A/N Again another Raven & Randy story, it will be in Randy's pov unless obvouiously it doesn't say that,
I'm still obsessed with these lol anyways this one has a new twist and it may be hard to figure but stick with it becuz as always I get there...eventually and as ALWAYS REVIEW!
Chapter 1 Bordem
Randy's POV
Looking out the window of the plane I let out a sigh. Bordem flew at me from all directions and it was getting harder to stay awake. It wasn't just the flight boring me, I knew. It was life itself. Sure I had grown up a little, I had stopped staging fights in random diners and bitching to the management when things didn't go my way. I had married, had a daughter and gotten divorced. Yes I had grown up. The only thing that I hadn't changed was the string of women, only that was starting to get boring as well. Every one was the same, even if they said different. Each night was the same, finding someone to sleep with then leaving the next day. I really had grown up because I was starting to miss being married, despite the fact that I wasn't a very good husband, I could admit that. The flight touched down lightly shaking me from my thoughts, another random hotel and possibly women waiting on the other end. I thought about not going to find one but then again I knew I would, it was hard to sleep alone.
Raven Michales made her way downstairs tiredly, her eyes still a little sore from being forced into the world of being awake. Annoyed at being woken so early she instantly went to the jug.
"Morning honey" Her father Shawn greeted her, his usual cowboy hat sitting on his blonde hair. Raven just looked at him tiredly continuing on with her coffee. "Have you reached a decision yet?"
Raven nodded her head as she made her drink, a million thoughts a minute pounding through her skull. She had no idea why she agreed but at least it would be something to do. Raven had to admit she was bored, bored at life itself.
"And you said yes?" Shawn asked hopefully as she joined him at the table. Her long black hair and silver curls falling everywhere.
Raven nodded again taking a drink the hot coffee instantly bringing her out of the sleep and into the awake.
Shawn hugged his daughter happily, "I'm so happy that you said yes!"
Raven smiled at her father, his heart was in the right place even if it did make her want to shudder in disgust that she would have to go out into the world, repeatedly.
"I'll meet you there in a few days alright Raven, in the meantime I will tell the guys about you"
Raven gave him a thumbs up before heading upstairs to get dressed.