not accept me, then we will work on a new one and sooner or later, I will be in the EU. No personality changes needed."

America nodded. "That sounds like a great plan!" He sat back down, pushing the paper with his pen. "Hey, let's say we get a burger first? We can't write an awesome proposal without a full stomach!"

Laughing, Ukraine nodded. "Cheeseburgers for us both and then back to the proposal. My treat? It is the least I can do to thank you."

America stood, holding his hand out to Ukraine who hesitantly took it. "No way. My idea, my treat. Besides, a gentleman always pays for his lady."

"Oh, now you are starting to sound like England."

America winked and leaned over to kiss her on the cheek.


(Notes: This was based on some research and articles I found. Ukraine apparently wants to join the EU and America is willing to support Ukraine in her efforts to become more fully integrated into Europe.

Another note: [ community livejournal com/ help_japan / 2978 html?thread=130466#t130466 ] is my thread in the charity auction over at Livejournal if anyone would like to bid. I'm offering two fics at 1000 minimum for a starting bid of $5. )