Nero stepped into the shower and sighed. The piping hot water cascaded down his well built body, washing away blood, dirt and venom from his last little disagreement. Slowly he felt his muscles loosen and slowly begin to relax under the hot stream. He grabbed the soap and began to scrub at his skin. He scrubbed almost until bleeding point. He just couldn't seem to get this strange smell off his skin. It had been lingering on him for at least one month. He initially thought it had to do with the invasion last month. What with all the exposure to venom and demon blood. But normally that would have cleared by now. The thing that drove him crazy was that it was sort of coming from under his skin. But only he could smell it! The smell was musky and sweet all at once. It wasn't really a bad smell but it wasn't his and it was driving his demon insane. It wouldn't stop growling and it was constantly snapping at him. It was even worse at night he whispered things to him. Things like "just do it already" he didn't even want know what it was! And not to mention how it would constantly it would whine for him. Dante. His demon lately had become obsessed by the older hunter. Nero blushed at the thought of the other man and how he would smirk at him and grin his little smart assed what! He sounded like a school girl! Shaking his head, he mentally screamed at himself to shut the fuck up! It was so wrong. He was a man! And not just any man it was that cocky bastard Dante! He grit his teeth in frustration. That smell was driving him crazy! Because it smelled like him! Nero bent his head against the white tiles of the shower. He had spent weeks avoiding it but it looked like he would have to pay a visit to a certain devil hunter. Whether he liked it or not, his demon purred, obviously content that they would get to see the older man soon.

"Nero! If you go to see that man, we are finished!" Kyrie screamed from the kitchen. Nero was completely taken back by her reaction. When he emerged from his steamy bathroom after showering. He mulled over whether he should tell her or not. Because he didn't plan to be away for too long, so he decided against telling her. But when she came waltzing into his apartment and saw his packed bag, she demanded an explanation. Nero, who had been backed into a corner by the red haired woman, had been forced to tell her about his little day trip. Kyrie was not amused. She threw her arms up into the air and began ranting about how the city was dangerous and was full of sin.

"For fucks sake Kyrie!" Nero shot back. Not caring about cursing. "What's so bad about me going to see Dante? Why the fuck are you so against it! It's not like I'm going to go and rob a bank or fucking go and get stoned!" She stood with her fists clenched at her sides. Her slender frame was completely rigid and was shaking slightly. Nero had never seen his girlfriend in such a state. But true enough she had been acting pretty fucked up for the past few weeks. Ever since Dante left actually. Then it struck him like lightning.

"Kyrie?" He began. "Are you jealous of Dante?" A huge pink blush crept onto her pale face. She took a step back. And shouted at him "N-no! What's wrong with you what would I be jealous! I-I-I-I'm not jealous of him!"

"You are! I knew it why!" Nero asked his voice raising a few octaves. She tried to blurt more bullshit but Nero held his hand up, cutting her stupid rant off. "Why?" he growled. " I DON'T!"

"JUST TELL ME WHY!" He was shocked at himself. They should both be laughing about this not screaming at one another. But it was something about her. There was something other than jealousy in her eyes. Disgust? Malice? Hatred? Was it because of what they were? He and Dante. Was it the demon she had come to hate or was it him? He had been asking himself that question for a while. He lowered his head and clenched his fists. In a dangerous voice he only used when he was seriously pissed off he said;

"It's not just about Dante! And if I don't walk out that door I bet we would have wrapped this up within the week. It's not about who I am It's about what I am. I want to go places ON MY OWN and do things ON MY OWN, but you won't let me, you're holding me down and only I'm holding you back! We are through!"

"Fine then! If that's what you want…"

"It really is"

Kyrie raised her head high and turned swiftly on her heel. She proudly marched to the door. Before leaving she turned and looked over her shoulder at him. "Well good bye then! Mr. INDEPENDENT!"

With a powerful slam of his front door, that sent the shelves shaking and the floorboards tremble. Nero was freed form a dead end relationship, with a religious extremist. Instead of mourning the love he had just lost. He threw his head back and with absolutely no regret he laughed, till he was bent over and joyful tears where streaming down his smiling face. Nero felt as if a ten ton weight had been lifted from his chest, mind and shoulder. He bent down and grabbed his bag, before strapping red queen onto his back and shoving blue rose into her holster. Then, without so much as a single glance back. He left his dim and damp apartment. And set himself on course to the city. To inquire that bastard Dante on what the fuck was up with this smell. And hopefully squeeze some cash out of him while he was at it!