Kitty Lovers


Harry and Draco are assignment to work together on a potions project for their Double Potions class. When something happens to Harry during the project all hell is let loose and Hogwarts is turned up side down. Why can't anyone but Draco and Snape see Harry? Why are Draco and Snape suddenly so protective of Harry? How will the school react to seeing Harry for the first time since the incident.

Chapter one-

Harry happily hummed quietly to himself as he walked his friends, Ron Weasely and Hermione Granger, to their first period class, Herbology. The reason he was happy was because his first period was a free period, everyone who had Double Potions (which was a very few group, so few that he could count all the students in the class on one hand) had a free period first thing in the morning. When the trio finally got to Ron and Hermione's first period they stopped and stood around talking. "I still can't believe that you got into Double Potions and I didn't." Hermione said, Harry sighed she had been saying this since they got their schedules three days ago, that was when all hell let loose when they saw that he was in Double Potions. . . or it could have been what Draco did that day.

Flash Back- Three days ago

Harry was chatting excitedly with Ron about quidditch, okay the truth was that Harry was listening to Ron talk excitedly about quidditch. "I can't wait to win the Quidditch House cup again this year." Ron said. Harry opened his mouth to say something like 'Yeah' or 'Uh huh' when a deep voice from the Slytherin table, which just happened to be right next to the Gryffindor table, cut him off.

"Don't expect to win the house cup this year Weasel-bee" Draco said looking at Ron smirking.

"What was that Malfoy?" Ron asked and Harry watched the interaction as he took a bite of a cheery filled doughnut, getting a little on his cheek.

"What got wax in your ears? I said, don't expect to win the house cup this year, because Slytherin will be winning it. So why don't you go cry to your little mud. . . know-it-all girlfriend." Draco said and Harry took a sip of milk and Ron glared at him.

"Are you just gonna sit there and let him talk to me and Hermione like that?" Ron asked. Just then the head of houses started to pass out their schedules. Ron, Hermione, and Harry checked their schedules to see if they had any classes together. Here were their schedules:

Potter, Harry; age: 15; sex: M-

Free Period

Double Potions






Ancient Ruins



Weasely, Ronald; age: 15; sex: M-


Free Period

Care of Magical Creatures








Granger, Hermione; age: 15; sex: F-


Free Period

Care of Magical Creatures

Ancient Ruins








Hermione looked up from the schedules and glared at Harry. "What?" Harry asked.

"How the hell did you get into Double Potions and I didn't?" Hermione asked.

"I had a great tutor last year." Harry said shrugging his shoulders, Draco suddenly reached over and grabbed Harry's schedule, then handed Harry his schedule.

Malfoy, Draconus; age: 15; sex: M-

Free Period

Double Potions






Ancient Ruins



Draco chuckled after looking at the schedules, "What?" Harry asked and Draco looked at Harry and gave him a small smile.

"We have every class together, and," Draco said leaning closer to Harry, "You have a little of your cherry doughnut filling on your cheek" he added before licking the cherry filling off Harry's cheek. Suddenly the whole Great Hall erupted into chaos.

End Of Flash back-

"I've said it once, and I'll say it again. I got my self a really good tutor like you said to do." Harry said.

"Who would be stupid enough to want to tutor an idiot like you?" Hermione said and Harry stopped walking and stared at Hermione in shock.

"What?" Harry asked.

"I didn't mean that Harry." Hermione said halfheartedly.

"No, you meant it Granger." Draco said coming around the corner then grabbed Harry's hand, "Come on Potter, lets go study, I'll even check your potions homework." When the two got out of ear shot from Ron and Hermione, Draco stopped making Harry bump into him. "Don't let what she said get to you Harry."

"I can't help it, she has been my best friend since first year." Harry said as tears slid down his cheeks. Draco sighed and pulled Harry into a loving embrace. "Wh-what are you doing?" Harry asked trying to lightly push Draco away from him but failed.

"You need a shoulder to cry on, I'm giving you mine." Draco said.

"N-no, I can't, I don't want you, or anyone to see me crying. I'm the savior, I can't be seen crying on my 'enemy's' shoulder. It's not allowed." Harry said finally managing to pull away from Draco.

"You still see me as an enemy? Even after you came to me to tutor you in Potions? After I helped you pass Potions with flying colors? After we put our past behind us and made friends? You still see me as an enemy Harry?" Draco asked looking Harry in eyes, the very eyes he fell in love with the first moment he laid eyes on them in Madam Malkin's.

"No." Harry muttered looking at the ground ashamed, "I don't see you as my enemy, but every one here sees us as enemies." he said peeking back up at Draco who threw his arms up in the air dramatically.

"Well, then in that case I guess I should stop calling myself a human and start calling myself as a ferret since everyone sees me as a ferret." Draco said sarcastically causing Harry to laugh. "Fuck what everyone thinks about us Harry, for all I care they can just go and fuck themselves." Draco said in a serious tone. "If I want to be your friend Harry, then I'm gonna be your friend because I am Draco Lucius Malfoy, and lets face it I always get what I want." Harry smiled and Draco smirked pulling Harry into another hug.

"So are we gonna go study with you checking my potions homework or are we gonna stand in this empty hallway all period?" Harry asked. Draco sat his chin on top of Harry's head and looked to be contemplating what he wanted to do.

"Or we could just go sit by the lake and you can rant about anything you want." Draco said, Harry nodded and Draco began to drag Harry toward the lake.

"But we really need to study and I need you to look over my homework." Harry cried.

"We'll do both." Draco said in a voice that Harry knew meant Draco had made his decision and no amount of Harry's whining would change his mind. Harry smiled softly at Draco, that was what he liked best about him, once he made a decision he stuck with it.