As promised an update!

As always none of these characters belong to me I am just playing with Jasper….

Chapter 9: A single touch can change the world

Major POV

As the Lieutenant lunged towards our mate I felt Jasper instinctively retreat and allow me to the front. He did so willingly. Whenever Jasper has needed to unleash the fiercest of our instincts, whenever he has had to become the kind of vampire legends are made of he has always allowed me to take over. I am anger, vengeance, pain and strategy all rolled into one deadly package. I can say honestly and without any boasting that I am the most dangerous creature on the planet, I could ravage and destroy everything in my path and there is nothing on the earth that could stop me – not even the Volturi or the Romanians would dare cross me.

One thing has always been consistent when it comes to my part of the Jasper-personality – I am unstoppable. Anything I set out to achieve, I do so. Completely and Utterly. Right now Peter is my target. It matters not to me that he has been my right-hand man and friend, brother even, all these years. None of that matters any more. He has tried to attack my mate. My mate is human, a fierce and formidable human no doubt – I can sense that in her – but a human none the less. She would never survive an encounter with an enraged vampire; she has no way of defending herself. I do not care what motivated Peter; I do not care why he acted or how he feels. He attacked my mate, if I hadn't have intercepted him he would have injured or even killed my only reason for existing. He has proven himself to be a threat and all threats to my beautiful mate must be removed.

Bella POV

Everything is silent except for a constant low growl coming from Jasper. At Peters roar I had closed my eyes and covered my ears on instinct, my entire body trembling in fear. When I opened my eyes it took me a moment to adjust as dust filled the air and now as the dust has clear I see Peter lying prone on the floor, he seems paralysed in fear. Everyone else likewise has looks of pure fear and horror painted across their faces; Charlotte looks anguished but seems unwilling or simply unable to get closer to her mate. In the ruins of what was once Carlisle's office Jasper stands over Peter. Dust and tiny fragments of brick and plaster cover him in a fine layer. His knees are bent slightly and every part of him seems to vibrate with power and raw anger. I turn slightly so I can see his face better and I am shocked by what I see, it is like a different person. No that is wrong. I can still see Jasper but now there is another element to him, something or someone that is pure force – a warrior. Jasper stands over Peter and suddenly I understand what has happened. Peter tried to attack me and Jasper stopped him. Based on the ruins of the room he is in and by the looks on everyone's faces he threw Peter and then or possibly simultaneously unleashed his power, he has crippled everyone with fear so they can't stop him. He was protecting me and now with utter clarity I realise that if nothing else I am safe with Jasper – there is nothing on the planet that could harm me, not while Jasper is around.

I am shocked by this sudden realisation but then also shocked that I can feel shock. Shouldn't I be cowering in fear too? I quickly check my emotions and I realise that I am feeling many things including some fear but that the fear I real is what remains from Peter roaring at me, I am not actually afraid of Jasper. I look back him as I realise this and see him move quick as lighting. His hand is around Peter's throat and the other hand is at Peter's shoulder. He is going to kill him. I may not like Peter and I may want to get away from him and the rest of this family as quick as possible but I do not want Jasper to kill his brother, he would feel pain eventually for his actions and I realise that the idea of Jasper being in pain feels wrong to me, it makes me want to do anything I can to prevent it from happening.

Without my control my legs start to move and before I realise it, I am next to Jasper. I can vaguely hear fear-strained quiet cries coming from the others in the room warning me to stay back but I ignore them. Something inside me wants me to go to Jasper and holding on tightly to my strength and resolve I give into that want. When I am right next to Jasper who is now crouched in front of me I kneel next to him and reach out a hand to touch his shoulder.

Major POV

My senses tell me that my mate is near and seconds later I feel her touch. Her hand lightly touches my shoulder. I am shocked and so is Jasper, our mate is willingly reaching out to us. I do not let go of my traitorous lieutenant but I turn to look her in the eyes.

"Don't" she whispers, I raise an eyebrow at her wanting to know why she would defend someone I know she dislikes intensely.

"You would eventually feel pain at killing him and I do not want that for you" she says and I want to shout out with victory, she cares! At least on some level she cares! I smile at her and smile wider when she blushes lightly. I turn back to Peter.

"You owe her your life" I state plainly before quickly ripping off his arm and tossing it to one side. Bella gasps in shock at my actions and quickly stands and steps back slightly. I can feel Jasper's panic that I may have scared her away but she needs to know what we are like – what we are truly like.

"Do not be afraid my mate. I spared his life because you wished me too but he tried to attack you and I could not allow that to go unpunished. I am the Major, I know Jasper has not fully explained everything to you and now is not the time to do so. For now know that I am the beast within Jasper, the embodiment of his instincts and warrior skill that is unleashed when necessary. I am pure vampire, no softness but you are never at risk where I am concerned. You are my mate just as you are Jaspers".

Bella seems lost in thought for a moment before she nods. She seems to be trying to adapt and accept the new world she is in. I am sure she will have questions at a later point but for right now she seems to accept what I am saying and I can sense that she does not fear me at this moment,

" I need your permission for something my mate" I state

"For what?" she asks warily

"I need some time and contact with you to decompress. My instincts are still screaming at me to fight and destroy the threats to you, the only way I know to overcome them to be alone with you. You will be safe and I will not cross any lines you do not give me permission to cross but I need this. I need to check you over and I need the calm of being near you." I can tell she is unsure but she nods anyway. Before she can change her mind I grab her swiftly in my arms and rush her to her room, realising the Cullens from my power only once we leave the room. As I put her down in the centre of her room I hear Carlisle ushering everyone out of the house. I lock the door and turn to face my mate who is standing in the centre of the room looking very pale, I go to move towards her but she lifts her hand up to stop me and against every instinct I have I stop in my tracks.

Bella POV

I feel completely disorientated. I was in the study and now I am in my room and yet only seconds passed. I realise Jasper or the Major as he is at the moment must have moved me at vamp-speed. He goes to move towards me and I put my hand up,

"No please. Just give me a moment" He stops but I can see he doesn't want to; every muscle in his body is tensed. I take a few deep breathes and then look at him again, I nod

"Ok,' I say in a shaky voice, I am nervous about what will happen next 'You can do whatever you need to do" He does not need to be told twice and is front of me instantly.

He lightly touches my hair,

"It is ok my mate, relax." He says. He starts to lightly run his hands all over my body. He starts at the top of my hair and then touches me everywhere. He touches face, my neck, my shoulders, my arms, my elbows. He runs her hands over every finger; he traces the plains of my back and runs them lightly over my breasts and belly. There is nothing sexual about his touches, his eyes are intense and focused. He is entirely entranced by his task and seems to be on some sort of mission. He appears to be examining me and then I quickly remember what he said downstairs about checking me and it occurs to me that that is what he is doing; he is checking I am ok. He is looking for any indication at all that I have been harmed. Once he has finished checking me he stands up from kneeling down to check my legs and feet and steps impossibly closer to me. My body now lightly touches his and I am hyper aware of how small I am compared to him and hyper aware of how close I am to him. For the first time I allow myself to feel attraction, it has always been there if I am honest. He is a gorgeous and sexy man but I have only ever thought it in detached unemotional terms but now being this close to him and after this dangerous and powerful man has spent ages careful checking to make sure I am ok I can't help but be attracted to him. I feel faint yearning and as his eyes meet mine and I see a raw devotion and dedication shining in them I can't help but start to long for him.

Slowly, almost as if to avoid spooking me, he lifts his hands up to cradle my face and his left hand gently brushes my hair away from my neck. He gently tips my head back lightly and keeping his eyes locked on mine – begging me with his eyes to trust him – he leans down further and further until his face is buried in my neck. I feel him breathe me in and then sigh deeply. Suddenly a gentle lick makes me jump and makes gentle shushing noises at me until I relax again. Only when he can feel the tension leave my body does he begin to place little licks all over my neck. The intimacy of this moment threatens to overwhelm me. I shakily lift my arms until I am holding on to his shoulder tightly. I cannot tell if I am holding on to keep him close or if I am holding on to keep myself steady or if I am holding on to prepare myself to fight him off if this goes further than I can handle.

After long moments pass, he presses a gentle kiss to my throat and then lifts his head to look me in the eyes again.

"Jasper is going to come back now my mate" he says simply and then he retreats and Jasper is again the more dominant persona, although now I know the traits of the Major I can seem him within Jasper still.

Jasper POV

The Major finally retreats and lets me take over once more.

I look at Bella in wonder and can do only one thing.

"Thank you" I say.

Please review! I would love to know what you think of the first Major and Bella moments. I would also like to hear what you think about the moments of intimacy here.

Also please forgive any spelling or grammar mistakes. I wanted to get this to you on time and I have no beta!

Next time:

A talk between Bella and Jasper

A talk between Jasper and Peter

Bella and Jasper prepare to leave.