Evil opened his eyes and looked at Flippy who was sleeping beside him peacefully. Flippy looked so cute when he slept. Evil got out of bed quietly and put on his army jacket. He didn't

bother with his dog tags or beret. He just wanted to go for a quick walk so why bother with them. Evil walked out into the early morning light and walked down the sidewalk towards the

park. No one was awake this early in the morning so it would just be Evil walking around. Or so he thought.


Evil turned around surprised by the voice calling out to him. Only when he turned around no one was in sight. Evil stood there confused, his eyes scanning the area for any sign of


"That's odd." Evil turned back around to continue his walk when pain suddenly shot through his body.

Evil slowly looked down at his chest and saw the tip of a pipe sticking through him, blood dripping off the tip. The bears eyes dilated and blood leaked from his mouth as his breathing

became uneven.

"He's mine..."

Evil fell to the ground gasping for air as everything became hazy. Before his life slipped away, Evil saw two blue feet walking down the path towards his house.

*knock knock*

Flippy's ears twitched at the sound of someone knocking on the door. He tried to ignore the sound, but when he heard it again he decided he should just go see who it was. Flippy got out

of bed and put on his jacket before heading to the door.

"Hello?" Flippy opened the door to find no one around, "Hmmm, that's strange, I could have sworn I heard someone knocking."


Flippy turned around to find Petunia standing in the middle of his living room, her hands behind her back.

"Petunia, what are you doing in my house?" Flippy stared at Petunia, confused.

Petunia motioned for Flippy to come to her. Flippy hesitated at first, but then walked over to her. Petunia smirked and brought her hands out from behind her back revealing a metal bat.

"Sweet Dreams Flippy."

Petunia lifted the bat and brought it down hard on the males head. Flippy yelped and fell to the floor unconscious. Petunia simply smiled and grabbed the collar of Flippy's jacket, dragging

the male behind her. A van pulled up beside the house and Petunia put Flippy in the back before hopping in. The van drove off leaving skid marks on the road as took off fast.

Before anyone asks or says something, I DO NOT like the couple FlippyxPetunia so don't think I do. I just had to have someone for that part. Hopefully next chapter will be longer than the others.