First of all...OMFG THEY GOT TOGETHER! I LOVE YOU RYAN MURPHY! Well, no, I don't, cuz that's just creepy.

This is VERY short and I'm sorry for that but they should've let us fans see MORE!

Anyways, if I keep ranting, it'll end up bigger than the story. ENJOY!

'We should practice.' Blaine sheepishly admitted.

Kurt gave him a hopeful smile. 'I thought we were.'

Blaine looked into those sweet blue eyes and thought, Fuck practice.

He pressed his lips to Kurt once more, feeling the other boy rise to his feet as the intensity of their emotions rolled off of each other. Blaine couldn't get enough of him. He was shy, sweet and amazingly sexy despite what he thought. And Blaine lived for it like an addict lived for their drugs.

Kurt was finally with the boy he loved. He never thought it would happen. And all it took was a little canary dying. If he'd know that beforehand, he would've shot the bird as soon as he got him!

But all that mattered was that they were tangled in each other's loving embrace, Kurt knocking over a chair as he gently pushed Blaine into the wall.

'Aren't we going a little fast?' Blaine murmured in-between their heated smooches and gasps of air.

'I don't know.' Kurt breathed down the other boy's neck. 'And I don't think I care.'

The shorter boy groaned as Kurt's raspy voice reached his ears. 'As long as you want-' Blaine was cut off by Kurt's supple lips pressing into his.

'For the love of Gaga yes I want you Blaine.'

Maybe that sex talk would come in handy after all.