So, my finals are done for winter quarter and my week off begins now. In light of this joyous occasion, I have decided to celebrate by posting the sequel to "Partners of Paradox." Don't worry, though. I'll still continue POP but maybe at a slower rate.

I started POC (if that works) because POP was getting pretty long. That and it focused mainly on the first season – with the exception of two season 2 episodes. I wanted to make a new compilation for season 2, and thus, POC was made.

And I'll still be giving you riddles to solve. How's that? Enjoy.


Partners of Compatibility

They were a paradox in every sense of the word.

And yet, they were so compatible.

They were a harmonious pair, working together with a consistency that had turned partner into friend and had solved many cases that may have gone on unsolved if not for the bond that connected both thought and trust.

They were a FBI special agent and a reformed convict.

Alone, they were incomplete and broken. Without the ex-con, the agent was blind and deaf. Only the ex-con could infiltrate the target's location, providing the agent with visual and audible evidence that could be used to their advantage. Without the agent, the ex-con was vulnerable and unprotected. Only the agent stood by his side, ready to defend to ensure the mission was completed without injury or death.

But together, there was purpose. Together, they were a force not to be underestimated. Together, they were unstoppable, confident in the other's abilities to serve and protect. Together, they stood side by side, back to back; fully prepared to defend and fight for the other whether the opponent was a threat of separation or the threat of a gun.

In the face of such a threat, there was no doubt. The one trusted the other completely and words were not needed to confirm it. A single look, the simple act of putting his hand on his shoulder; even a smile spoke volumes.

Neal and Peter were partners. Compatible partners.

A combination of skills, strengths, abilities, and thoughts, creating a harmony that, despite its occasional dissonance, rang true.


In this, "compatible" means able to exist, live, or work together without conflict, and not what dating sites are selling. I'm showing how well the partners work together; no slash. Just bromance.

Riddles start with the next chapter. This was just the prologue, similar to that at the beginning of POP actually.
