A/N: Hi there! I present to you my Fairy Tail fanfic! Yay! Before anything else I'd like to say thank you for even having the slightest interest with this. This means so much to me. Again, thank you! But be warned. This is my first fanfic so this might suck. Teehee! But I'll try to become better since I'm planning this to be a collection of oneshots. Well then, here goes...aaah, wait. Please remember to leave a review or some kind of constructive criticism. Right. Here's my debut story!

Disclaimer: Fairy Tail? Not mine.

The thing about writers, inspiration doesn't come to them when they need it. When they decide to work on their story or continue a novel, they just don't seem to find the right words to make the scenario whole. So when does inspiration come? It comes when they least expect it. When they're about to sleep, the moment they close their eyes, ideas pop and roam around their heads. When they're walking their usual path home, creativeness kicks in. When they're out having a good time with some friends, a tale tells itself. Convenient, huh? Just when a paper's out of reach or a pen's nowhere to be found, pictures start painting themselves on a writer's mind. Well, I may only be a novice writer but I believe I speak for even the pros out there. I'm not making an excuse for still not finishing my novel but really now! I just can't seem to focus.

My clock says it's about time for me to go to the guild but I haven't even added a single line on my novel yet. Erza mentioned about a new mission but maybe I'll just sit this one out. I'm way behind my writing schedule; not that I have a publisher to answer to, but still! I can still hold out for my rent so I'm fine for now.

Oh right, I have to answer to Erza's wrath for my absence but I'm pretty sure she won't kill me. Teehee!

Gray will probably just ignore my lack of presence which is just fine for me and good for Juvia.

Ah right! Natsu.

Now that one right there might be a problem. I'm pretty sure Erza's wrath would be nothing against Natsu's annoyance. Oh maaaan, he's gonna be so pissed at me, he'll never stop asking why I wasn't there and he'd probably NEVER stop talking about what I've missed. And Happy would definitely be adding fuel to the fire.

No! I will not falter. I'll stick to my decision of staying home and writing this novel of mine. Levy has been waiting forever and now Lisanna has been added to my list of I'll-read-it-first-before-anyone-else. And my unnamed fans are out there waiting for my epic novel. Right! I'll have to finish this soon and attend my first-ever autograph signing event.

Ack! All these monologue just made me more story-deprived!

Guess I'll just go out for today then. Maybe this mission can give a good twist for my novel.

"LUCY! Where are you? We're going!"

Ah. That's Natsu. Just on time.

"Hey Luuuucy?"

Happy's here too huh. Better answer them now before they tear my apartment apart.

"Be there in a sec."

I'll just leave my novel for now. I might not be able to finish anytime soon but I'm pretty sure setting out on an adventure with Natsu and the others will certainly give me a tale to tell.


Reviews please! By the way, I have an Inuyasha fanfic as well.. You might wanna check that one out tool. Personally, that was a whole lot better than this. Thank you for reading. Till next time. Ciao! :)