The first 2 weeks were rough they both had been spit on, pooped on and peed on. They took turns sleeping since Gracie didn't sleep but about every 3 hours. Aria was thankful Ezra had taken off work to help her but his 2 weeks were almost up. Monday he had to go back to work however he only had 2 weeks before school would be out for the summer. The both of them spent pretty much all their time feeding, changing diapers and when they could trying to sleep.
It was about 4:00 on Sunday afternoon and Ezra looks at Aria and says "Go get dressed I have a surprise for you." Aria looks up at him and said "What is it? "Don't worry, all I need you to do is go get dressed. Something causal will be fine" Ezra replied
Right at 5:00 there is a knock on the door. Aria walks out of the bathroom to see her mom and dad and asked "What are you two doing here?" "We are here to save the day" Byron said laughing. Aria hugs her parents and said "here to save the day? I have no clue what is going on. My husband will not tell me." Ezra then says "Come on we have to go. We will not be late and there is some breast milk in the refrigerator." They didn't like to give Gracie a bottle however today was an important day.
Ezra opened the car door for Aria, she steps in and asked "Mr. Fitz, where are we going?" Ezra replies with "Mrs. Fitz, just enjoy the ride."
They drive right outside the city and Ezra pulls in to this cute little neighborhood. Aria notices a playground, trees that lined the middle of the street, children running around outside playing and Ezra driving with a smile on his face. He pulls into a driveway of this cute 2 story red brick house with black shutters. There is a flower garden full of springtime flowers in front and a garage. Aria looks at him all confused. She turns and asked "who's house is this?" Ezra pulls out a small box wrapped in white paper with a pink bow on top and says "here open it." Aria opens the box to find a key but still a little confused. Ezra gets out of the car opens her door and said "Come on I think I know where that key goes." They walk up to the door and Ezra points to the door knob, Aria puts the key in and inside is an empty house with one sign hanging on the wall that reads, Welcome to the Fitz's. Aria looks at him with a big smile on her face and asked "is this our house?" Ezra replied "Yes. I havn't told you yet but the book I wrote is going to be published and will soon be out. They gave me enough money to put down a nice deposit on this house and I know we need the room. It's a little further from your parents, school and work but its our. I hope you like it." Aria grabs him aorund the neck, hugs him then kisses him on his lips and replies "I love it." Ezra says "come in I will show you around. It has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Up the stairs are the bedrooms come on and follow me. Here is Gracie's room and over there will be our bedroom. They both walk in their new bedroom, sit on the floor and look around. He is behind her with his arms wrapped around her waist. He kisses her neck, then her ear and whispers "I love you Mrs Fitz and I cannot wait to grow with you in this house." Aria spins around facing him and tell him "I have loved you from the beginning and I knew that day in the bar we were meant to be. You mean the world to me Ezra Fitz, even after everything we have been through I would do it all again just to be with you. I still get chills when you touch me, look at me and when you kiss me. You are my heart but just so you know now you do have to share it with Gracie."
Their lips touch in this gentle but passionate kiss, Ezra brings her in a little closer as she wraps her legs around him. Aria knows she can't have sex but she was so turned on, she straddled him throwing him on his back. Her hips start to move back and forth when she feels something growing under her. She slowly starts working her way down, kissing Ezra's neck, chest, nipples, belly button, then she starts to unzip his pants and he stops her "Aria what are you doing, you know we can't...she quickly interrupts him and says "I know I can't but it doesn't mean you can't." He falls back onto the floor, she slowly unzips his pants and gently kisses the head. Ezra is beyond smiling right now, he grabs the back of her head to get a handful of hair, she wraps her mouth around him, starts at the top, works her way all the way down, she has one hand on him and the other hand gently holds onto his balls. She works her tongue all over him, sucking so hard her jaws are hurting, all of a sudden she feels Ezra grab her hair to pull her back but she sucks it even harder and right then he cums into her mouth. She looks at him, smiles and says "that was for the house." Ezra replies with "If that was for the house, what do I get if I buy you a new car?" Aria hits him on the arm and smiles.
It's the middle of June the apartment is empty and the moving people are packing the truck. Aria walks over to Ezra buries her head into his chest and says "I am going to miss this little apartment. We have shared a lot of great times, bad times and a lot of firsts. But no matter where we are, as long as we are together that is where I will always call home."
this is it I hope you enjoyed my thoughts on how the best couple on TV should always be together.
I cannot wait for PLL to come back on. EZRIA forever!