With him, anything is possible.

Finally! After endless weeks of the Rents hounding me to do my chores, do my homework, and watch my language, they would be spending their entire evening at some big-wig charity ball while I had the whole house to…my…self. I was practically jumping up and down to contain my excitement. Plus it was Friday, which meant I could stay up all night and sleep in Saturday. But of course, I remained cool as a cucumber in-front of them as they fussed and touted off the emergency contact list but to exclude Aunt Joan because she was in the process of getting a new cell number. Nodding my head to all of their instructions, I felt oddly like one of the baseball bobble-heads my dad kept in his man-cave in the basement.

I mean c'mon, I was sixteen going on seventeen. Why didn't they trust me not to burn the house down? I apparently had one incident when I was a wee tot that carried into my adolescence. Way to go me! I had to almost physically shove them out the door when their limo came.

"Ok, that's great. Have fun guys! Bye!" I kicked the door closed behind me.

The rumbling of the engine faded into the night before I thrusted my arms in the air.


The clock in the hall chimed nine times and I fought back a yawn. So much for letting loose and being wild, my bedtime was upon me and I was succumbing to its call.

"No! I never get the house, I must fight it! Must stay awake."

I must have fallen asleep because when I came to, after jumping up five inches hearing a crash upstairs, a dark spot of drool marked the couch pillow. Wiping the side of my mouth, I kept silent and waited to hear more. We had cats so crashes were not new, and when I heard nothing else I shrugged and grabbed the remote. CRASH! BANG! I gasped and my heart lept into my throat at that one. That was not cat. I'm not sure what it was but that was no cat. It sounded like a cannon-ball was shot through the side of my house. I could hear my heart beating in my ears and I set the remote on the coffee table. The bright light from the T.V. screen cast eerie shadows in my den. Cautiously and slowly, I removed the blanket from my legs and tip-toed out to the hall. I was careful to avoid the squeaky planks in my floor. My father hid a gun in his nightstand drawer, that was my mission. The crash came again only doubled, like footsteps. That really got my ticker going. Someone was in my house! Freaking looking for shit to steal.

"The hell they are," I mumbled. "Gotta get that gun."

When I came to the bottom of the stairs, the sounds got louder and more frequent. My thigh muscles were so tense as I ascended the steps I thought they would snap. I looked over the top step, trying to see the intruder. A flash of something dark whizzed by causing me to start. It was big. It was fast. It was in my house. My thoughts of the gun evaporated when I saw the things' speed. The hell was I gonna do now?

"Owch! Jeeze, what is all this?"

What a sweet voice! Even though it was slightly irritated, I couldn't help but want to see the owner of such a voice. A shock of red hair made its presence known and I did a very stupid thing then. I spoke.


The figure snapped its' head in my direction. And I saw haunting green eyes smolder from the black abyss that was my room. Normal eyes would not have been visible from my distance and lack of light. These eyes were not normal, not human. I shuddered at the thought. The figure held fast, pretty much like the proverbial deer in the headlights. Then, to my dismay and possible life, it rose up and came towards me. As it drew nearer, its' pale skin carved away from the dark cloak, revealing arms and a face. But the face was the most frightening thing about it. Strike the fact that a stranger with glowing green eyes had broken into my house and that I was an attractive woman alone and at risk for possible rape. His face, 'cause once I got a good look at the figure it clearly was male…and kind of young, was not of this world. It was horrifying yet it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

"My name's not 'Hey'," the voice came again. "It's Peter. And I've been searching for you."

Those eyes anchored me to the stairs and I felt helpless.


The porcelain face, with its square jaw and fine lips curled back into a grin.

"Because silly, we're going to Neverland."