This will be a long fic. I would say that the prequel to this is my other fic Needs to be said... You can probably skip it if you wish but especially for the first chapter that prequel will give you some context. This story will have a lot of Klaine and will also have a lot Kurtofsky in it. I really enjoy both ships (mostly because I love Kurt, Dave and Blaine) so I will try to do both justice and treat each character with the dignity and respect they deserve. But just so people know Kurtofksy is the endgame in my head.

It starts off after 2x16 "Original Song" and then will veer wildly off cannon...but since I have four weeks we will just have to see how far along I get.

Each chapter will be named after an Adele song. Because her music rocks.

And yeah, I don't own Glee or anything like that.

Chapter 1- Chasing Pavements

"What? Does this have anything to do with the parakeet dying?" Dave had to sit up and ask. Because he couldn't believe what he was hearing...Kurt was coming back?

Kurt winced on his side of the phone. He couldn't blame Dave for not understanding how important the bird had been to Kurt and even on his good days Dave usually had a foot lodged in his mouth somewhere. "It was a canary name Pavarotti. And no, this has everything to do with tuition money. My dad just can't afford it anymore. They are letting us wait until Spring break."

Dave realized that he probably could have been a bit more sensitive about the bird. Kurt had really liked the bird. Kurt had called him a crying mess early on the morning the bird had bought it. But he couldn't help himself. This was too huge. "But, you're coming back to Mckinely?"

"Looks that way…" Kurt let out a deep sigh, trying to figure out when the phone conversations between him and Dave had become so 'normal'. It had been after that rather awkward but illuminating dinner about a month ago. Kurt had honestly expected Dave to lose interest in the offered friendship and just go back to them pretending that the other didn't exist in their respective worlds.

But Dave had called him three days after the dinner. And they had kept talking. It had basically become a regular part of each others weeks. They hadn't been able to meet up too often. Conflicting schedules and Dave's parents still freaking out about the teen drinking suspension thing Dave had gone through. Kurt had never expected them to be able to talk to each other about anything, let alone almost everything... They had talked about everything from drinking, to twitter, to religion. It hadn't surprised Kurt to find out that Dave's parents were Catholic. Dave had yet to decide where he really stood with the whole God thing. They had also talked about Dave's anger management issues and him going to see someone for them. Dave had even talked to Kurt about how to possibly (hypothetically) come out to his parents, when he felt ready enough.

Dave shrugged to himself more than to Kurt, who couldn't see him anyway, "Seems a bit crazy to me…but I can't say I'll be upset to see you prancing around the hallways in Mickinely again."

Kurt could hear the smile in Dave's voice. And Kurt could also feel the little flush that ran up to his face when Dave said things like that. Dave had been gradually trying out a casual type of flirting that Kurt had found very easy to meet halfway... After all it had to be totally innocent...Right? Kurt shook off the thought and responded how he usually did. "I don't prance Dave, I strut. Ponies prance."

Dave chuckled. "Whatever." It was true that Kurt did this little sashay thing with his hips that Dave seemed to have burned into his mind. He didn't care what Kurt wanted to call it. It had been one of the reasons why Dave had liked to walk up behind Hummel before he pushed him. Just so he could watch him walk. And in a couple of days he would be able to see it again. Watch him walk...not shove him around. Dave suddenly became worried about how Kurt would think Dave would act when he came back. He started speaking quickly, "It will probably still suck. I mean, it is McKinely. But just so you know I'm not going to mess with you. And I think I can get Az and at least some of the football players to calm down too…but still. I don't know if I can stop everyone."

Kurt let a sad little smile ghost over his lips. He had gotten to know Dave really well over the last month. The football player had made impressive strides. And Dave had been amazingly open to Kurt. Which was why Kurt had been dreading this moment of todays conversation. But it had to happen before he came back to McKinely."Thank you Dave. That means a lot. I guess I'll just have to deal with that other stuff as it comes up. But this time I won't be quite as alone..."

There was something in the singers voice that made Dave frown. That was a strange way to put it. Apart of Dave wanted to just leave it alone, go back to the mild jokey/flirty stuff that were his favorite parts of all their conversations... But he couldn't, they hadn't really talked about what would be expected of the other if Kurt ever came back to McKinely, "You talking about me or the glee club?"

Kurt closed his eyes, took a deep breath and started talking. He wasn't sure why he was so worried about bring Blaine up. After all Kurt and Dave were friends now. Or at least friendly with each other. And of course Dave liked Kurt because Kurt was the only other young, gay person that he knew, so it was only natural that their would be some feelings there. It was going to be okay. It had to be... "Actually I meant Blaine. He's going to be coming back to McKinely with me."

Dave's frown deepened and he dropped back into a lying position on his bed. Blaine, Eyebrows, why was Blaine following Kurt? "Doesn't he live like far the fuck away though?"

Okay, not the reaction that Kurt had been worried about. He knew Dave well enough to know that he hadn't quite figured out what Kurt was trying to say. Keep it light Kurt. He said to himself as he rubbed the bridge of his nose for a moment trying to think. "Interesting placement on that explicative Dave. Blaine's parents got a special dispensation from the State school board or something. He has a car. He can commute."

Dave still hadn't figured it out. The last time Kurt had specifically talked about Blaine, Blaine had been kissing girls. Dave knew that Blaine had gotten over that. Kurt had told him the whole story. He'd nearly pissed himself laughing at the second Rachel Berry Blaine kiss. Suddenly Dave started thinking about what two out and proud guys at McKinely might mean. "Jesus. It's going to be like a GBLT meeting up in here."

Kurt wanted to tell Dave about Blaine. About the kiss, about him and Blaine being a couple. About how happy he was. About how wonderful it was. But Kurt couldn't do it, just like he hadn't been able to really tell Blaine how often he and Dave had been talking to each other. It was still rather heady and new and extremely confusing. But Kurt didn't want to hurt anyone so he let it go, "I think you meant GLBT. A GBLT sounds like a gay sandwich."

Dave mentally sighed with relief. Everything was fine. He and Kurt were still joking around. Still friends. Dave wasn't ready to admit this but Kurt had quickly become one of his closest friends. And he really didn't want to fuck that up. "BLT's are delicious…Especially the gay ones."

Kurt tried to hold in the giggle that had nearly escaped as a full throated laugh. "Honestly Dave. The places your brain makes connections."

Dave's grin widened at hearing the giggle, "Whatever. You totally laughed."

Kurt raised a hand that the boy on the other end of the line couldn't see, "Point conceded. But I'm sorry for doing this but I need to go call Blaine. He's kind of freaking out about coming back to a public school. He wants me to catch him up on McKinely life."

There was a long silence before Dave hastily said, "No worries. I get it. Talk to you later Kurt."

Kurt let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding, "Bye Dave."

"Hey Kurt?"

"Yes Dave?"

"See you in school."

"See you there."

After Kurt had hung up Dave tossed his phone onto his dresser and stretched back out on his bed. He had been grounded so long that turning on the computer was no longer second nature like it used to be. He swung his legs over the bed and turned on his Xbox. Left for Dead always helped him concentrate.

He was knee deep in a hoard of bloody zombies when it hit Dave... Kurt and Eyebrows were dating. There would be no other reason why Blaine would voluntarily move to McKinely with Kurt. No reason why Kurt had tried to bring him up today. Kurt had been trying to find a nice way to tell him... Without realizing what he was doing he threw his game controller across the room where it smashed against his closet door.

Shit! Shit! Shit! He had to calm down. He turned off the Xbox and started the relaxation method his psychiatrist had taught him to do when he started getting angry or feeling out of control.

Well, it really wasn't that surprising was it? Dave thought to himself... He'd never told Kurt that...Hell that he was in love with him? Except that kiss. That was all he had had. He'd flirted around it but never said it... and now, it was too late. "Fuck that." It was not too late. Not by a long shot...

Dave hadn't even begun to fight. But he knew exactly where to start...

Glee club.