Hey guys. I just wanted to say, that this is the last chapter of The Guide to Becoming Human. It's mainly because I'm busy with exams coming up, but I will be writing again soon. I decided to make this chapter extra-long (eek!) so I hope you enjoy it.

"In every life, there is a pile of good things…bad things…the good things don't always soften the bad things, but the bad things don't always spoil the good things, or make them unimportant" - The Doctor


She crumpled to the floor, falling away from her daughters arms. Her limp, lifeless body laid there, blood beginning to seep through the dark grey jumper that clung to her small frame. The gun fell out of Christa's hand, clattering on to the wooded floor. This did not interest Adam, as the urge to tear her mother's body to pieces was slowly beginning to take hold. He stumbled backwards, bumping into the sofa. He clutched his face, desperate to try and keep the smell of the blood away, but it was too late. He could feel the darkness pressuring down on him, his jaw beginning to grow a new pair of teeth. Adam blinked rapidly, trying to keep it away, but he couldn't. It was who he was. A hissing grew louder, pounding in his ears, it took a couple of seconds to realise that it was originating from the back of his throat. He had just prepared to lunge forward when a large hand knocked him backwards, sending him flying over the sofa and landing on the coffee table. The vampire was gone. He was just Adam again. A dull aching pain started to throb in the lower area of his back as he clambered off the collapsed table, to face the scene once more. He tugged at the collar of his t-shirt and pulled it over his nose, not that it would mask the smell, but it was worth a try. Tom glared at him before walking over to Christa, his arm sliding around her shoulders. A pang of guilt and jealousy ran through his veins, shaking him with anger that Tom was comforting her. Adam should be the one doing that job. She was his girlfriend! For fuck sake. It was so obvious that Tom liked her. It was almost as if he was slowly taking her away from him, pulling them apart. Those innocent eyes had a lot of evil behind them. The only way to make him back off was… no. He couldn't do that. He would never do that- the fuzziness of his mind whirling meant that he forgot what was happening right in front of his eyes. Tom's arm had no moved down to Christa's waist, pulling her closer, into his chest. Adam dropped the collar of his jumper and moved forward. He ignored the overriding coppery smell of blood, and moved towards the two. It was like Tom was forcing her to hug him, as it had now turned into an awkward embrace. She seemed to be frozen to the spot, still staring at where her mother lay. How dare he take advantage of her! He began to walk faster now, his feet dragging slightly. He reached the back of Tom, it only just sunk in how tall he really was. He had managed to knock him backwards at quite a force, he didn't really want to be hit at full pelt in the face. Adam coughed, to try and get their attention. But they both ignored him. He coughed again, louder. They didn't flinch. All of a sudden Adam noticed the woman standing next to him. She glared at him before moving forwards, before stopping in her tracks as she noticed herself lying on the floor, a pool of her own blood surrounding her. Adam searched desperately around the room for her door…but he couldn't find it. Oh God…no! She can't stay! Matt walked in front of Christa and Tom, for he had noticed her too. The look of alarm on his face was what told them to turn around. Christa turned slowly, revealing to Adam that her eyes were red and swollen. Her first reaction to seeing her mother's ghost was the same as his, she searched around the room to see if the door had appeared. He could hear her breath picking up, her heart pounding against her chest. He stepped towards her, taking her hand in his and squeezing it. It was the only way he could reassure her without speaking. They would have to be careful of the things they said in front of a dead, crazy, alcoholic and drug-dealing maniac.

'What have you done to me?' The woman lifted a bony finger and pointed towards her body. Christa's lip started to tremble, so Adam gently pushed her behind him.

'This may come as…a bit of a shock…' – he hesitated, making eye contact with Matt, who nodded, urging him to carry on speaking – 'basically, you're dead'

She stared straight at him, right into his eyes. It made Adam slightly uncomfortable, so he shifted around and fiddled with the pockets in his jeans. She let out a nervous laugh.

'Is this some kind of joke? You children, you never realise that jokes can lead to things happening…bad things' she tutted under her breath, but Adam could tell she was scared when no one spoke.

'This is a joke' She frowned at Adam. Matt appeared behind her, making her jump.

'Who the hell are you?'

'Funny you should mention hell, since that's where you will be going soon' her head whipped round to meet Adam's gaze again.

'Stop it' She growled under her breath, shaking.

'Who are you? What have you done to me?'

Adam shrugged casually.

'I told you. You're dead'

She shook her head, in denial of her new found form of 'life'.

'This is ridiculous! I'm not dead…no, I can't be! STOP LYING TO ME!' She lunged forward, trying to lash out at Adam, but Tom grabbed her arm and pulled her backwards with a jolt. She wriggled around in his grasp, but finally gave up with defeat after she realised she was going no-where. She panted heavily, now glaring at Adam who had retreated to leaning on the back of the sofa.

'If I'm dead, then how come you can see me?'

Christa couldn't take it anymore. It had become too much for her. She had just killed her mother, and Adam was acting like it was all okay! What did this mean? Would have to go to prison? She walked away from them and into the kitchen. Adam heard a chair scraping at the floor and faint sobbing noises. He hesitated before speaking again, not knowing whether he should trust this woman.

'We're supernatural' Tom piped up. Christa's mother snorted at this.

'Oh PLEASE! Am I on some crap prank show? I think we all know, this isn't funny' Once again, she panicked when the expression on Adam's face stayed completely serious.

'I want to go!' She tried to pull away from Tom again, which prompted him to tighten his grip. She gasped as he held onto her, and ceased her movement instantly.

Adam whistled in a mocking way.

'You act like such a child. How old are you?'

She seemed reluctant to answer the question, as it was odd he would ask such a thing in the midst of everything that was happening.

'45' she whispered, her voice now hoarse from her ranting. Adam chuckled to himself.

'And I'm older than you! Haha! Ahem…Anyway , let's get down to business. You're supposed to pass over' – he made an action with his hands to mimic this – 'to the 'Other Side'. You're supposed to walk through a door, heaven or hell…' Adam felt a bit uncomfortable being the one to tell her that she was most likely going to hell, considering the way she had been acting. Adam managed to shake this off, reminding himself that she seemed to deserve everything she got.

'The door. Well, technically speaking, your door. It hasn't come. You have some unfinished business to attend to before you can pass over'

Her laughter filled the air, just like it did when she was alive. And drunk. And was about to kill. A thrill of anger ran up his spine. He wouldn't be able to stand her on a regular basis, how did Christa do it? The constant drinking…the drugs…the hatred that made this being…although Adam was supernatural, he was almost certain that Christa's mother was something else. A creature of hell, a masked Satan, in the form of a human. Satan. The thought of something religious made his stomach churn slightly. But the thing that bugged Adam more so than ever, is that Christa had never mentioned her mum much. He realised maybe she was having a bit of problem at home, otherwise why would she want to move out? But seriously…just an insight into what she was living with, it made him really wonder how much she had to put up with. He wanted to know the truth. About everything. About her dad. What really happened. When she told him 'everything' about when she was turned, she had said that her dad ran off. She'd lied…his head began to spin. If she lied about that, what else had she not told him?

A brisk knocking at the door interrupted Adam's thinking. Who was that? He certainly wasn't expecting anyone. Not now. Out of the corner of his eye the dead body lay, the blood that had seeped from her chest had now sunk into the wood.

A muffled sound came from outside the flat.

'Hello? Is everyone okay? I heard something and wanted to check everything was all right' a female voice drifted through, making everyone go silent. Adam held up his hand to stop anyone from speaking. Christa's mother saw this and smiled slyly. She breathed in, before screaming at a high pitch. Adam was shocked by this, several things happened at once as a result. The front door flung open and a girl of around seventeen stumbled in. Damn…Adam knew he should keep that locked more. Tom wrapped his arms around the woman's neck, dragging her to sit on the sofa. The girl looked around at her surroundings. Her blue eyes were the definitive feature of her face, from a few metres away Adam could tell how beautiful she was. A blue t-shirt clung onto her curvy figure, black jeans showing off her slender legs. Long, shiny blonde hair flowed down past her shoulders, bouncing every time she moved. Her eyes locked with Adams, before she started to topple backwards. Her hang flung to her mouth as she noticed the woman lying on the floor, covered in blood. Any normal person would think that it was from shock. Adam was the only one who noticed the fangs descending into her mouth, a flicker of black taking over her blue eyes. She clung onto the door frame with one hand, the other covering half of her face. Matt walked towards her, thinking she couldn't see him, but she could. She started shaking before trying to pull herself away, running down the hall. Adam instinctively went after her. He made a hurried apology to Tom, who was still holding onto Christa's mother by the neck.

Adam sprinted down the hallway after the girl.

'Hey! Come back!'

The girl ran on, ignoring his shouts. She reached the top of the stairs and looked over her shoulder at him, not realising that the step was closer than she thought. Her foot slipped, sending her toppling over the edge, flailing her arms in the air. Adam had managed to reach her in time to stop her; he grabbed hold of her wrist and yanked her backwards, making them both land in a heap on the floor, panting. She let herself catch her breath before sitting up, looking down at Adam who was lying on the floor, grinning at her.

'Who are you?'

She stared down at him, into him, into his soul. He wanted to chuckle in response to her question, but there was something that had taken his breath away. Her eyes; they weren't just ordinary eyes. The information behind them, the stories, the sights she had seen, were constantly playing in her mind, over and over again; like a tape recorder stuck on repeat.

'Adam…my name is Adam Jacobs' His voice came out croaky and childlike, not what he had expected. He laughed it off, but stopped when the expression on her face stayed completely serious. The girl shook her head and looked at him again.

'No…I meant what are you?'

She awaited his answer eagerly, now sitting on the floor with her legs crossed. Adam sat up and faced her, frowning.

'I'm like you' He responded at her, making as much eye contact as possible until she broke away, staring down the stairs at a woman.

'Celia? What on earth are you doing there? Come now, this instant!' The woman beckoned her down whilst glaring at Adam.

Celia. It was an unusual name, but beautiful. It matched her in every way; soft and shy. Celia.

She got up off the ground and Adam mirrored this, gently touching her arm before she walked away.

'Don't say anything about the woman in my flat. I'm sorting it out. Do you live here?' He whispered it so the lady at the bottom of the stairs couldn't hear.

Celia shook her head, her eyes wide, with what seemed to be fear.

'I'm visiting someone…you're like me? How-'

She was cut off from her sentence when the woman shouted her name again. Celia stared at Adam again, and he felt his stomach turn upside down. The same feeling he had with Christa…

'Come see me, next week. We need to talk'

Celia nodded to this mutely, and walked down the stairs. He watched her leave, the woman pulling at her arm as if she was a dog.



Christa had probably just about cried enough this morning. It had sort of ruined her reputation of being a moody bitch that didn't care about anything, but this time it was worth it. Her head pounded with what seemed to be a migraine, her eyes were fuzzy and she could hardly be bothered to stand up. Matt came scurrying in, shouting something in his heavy accent, but she just couldn't understand.

'Stop shouting at me' Christa groaned as she rested her head on the table.

'Wa'? I'm not shoutin' at all'

What was she going to do? When she was hugging her mum, the gun was right there. Christa took her chances and pulled it out of her mother's hand, shooting her through the chest. It had to be done. Didn't it? She thought it was for the best. Killing her mum meant she didn't have to run away anymore, she could be free. Oh no. But her mother was dead…if the police found out she would be taken into care…

It took a few seconds to realise that today was her 18th birthday. She really was free. Christa wouldn't have to go and live with some old relative that smelled of fish, because technically she was now an adult. That's if she doesn't go to jail.

The shouts from her mum's ghost had stopped now, which was odd. She stood up from the table slowly, careful not to make a sudden movement which would make her head feel worse. Matt followed her into the living room, where Christa saw the dead body. Like any normal person, it would have to take days for her to really come to terms with the fact that her mother was dead. The body. What would they do with a woman's body? The full moon wasn't until the fifteenth. She couldn't exactly eat it anyway…it would be weird.

Deborah was sitting on the sofa, her eyes almost bulging out of her face and her skin was pale white. That was to be expected though, since she was dead. Tom was explaining something to her quietly.

When she noticed Christa her attention shifted from Tom to her daughter. She rose from the sofa, Tom touched her arm gently but she shook him off.

Christa could feel herself moving backwards, walking away from her as she drew nearer.

'Stay away from me' she whispered. She would have said it louder but her headache still burned in her skull.

Her mother ignored this and carried on walking. Christa had half expected Tom to stand up and pull her away, but he stayed sat on the sofa. Matt lingered by her side, not really sure of what to do.

'That man…h-he said he was… like you?' Deborah spoke in a mousy tone, the way that Christa was used to hearing. The drunk, drug-dealing obsessed cow was her mother on weekends, but whilst she was working during the week she decided not to be so… nonchalant.

Christa's mind wondered to Tom. What could he have possibly said to a ghost in denial, to calm her down?

She realised that she hadn't answered her mother's question, so she nodded feebly in reply.

'He said that… t-to be happy, I would have to…apologize' Deborah accentuated the last word with force, almost like she was demanding herself to say it. Like it was an effort. Christa narrowed her eyes and started to walk towards her. It was when she had turned 14 that she overtook her mother in height, so now she towered over the lady.

'I would love to see the day when you apologize, properly. Because people like you can never be happy. You relish in other people's misery. I hope for everyone's sake that you go to hell'

Christa sighed as her head pounded, but it was worth it. Everything was finally said. Now all she wanted was for her door to appear, her mother to go, so she could finally move on and forget. If that was even possible.

Deborah started to sob loudly. 'Ugh, what an emotional wreck' Christa thought. Yeh, she might be a bit of a hypocrite considering what she had been like for the past few months, but it was partly because of the things that her 'mother' put her through. She deserved everything, everything she got.

She was trying to say something, but through the load sobs it was hard to comprehend. It sounded like 'grime lorry' which didn't make much sense…

Her mum repeated this over and over, lots of 'lorries' and tears. Christa raised an eyebrow at Tom who shrugged.

After about 2 minutes of hysterics, Christa rubbed her temples in frustration. Her eyes were beginning to fuzz again because of all the crying.

'grime lorry mister! Grime mealy lorry!'

She squinted her eyes, trying to dissect the odd code, to figure out what she was saying.

'Pie ont doo wissen oo ee?'

Christa frowned at the woman. She was clearly a nut case. What on earth? She couldn't understand anything! Suddenly she felt the presence of Matt next to her, a little too close for comfort. His lips were almost touching her ear, which made a shiver run down her spine.

'Wa' I fink she's tryin' to say, is that she's sorry'

Oh. That makes more sense…how could she be so stupid?

Maybe that's what her unfinished business is. To say sorry for her mistakes.

Christa searched the room expectantly, wanting her mother's door to appear.

Adam walked in the front door and noticed the sobbing woman. He frowned before Tom beckoned him over.

He walked over reluctantly, and Tom said something quietly in his ear. Adam nodded with agreement, then rested on the back of the sofa like he did earlier, watching Christa and her mother.

What? Is there some sort of 'secret pact' going on, and she is the only one that didn't know about it?

'I suppose I should accept your apology then'

Christa mumbled her response and looked at her feet. Her mother started to cry louder now, it was getting a tad annoying.

A strange 'ting' noise made Christa turn around, to see a door appear. It unlocked itself, then creaked open, to reveal a black hole. A cold draft came through which made her shiver again. Hell.

Deborah's sobbing ceased instantly. She stared at the door, her mouth gaping open.

'Is that my-'

'Door. Yes. It's hell' Adam cut in, walking over to stand next to Christa. Her mother's eyes flickered between the door and the two of them, her mouth twitching nervously. Adam smelt the blood from the body again and covered his nose with his sleeve.


Christa nodded.

'Why? Why…hell? No…' She backed away from them and the door, only to bump into Tom who had got off the sofa.

'Now' – Adam said, smiling mischievously –'are you going to pass over on your own, or do we have to make you?'

She stuttered some excuse before looking at Adam rather sheepishly.


She whispered but he could still hear. He nodded before gesturing towards the door.

'Oh, you never know. You might make some nice friends over there' Adam grinned at Christa, but she wasn't in the mood for jokes.

'Please don't make me go there'

This game of innocence was really starting to get on Christa's nerves. She was so close to pushing her through the door, like they did with Roe.

'Leave.' Her voice was firm, glaring at her mother. She saw Deborah flinch slightly at her daughter's stare, and then began to step forward.

Her legs were shaking. Actually, her whole body was shaking. The wooden floor creaked as she stepped closer to her fate. She walked around her body, her mouth trembling as she looked at what used to be her. The coppery smell of her blood lingered in the air, which was slightly revolting to Christa as well as Adam.

Deborah walked up to the door until she was about a foot away. A gust of cold blew into the room and she clenched up her fists.

She turned and ran for her life. Adam, being a quick responder, grabbed her hair and pulled her backwards, making her yelp in the process. Tom bounded over, holding her under the arms, before pushing her forwards and into the door. It slammed shut, ringing in Christa's ears.

Everyone in the room was silent, until the door disappeared. Adam let out a sigh of relief and Tom panted heavily.

What was there left to do now? Run from the police?

'The body' Christa whispered.

'It'll be fine, won't it? Don't worry. It'll be fine. It has to be. We'll say she shot herself'

Adam stuttered as he walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist, engulfing her in a tight hug. Her head rest on his shoulder as she squeezed her eyes shut, wanting to forget the world.


A strong sense of déjà vu hit Adam, as police and forensics buzzed around the apartment building. It was just like when Matt died. They had been asked to leave after a while; they wanted to 'evacuate the whole floor'. Before they called the police, Adam used a piece of cloth to move the gun into Deborah's hand. He couldn't risk Christa's fingerprints being found, and tried to interview her. She would crack, and tell them everything. He had told the police that she wasn't there when it had happened, she had gone to the loo.

She was sitting on the bench with a shawl wrapped around her shoulders, the ambulance crew insisted, since her mother just died. They thought she was struggling with shock. She was, but for the wrong reasons.

Adam sauntered over to her, a paper cup of tea from the local hot dog stand in his hand. He sat next to her and passed the drink over, without saying a word. She sipped at it quietly and stared at the uniformed men and women walking around in front of them.

'Do you ever imagine…what life would be like?' Christa gazed at Adam, studying his facial features.

'I think about it all the time. Do you think about what life would be like if you didn't get attacked?'

She nodded slowly. Adam entwined his fingers together and stretched, they clicked with the movement.

'I think 'what if' every day. But only for a fraction of a second. There isn't any point wasting what I have thinking about what could have been. Why do you ask?'

Christa hesitated before she spoke, putting her paper cup on the floor.

'I just don't know how I'm going to live for the rest of my life…knowing that I'm a murderer. That there is a possibility I can kill again'

Adam sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

'Christa, we need to talk'

She nodded, staring at the ground.

'Your mum said you killed your dad. But you told me he ran off'

She didn't reply for a good two minutes. Adam tapped his feet on the ground, waiting for her response. Or her excuse.

'It's true'

'Which one?'

'I killed him'

Adam froze. Partly because of shock but mainly because he was angry for the lies she said. He thought they could share everything. Obviously not.

'It was an accident. It was a full moon…and my first time, dad didn't know, he heard me screaming and came to see if I was alright and…' she closed her eyes and sighed.

'Why didn't you tell me' Adam said through gritted teeth.

'Because…you were so proud to have never killed before. I'm a murderer' Christa whispered the last word, before biting her lip and turning to face away from him.

'It's only a matter of time before I'm the same. Christa why didn't you tell me? The fact that you lied is much worse than the truth' Adam tapped his fingers on the side of the bench in frustration.

'I was ashamed! I killed my own dad, I tore him to pieces and you think it's alright just to tell everyone like it's no big deal?'

Adam's head snapped up, their eyes meeting.

'I'm not 'just everyone' Christa. I thought I was the one you could confide in'

'You are, I just wasn't ready-'

'When were you going to be ready then? Huh Christa? When were you gunna tell me? A couple of days, maybe months, or a few years from now? Who cares anyway. It had to be your mother who told me'

'Everything all right over here?' A large man dressed in a fluorescent jacket walked over, eyeing them both suspiciously, whilst raising an eyebrow. Adam coughed and itched his head, then smiled up at the man.

'Fine, thanks officer'

The man nodded.

'You're Adam Jacobs?'


'Is it alright if I ask you some questions about the Suicide of Deborah Stammers?'

Adam's eyes flickered to meet Christa's, before he got off the bench and walked over to a police car with the officer.

'Okay' – the man sighed as he opened his notebook around half way through – 'tell me what happened from the start'

Adam breathed in heavily and rubbed his eyes.

'Well, I think she came to see Christa. It was obvious she was drunk and drugged up'

'What time was this roughly?'

'Around half nine in the morning'

The man wrote quickly in his notebook, before nodding, signalling Adam to continue.

'She was a wreck. Crying and shouting at me. Christa came out from the bedroom because of all the noise and made it pretty clear that she didn't want to see her mum'

'Why do you think Mrs Stammers came to your apartment?'

'It's Christa's birthday today. Eighteen'

The police man frowned.

'If she has only just turned eighteen, what was she doing living with you?'

Adam racked his brains, trying to come up with an excuse.

'Her mum was abusing her. She wasn't living with me, just wanted a place to crash for a few days. You understand'

'How old are you again?'

'I turned eighteen four months ago'

'Okay. Can you remember what Mrs Stammers was shouting when she came to your apartment?'

'erm…well, just random shit'

The officer raised an eyebrow at Adam.

'Anything in particular?'

'Just that Christa should be at home with her family on her birthday'

'I spoke to Miss Stammers a while ago, she said that her mother was accusing her for the murder of Mark Stammers, her father, who died early last year. Is this true?'

Adam nodded feebly, out of the corner of his eye he spotted Tom sitting next to Christa, wrapping his arm around her. For once he didn't care.

'Christa has been a private person for a while, you know, keeps herself to herself sorta thing. She hadn't told me about her dad before today'

'Why do you think that is?'

'it's a private thing I guess. She told me she has been having a really tough time at home and would rather not talk about it'

'Right. Mr Jacobs, can you tell me what happened leading up to Mrs Stammers death? ' the officer tapped his pen on the notepad, making Adam more nervous.

'erm…well, Tom McNair was in the apartment. He had managed to calm her down, and sit her on the sofa. Christa went to the loo, like I said, then her mum got a gun out and ran into the middle of the room. We tried to stop her but she had already shot herself by then'

'Mr Jacobs, can you tell me why it took so long for you to call the police, or an ambulance?'


'I have just spoken to a forensics team. They said that she had been dead at least an hour before they arrived'

'Oh yeh, well Christa came back from the loo because she heard the shot and I couldn't calm her down. Tom went and tried to get help but no one was around. We tried to get through to 999 but it was busy. We really didn't know what to do'

Adam could feel himself sweating under the pressure. Finally the officer stopped writing and faced him, staring him in the eye. He ripped off the piece of paper and gave it to Adam before walking off.

I know what you are. You need to run. They are coming for you and your friends. The questions were just for precautionary measures, I couldn't speak to you out loud just in case someone heard. My daughter was attacked a few months ago. Her name is Celia Crastway, you met her this morning. Her phone number is on the back. I am leaving her in your care. Look after her, she deserves the best. When you finish reading this, get rid of it. Burn it to pieces. Get Celia and your friends and take the 6H981 train and leave Wales. Don't say why. Just do it.

Adam glanced over his shoulder at Christa and Tom. Matt was now sitting with them, and they were talking normally. He sighed and stared at the note again. They would never be normal, and neither would he.

How to be a Vampire is coming soon. Subscribe to 'Author alert' to make sure you get to read it first.

This is a one off preview for the sequel to The Guide to Becoming Human:

Someone once told me, that the way to stay true was to surround yourself with good people. 89 years ago, I did just that. I found loyal, good people to keep me grounded. They taught me the rights and wrongs, helped me through my rough patches. I'm not saying that they didn't have their problems either. I think it's fair to say that we helped each other. Being Human was a little dramatic at times. Well, that's a bit of an understatement. Being supernatural is dramatic, 24/7. But these people were the ones who kept me on the wagon, told me the true morals of life, and made a simple statement of 'shit happens'. Indeed it does. I think I can tell that you agree. The reason why I write this today is because I have been reminded of the love I received from them. Reminded of the times we shared. I saw one of my closest friends get everything she ever wanted. I saw her pass over, knowing that she had made her mark on the world, which she never thought she would have the chance to do. My other friend passed over with happiness in his heart, something he didn't have the time in which he was living. He had to be murdered before he found what he was looking for. What I'm trying to say is, whatever life you lead, live it. Use it to the best of your advantage. Maybe there is something you have always wanted to do, but have put it on hold because the people around you have pointed out the negatives. What about the positives? I took chances. I dived straight into the deep end. What did I get? I had gained friends, for ever. Now it's your turn to do the same. This story is my view of the world. I am retelling it to you hoping you understand that you are lucky to be normal.

I wish you all the best,

Adam Jacobs.