A/N: I-I'm so sorry, everyone...but I'm not planning on continuing this for the time being. I reread this over and everything just felt screwy...so I'm planning to rewrite this another time, so you won't be seeing any updates any time soon.

This is what I was able to write for the next chapter before I decided to discontinue it. But by discontinue, I'm not planning on dropping the story completely. No, I just decided that I haven't thought of this story for so long that I'm still at a loss for what to do with it, and the previous chapters don't really make much sense either (stupid past self). I won't delete this story, and I'll send all my reviewers a PM if I get to rewrite it. For now, I will focus on my other stories and my studies.

I apologize for getting your hopes up. ;3; Hopefully I'll rewrite this story eventually.

Chapter 7 -

"Gaaale..." a voice echoed. Said teen twitched a little and turned to the other side of the bed he was on. "Gale, wake up..!"

Dan made a pouting face and started to shake him as hard as he could. This resulted to the crimson-haired boy yelling in shock and quickly sitting up. "Ugh, Dan...please don't do that." he mumbled as his breathing calmed down a bit. He rubbed his eyes and tried to keep himself awake instead of falling asleep again, though honestly he wasn't sure that he would sleep again since the brunette was still right beside him.

"But that's the only way I know to wake you up."

"Only?" the older male asked, puzzled. "You dumped water on me one time in school because of a dare, remember?"

"Really? Aww, I wish I could remember that. I bet it was awesome." this made Gale's eyes widen. "W-wait, you seriously don't remember?"

"Err, no. It's not like I remember every single day of school, y'know."

"Y-yeah...I guess..." the only problem is that you take pride in knowing all of your pranks, Dan. Did you forget that too..?

With a sigh, he told the boy that he would follow him after he was down changing and freshening up. A couple minutes later, a fully and casually dressed Gale came out of the guest room, looking a little sullen. The brunette didn't seem to notice though and dragged his old classmate downstairs to where everyone was waiting. He just realized right then-where did Runo, Julie, and Alice disappear to? He needed to ask Spectra later about that.

All the chibis were complaining how hungry they were, and to his surprise, the blond seemed famished as well and asked the younger teen to hurry up with breakfast. Shun decided to help him out as he made his way to the kitchen. Taking out what he bought yesterday, it didn't take him long to make a lot of pancakes and some scrambled eggs for everybody. It didn't take them that very long either to wolf down all the food Gale prepared.

"Can I have seconds?" a voice shouted amongst the chatters coming from the dinner table. The crimson-haired boy couldn't really tell who said it (since he was still in the kitchen), but replied quickly. "Sure, just wait a sec." he sighed again as he glanced at the closed fridge nearby him, knowing that it was almost empty already from last night's meal. They really needed to go to the supermarket soon...or eat out. He groaned at the thought of how much this was going to hurt his dad's credit card.

A/N: Bye for now. D: