LM Simpson's tidbits: LOL, I was listening to Foreigner's "Urgent" as I typed the beginning… And I had to google how a newborn is supposed to sleep. Being that I'm obviously childless, I wouldn't know the first thing about how to care for babies (though I find them extraordinarily cute).

This is the last chapter. I enjoyed writing this fanfic. I hope you enjoyed reading it as well. Thank you for looking. I have some Donald/Ducktales plot bunnies, just not a lot. Let's see whether I return after this and that other drabble I published tonight.


Au revoir,

Kady the Red Panda

Chapter Ten


Donald jumped off Daisy before both jumped out of bed. Donald attempted to grab his day clothes in the bathroom when Daisy snapped:

"There's no time! Let's get to the hospital now!"

Daisy shoved her feet into her high heels, grabbed the incubator, and ran out of the suite. Donald made sure to knock on Mickey's door before he sprinted down the hall.

Mickey opened the door. "I thought we said this never happ—"



"The! Egg! Is! Hatching!"

Donald ran down the hall frantic.

It finally sank in for Mickey. "Oh my! MINNIE, WE NEED TO GO NOW!"


Grandma Duck and the nephews ran into the hospital lobby. Uncle Scrooge ran towards them.

"What took you all so long? The egg already hatched!"

"Oh dear!" Grandma said. "I hope you filmed it for us, Scrooge!"

"Nope! I forgot my camera at home!"

The fivesome ran into the maternity ward. Daisy, Donald, Mickey, and Minnie were already in the room.

"Hey! How did you guys get here faster than us?" The nephews asked, pointing at the mice.

"You don't wanna know," Donald replied, in a tone that implied "And that's all I'm going to say. Don't even try asking me again."

Mickey and Minnie had identical stares implying the same on their faces.

Daisy shook on the maternity bed. She would not need to use it, but since she was the mother she felt it was appropriate to be the only one sitting besides Grandma Duck, who sat on a revolving stool.

"I think I hear the doctor coming!" She said.

Everyone shushed as the door opened. The slim dog-man doctor came in without holding the baby. Instead, it was the nurse that immediately followed him. Newborn cries filled the room.

Donald and Daisy gasped with joy… Until they noticed the hospital blanket's color.

Daisy was confused. "But, but…"

Donald was outraged. "Hey! What's the big idea? !"

"What's wrong, Mister and Missus Duck?" The doctor asked.

"You told me I was going to have a boy!" Daisy cried. "Are you sure you didn't get the wrong baby?"

"No, Missus Duck, your daughter is the only baby duck in the maternity ward at this time. I doubtlessly made a mistake while determining the fetus's gender. The child was covered in a lot of mucus and that probably confused me when I attempted to check her gender… I apologize for my error."

Mickey pointed. "Ha! Told you! In your face!"


His head dropped. "Sorry, Minnie…"

Daisy rejoiced. "Oh how wonderful! I actually have a daughter!"

Then, she realized something. Daisy began to cry. "Oh no! But I can't have a girl named Fergus! She would be beaten up at the school playground!"

And a boy named Fergus wouldn't? Donald thought.

"But… I thought that Fergie was a girl's name," Dewey said.

The other boys nodded.

"I'm completely fine with you not naming the wee lass Fergus," Scrooge said. "What were your possible girl names, Daisy?"

"Delphinium and Dahlia…"

"I am not agreeing to those!" Donald replied.

Daisy stuck out her tongue. She growled "We already fought about that for a week…"

A light bulb above her head switched on.

"Oh, Uncle Scrooge! What was your mother's name?"

"Ah… Downy… "He nodded. "Ah yes, Downy O'Drake, before she wed my father, of course…"

"Can I hold my baby, doctor?"

"Of course, Missus Duck! There is nothing wrong with that!"

The nurse handed the pink blanketed bundle to the little girl's mother. Donald, Scrooge, and Grandma Duck hogged the view, leaning over the bed.

The little baby's eyes were wide open. A brown cowlick was stuck out like antennae from the top of her head. All over her body were soft downy feathers only ducklings had.

All four adult ducks smiled.

"Oh, she is so cute!" Grandma Duck cooed.

Scrooge teared up. "Bless me bagpipes! She looks almost exactly like my mother!"

The boys crowded along the edge of the bed. "Hey! We can't see! Can we see?"

Their answers went unanswered.

"You said your mother's name was Downy, right?" Daisy asked.


Daisy turned to her glowing husband. He was already getting used to the idea of having a girl. "Donald?"


"Is Downy good."

"Oh yeah," He nodded without thinking. "Downy's good..."

Daisy smiled. "Uncle Scrooge, Grandma… How about you let the nephews see Cousin Downy?"


The new parents entered Downy's nursery. The walls depicted the ocean, with a sailboat beside the window and bird borders near the ceiling. The little girl's large eyes focused on the sailboat.

Daisy carried Downy into her new room. Donald did not turn on the light so that Downy would (hopefully) fall asleep easier. It was already going to be a novel event for her, as she never sleep anywhere besides in the egg before, let alone at night. Donald moved to the white dressers by the crib and switched the baby monitor on.

The crib was unpainted, polished wood with a blue blanket. Daisy kissed her baby before placing her blue jammie wearing girl so that her feet were at the bottom of her cot. Then she covered her baby's tummy with the blanket and leaned back to make sure she did it right.

Donald wrapped an arm over Daisy's back. They both smiled at the infant, who stared back at them with a level of wonder only babies possessed.

"Good night, Downy. Sweet dreams!" Daisy said.

Donald swirled the sailing themed mobile above Downy's crib. Her pupils initially tried to follow its movement, but her eyelids eventually drooped closed.

Donald and Daisy giggled as they tiptoed to the door. They took one last at their daughter, just to ensure she was completely safe, before they closed it.