Me: *wearing my loser costume..* Uhhh…. Hi?

Hibari: …

Me: KYAAHHHH! NOOO! DUN KILL ME! *runs ahead*

Hibari: I shall bite you to death…. *hunts down*


Previously (precisely 2 years ago.. Ow.)

Gerard and Mukuro just stared... until. "Stupid pineapple guy! How mean! Why'd you hurt my papa!" Mukuro visibly twitched at her choice of words. "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I WILL NEVER EVER EAT PINEAPPLE IN MY LIFE!" ...okay this was too much. "Cow word!"


A cough was heard. "That's 'coward' dummy..." Gerard snorted.

"Oh... COWARD!" She was trying her hardest to glare at the pine—I mean... Mukuro. "Get away~!" She glared at him... well, at least she TRIED.

"Kufufu... how cute... your little egg seems to be hatching... and it's not a pretty little birdie... talking back to her elders..."

Her eyes started to water... not from Mukuro's words but for Hibari, who was sweating very badly from his deep wound... and though he wasn't really expressing it she could tell that it hurt a lot... therefore she cried.

While watching, Gerard could only face-palm... But all hell seemed to freeze when they heard a soothing, yet at the same time menacing tone.

"What happened?"


And now they all have to face the wrath of a pissed Tsuna... in his Hyper Dying Will Mode... with looks that could kill...




Ooh… fun~ More silence…


"It's not what it looks like…" Hibari Kyoya had started..


The brunet crossed his arms. "Oh, It IS exactly what it looks like Kyoya…" He frowned.. Looks more like a pout actually. "THIS!" Pointing at the semi dead bloody mess left by himself, once known as a human called 'Mukuro', "What do think it looks like to me?" … Very out of character indeed.

"I wasn't cheating on you…" He stated, earning a gasp from the other boy.

"W-wha! T-that's not it!" He blushed. "I MEANT YOU TWO BEING VIOLENT PARENTS IN FRONT OF YOUR KID!" OMG! OMG! OMFG! Hibari(Psycho School Policeman Wanna Be) Kyoya flinches in front of Sawada(Cute Cuddly Uke) Tsunayoshi! Surely an apocalypse isn't too far ahead.

"… I wasn't, she came down on her own.." Holy Shit, THE monster prefect was 89% close to pouting.. Woah.. I guess hanging around cute creatures are starting to affect him eh? (No actually it's the Author's doing..) He's rather softer than he was but still brutal with punishments I suppose.

The brunet huffed and turned away from the raven haired boy. "I'm not talking to you for a while… I'm going to where Renka is …" A while earlier Gokudera had saved the kids' eyes from the bloody fist fest.

Hibari thought it was gonna be wise to leave it be for the time being and let his tuna-chan calm down on his own. He looked down at Mukuro's semi dead body and gave it one last kick… then a stomp on the place where the sun doesn't shine.. And another last kick on the side.


Gerard… was annoyed. "Leggo of my hand…" He glared at the girl who most likely held his hand with an iron grip… literally. "Let go of my friggin' hand…" He repeated.

Yet he was completely ignored.

"Hehe~ NO!" The young android clung onto him more. "I like hugging you~ It cheers me up!"

As the two played(in a one sided way) the two guardians had their own issues.

"….Someone needs to tape this girl to a chair…." The snow haired boy mumbled angrily under his breath… Woah… Cursing is really in his blood eh? (=w=)

"Who are ya talking to Gerard-kun?" …His parasite spoke, making him mumble more things…. Cursing colorful words in his mind.

During Lunch

"Where he hell is that idiot…. He fucking takes forever in the bathroom…" He turned to the kids cuddling(one sided), and his blood boiled even more, but bit back his tongue from saying anything too colorful. "You," He glared at the snow haired android. "…You better keep your hands off her… And when I find out you did something while I'm away you're dead!"

The boy snorted and rolled his eyes. "Are you blind? She's the one holding ME.." They both glared a few more seconds, the silence was interrupted with Renka mumbling about how pretty Gerard's eyes were, ignoring the two in their glare fight.

Gokudera glared harder.. Then he turned away. "I'm going to see what the other idiot is up to…" He frowned. 'Juudaime stayed in the classroom.. He must be tired from beating up the pineapple bastard… Aha~I'll buy him bread!' He walked down the hallway with gleeful thoughts until—'Wha-… that ass!' He hid himself on the other side of the wall, peeking at the Rain Guardian. '…He's late cause he's talking to some bitch!?...Doesn't he usually push em' off!?' His eyes narrowed when he saw the other grin and laughed like usual. 'Why the fuck am I hiding… Tche! It's his business!' He peered one last time and…. He clawed on the wall growling. 'DID SHE JUST KISS HIM!?' …He thought for a moment,was he keeping a secret girlfriend from them!? That's cheating! Wait.. Cheating? 'WHY AM I PISSED!? WHY AM I YELLING IN MY HEAD!?' (You tell me… :3 ) He bit his lip angrily. 'I'm gonna find a reason to kill him later…'

And so he thought about this for the rest of lunch…

The first period of the afternoon everyone was already seated in the room…

Gokudera was glaring at Yamamoto since that time at lunch…

"Is there something on my face Haya-chan?" And that annoying nickname just made the glare intensify in the highest level possible. If looks could kill.

'No… but soon there's gonna be a bruise on your face if you don't stop playing the innocent idiot…' He thought. "Nope…. Nothing at all… So, who was that girl?" He grumbled… slightly regretting ever asking, it sorta slipped out.. Yeah! That's right! It just slipped out. He was just curious, nothing else.

Yamamoto looked at him, very confused. "What girl?"

The other male hissed. "The one you spoke to at lunch…." … 'Stop playing dumb!' Oh yeaaah, he was sooo not jealous. (Sarcasm!)

Tapping his chin, thinking hard about what Gokudera was saying… Girl? Girl.. "Oh! Thanks for reminding me Haya-chan~ Here!" He grinned and got something out of his pocket and handed it over Gokudera. A love letter? "She asked me to give that to ya! Not sure why she didn't just give it to you though… " He laughed dumbly. "I think she likes you~"

Gokudera stared at the letter with a disbelieving look on his face. '…So… he's not dating…'


There was one thing to do to vent out some frustration right now.

"Arrgghhh!" He picked up the table with an adrenaline charged power. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU! YOU BASTARD!"



It's been a couple of hours since Tsuna got home, it was a pretty okay day. He just got into a fight with his boyfriend. His guardians are also in a fight of their own, and he doesn't get why that is but he was sure they can sort it out themselves… If not he could always step in before anyone dies. Right?

Okay = Disastrous

He let is body fall on his bed, face-first. "Mm… Sucks…" He mumbled into his pillow. "Kyoya… Must really hate me now.. I just yelled at him.. He was injured too…" Then he paled. 'OH MY GOD! HE MIGHT BEAT ME UP TO A BLOODY PULP LIKE WHAT I DID TO MUKURO!' And as he was busy overreacting in his head and pulling his hair, he paused in the middle of it when he heard some footsteps coming up to his room. 'O-Oh no…. That must be him! He's coming for me! OH GOD!'

"Oiiiii… Dameee-Tsuuunaaaa! Play with Lambo-sama! Gyahaha! I know you can't resist! Play with me before I change my mind!"

His distressful look quickly turned to a look of annoyance. 'Oh… It's only him.'

Grumbling, he decided to just ignore the annoying kid. He buried his face back on his pillow sulkily, trying to think of a way to apologize to his cloud.

Extra Story

"Gerard-kun! Lookie what I found~" Renka ran to her favorite white haired playmate with something under her pink shirt. "Look! Looooook!"

The said boy rolled off the couch he was laying in just now. He was reading an interesting book he found in the library, the book was about dinosaurs. "What?" He mumbled rather looking bored, staring straight at his counterpart.

"I found this! Loooook!" She took out what was under her shirt, revealing an egg. "It's an egg!"

He stared at it, raising a brow then he looked back up at her. "Yeah… Put it back where you got it."

"Ehh? But I just found it outside on the ground…" She pouted, giving him a teary puppy look. "Can we keep it…? Please!"

"No.. Put it back... It probably has a mom."

She opened up her mouth to say something—


"W-waahh! It's b-breaking!" She wailed out looking horrified.

Gerard rolled his eyes. "No you idiot! It's about to be born!" That seems to have calmed her down.

"Oh…" Renka stared at it, the little chick inside was struggling to get out. "Go! You can do it! Push! Pusssh!" Beaming at the little egg as she stared at it.

'Idiot…' The snow haired boy stared at the scene unfolding in front of him with a distasteful look. It looked he'd never admit that to himself or out loud. NEVER.

Then finally the chick's little head popped out, adorably, it had a piece of the shell stuck on its head like a helmet. Its beady eyes were staring at the first thing it saw and peeped.

"…" Renka stared at the baby chick, then raised it up in the air excitedly. "It'ssss booooorrrnnn!"

For the umpteenth time, the other boy rolled his eyes. "I told you to return it… Now it probably thinks you're its' parent."

Oopps.. Was it a bad idea to say that just now?

The dark haired girl's eyes sparkled. "Really!? I'm a mama too!? Yay! Gerard-kun will be the papa?" She cooed with hopeful eyes at the boy.

"Hell no."

"Awwww Pleeeeeaaaaaseee?"



"I said no—ACK! Get off!"

And so on.



Okay fellas… I'm a little rusty.. It's been so long since I wrote something... And this one's short... Very short... At least I think so!

And yeah.. A lot happened in 2 years.


No, I didn't die. Surprise?

I went to college stopped for a little while cause of financial problems, now here I am!

It's really not a good thing, I was happy in school. I'm kinda sad I had to stop.

But I met this super cute person~ Whom I just looove to spoil (I ain't spilling out who!)

ALSO! My heart broke when I found out a couple of months ago(not sure how long ago) that KHR ended suddenly… It felt so sudden! I didn't want the manga to end yet!


Oh! And as I was saying, I'm a bit rusty right now. So you tell me, did I go back to stage one of evolution in writing?

You may answer and you may not. Just leave a review if you feel like sparing a few words.

To all those who waited 2 whole years for me to update…


Thank you so so so soooooooooo muuuuch!

I feel so loved when I don't deserve it.



Beta Reader

NaruFanDATTEBAYO: and so… It ends here… *bricked* Really sis not much to beta read. But me? It'll be too much for you to beta read. Aww… I'm jealous of you QWQ.