Disclaimer; I do not own Naruto there I said it, (starts pouting on the side)

For those of you who noticed, yes I fixed up this chapter, I just didn't like the way I left it.

and just to let more of you know, I have been slowly working on my stories,it gets harder when every detail i want to place starts clashing with my other idea's, but no worries, I have said this before.

No matter how long it takes me, I will never give up on any stories I have posted.

Summary: What if the roles were switch? Naruto went to Orochimaru what were his reasons? and what if Sasuke tried desperately to get his friend back home only to fail. But what happens if this time there is a solution that the hidden leaf must find before Naruto is offered up to Orochimaru as a sacrifice.

Chapter One:

Don't Go!

The day went uneventful as Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto returned home from a mission, everyone was acting as normal as any other day. Sasuke ignored his teammates; Sakura worshiped Sasuke, while Naruto tried his best to get Sakura's attention. When it was time for everyone to go on home, Sasuke said his good-bye, Sakura did hers, as Naruto was unusually silent as he smiled a rather fake smile, before he ran off, and his friends were suspicious, but instead of intervening, they decided it would be best to go ask him about it the next day.

The sun peaked high in the sky, birds chirping away in the distance, as the wind was slightly creating movement in the tree leaves all around them, Naruto had just arrived at the bridge feeling a bit off as he observed his teammates in silence as he slowly walked to their location. Sasuke was as usual was early for the team meeting on the bridge as he leaned against the railing looking off in the distance, Sakura wasn't too far behind as she immediately tried to spark a conversation with Sasuke who didn't even acknowledge her existence.

'They don't even appreciate you being with them' the words echoed in the blonds head like venom as he walked up to his fellow team mates, he didn't bother to greet them as he went straight to the opposite side of the bridge and sat down looking at the flowing water below, quickly losing himself in his thoughts. He began thinking about his recent brooding over the words he had been hearing in his dreams lately, but recently instead of just a voice, a man had started appearing in his dreams. This man in his dreams was extremely familiar as the young blond attempted continuously to figure out who was the pale man who haunted his dreams.

Sasuke noticed the quiet blond as did Sakura, they watched at the blond moved away from them as he went to sit by himself which made a dent in their daily ritual. Before Sasuke could asked what was wrong, a poof of smoke appeared as a man with white fluffy hair, and a navy mask to cover most of his face except for his single eye that seemed to smile at them, Kakashi had finally arrived.

"Hello sorry I'm late as you can see I saw a cat stuck in a tree so I went to help it out-" Kakashi was cut off

"ENOUGH SENSEI WE DON"T WANT TO HEAR IT" Sakura screamed at him.

When Sakura noticed that is was only her own voice yelling at Kakashi she turned to see the missing person that would yell at the aloof teacher along side of her. Naruto didn't even notice that anyone had arrived, he was still in his own little world, lost in his worrying thoughts, as Kakashi contemplated the situation he decided it would be best to send his other students away while he talked to Naruto.

Kakashi whispered into Sakura's ear, covering his conversation with his hand, making sure Sasuke wasn't able to hear a snippet of what he had said.

"What is going on with Naruto?" Kakashi whispered, as Sakura only replied with her own silence as she shook her head indicating that she had no idea.

Sasuke went to his friends, and rivals side tried to look in his eyes that were filled with sadness but it didn't hold a tear, until Naruto noticed his friends hovering existence as he shot up and smiled one of his fake smiles to his rival which made Sasuke curious to know what was going on since he never smiles at him.

Kakashi was as curious as his fellow students but he didn't want to press the matter as he guessed the cause would be the villagers once again. Even though his pupils didn't know the truth they looked Naruto with concerned expressions until Kakashi would send them off to train. The two were reluctant to leave; they ran off occasionally stealing glances at Naruto who was still looking at the water below the bridge.

He wanted the blond alone as he had the unaware Naruto sit out; he sat beside his blond pupil who sat on a patch of grass and was lost within his own thoughts not noticing the older man's presence. Kakashi sat there awhile trying to find the right words to walk into this conversation with without having the blond raise his defenses.

"So Naruto mind telling your sensei what's going on?" Kakashi asked only to meet silence once again, the man was extremely worried as he put his hand on Naruto's shoulder shaking it lightly, which made the blond jump. Naruto looked around to see where he was, as he swished his head around until his gaze was met by his white haired teacher who had a serious atmosphere about him.

"As I said mind telling this old teacher of yours, your troubles?" Kakashi asked as he studied the young blond's reaction. But he was confused at the amount of emotions that ran through his blond student's face totally unaware of his own lack of concentration. It was not that long ago since the Chunin exams, and the attack on Naruto from the s-rank criminal Orochimaru who had placed his seal on Naruto's neck it was very visible on the blond's unusual choice of a black shirt and his blue shorts.

Kakashi was keeping an extra eye out for the blond since the incident, Naruto fought his best against the missing nin, but as his teammates were extremely scared and weakened before he got there. It was strange that Orochimaru chose Naruto when Sasuke was the original target, during the attack Orochimaru changed his gaze to Naruto biting the blond when he was unconscious. His comrades spent most of the time fending off attacks and trying to wake up the unconscious boy, they got away safely Sakura was worried for Naruto, while Sasuke was upset with himself for letting it all happen. When they noticed Naruto's labored breathing they knew that they had to act fast, since Naruto was running a serious fever on his first night after receiving the cursed seal.

They eventually passed the second exam when Naruto awoke; they reached the tower and fought through their way through the preliminaries, Naruto and Sasuke made it to the finals while Sakura fight was a draw, but soon after the preliminaries, after everyone was able to rest, they started making their way to celebrate at the Barbeque restaurant. The team were in the middle of the street laughing away at Kakashi's story when Naruto fell to the ground unconscious, that was when everyone noticed the mark and the excruciating pain the boy was hiding from everybody.

It has been a couple months since then, after Naruto spent some time with Jiraiya that he grew so strong that he beat a Hyuuga, Neji Hyuuga. The one kid that was his own classes rookie of the year, his team mates were so happy that is was almost unbelievable the he would be able to pull off such a feat. He remembered that Sakura yelled so loud for Naruto, cheering for him on while she sat on the stands. He was impressed with that years Chunin exams, they had some great candidates for their promotion.

But soon after Sasuke's battle a surprise attack occurred, many people were placed under a genjutsu, then when Kakashi sent the three Genin which contained Sakura, Shikamaru, and Naruto to go after Sasuke who trailed after Gaara of the Hidden sand Village. Then the most unexpected thing happened Shukaku the one tailed demon appeared in the distance which Naruto who had taken on the guise of the Nine Tailed Demon Fox had eventually defeated Gaara, and saved the village. Although during the invasion it was also one of the dark moments in the Leaf Villages history, as one of the greatest ninja died in battle, the Third Hokage. Naruto told the sand ninja his worst memories which he discovered he was the same as Gaara, a known monster in each of their villages; he connected to Gaara's heart which put a stop to the sand ninja's need for blood.

He also brought the new Hokage Tsunade who was one of the three Sanin who were the greatest ninja of their time. Even after all of his recent success he was still in his saddened state which baffled everyone, Sasuke was still stealing glances at Naruto who had lowered his head as Kakashi started to talk to him he was very concerned about what they were talking about, but he didn't dare let it show on his face knowing that the blond will use it to make fun of him when he was in a better mood at a later time.

Sakura also stole more glances at Naruto she nearly missed her mark when she threw one of her kunai, which barely hit the target fell to the ground from the contact of metal and wood. Kakashi noticed his training students' actions and began to speak to Naruto who didn't reply.

"You know I am here for you if you need anything at all." He said to reassure the young boy, who looked at him and smiled but Kakashi couldn't tell what kind of smile it was but shrugged it off when he realized the boy was uncomfortable.

'He does care!' Naruto thought happily until the voice from his dreams once again tainted his thoughts into doubt that they really didn't cared.

The night sky fell upon the three Genin who walked each other home once again only to have Naruto to smile them farewell, but just like the other times it was once again a fake smile, then he was gone in a flash. Sasuke and Sakura didn't get the chance again to ask him what was wrong, both of them shared a confused glance.

"I am going to go after him ok, tell Kakashi in case we end up fight." Sasuke exclaimed as he dashes towards Naruto's home, as Sakura ran toward Kakashi's apartment, only to notice her blond friend on the way, she didn't think twice as she ran towards him. She saw he was headed towards the village gates to the outside, only those with permission could leave the gate, a horrible thought crossed her mind.

"Naruto, what are you doing?!" Sakura yelled tears in her eyes from worry, as she waited for him to respond.

Naruto stopped as he turned around she noticed that his usual glistening eyes every time she spoke his name was gone, he stared at her with his eyes dull and glassy like a porcelain doll not holding any expression as he stood still and but after what felt like eternity he finally replied.

"I am leaving Sakura; don't try to stop me, I am going to Orochimaru!" Naruto was about to leave when Sakura yelled once again she was getting frantic tying to stall him a bit longer hoping that someone would notice.

"Don't leave me Naruto-" Sakura's sentence was cut off when Naruto appeared behind her his hand elevated with one of his kunai being held with the opposite end faced her neck.

"Thank you." Naruto whispered when he hit her in the back of her neck, when the contact between metal and skin, Sakura felt her vision turn to black she fell before Naruto's feet, she had fainted.

Naruto left the Kunoichi where she fell, as he made his way towards his destination not caring in the least at what he had done.

Sasuke was running his fastest to Naruto's home, but when he arrived the blond was gone, and the place was fixed like when someone was going to be gone for a long time. When Sasuke saw the place his heart beat started racing as he made his way through the village of bustling people he didn't understand why Naruto was acting weird very recently, then a thought went through his head which made his face even paler than before, as he ran frantically through the village, he went running past a park he nearly ran in a different direction when a flash of red appeared in the corner of his eye.

Without thinking Sasuke ran to the red clothed person who he immediately recognized as Sakura, when he checked her pulse and her breathing he found she was alive, and that she was knocked out by someone.

As the raven tried to figure out who had knocked out his teammate he had a suspect which he could not push out of his mind. The thought continued to circle around as he was in denial as the image of Naruto appeared in his mind which the Raven attempted to push the thought into the deepest parts of his mind.

"Sasuke, have you seen Naruto?" a voice said behind the pondering Uchiha, when the black haired boy looked up he saw that it was his sensei that was checking the surroundings.

"No I-I tried looking for him b-but I didn't s-see him at home, and t-then I found Sakura l-like this!" the young teen unusually stuttered, the cold was finally getting to him as his adrenaline rush came to a steady halt.

Kakashi didn't waste a second as he grabbed Sakura and Sasuke, then dashed to the hospital he gave Sakura to one of the Nurses, as he still held on to the Uchiha and took him back Sasuke's home.

"Sasuke stay here until the order to capture Naruto Uzumaki is issued, stay calm until then maybe you can be the one to convince him to return." Kakashi stated before he left.

Sasuke did as he was told, but he did it at extreme difficulty as he couldn't stay still the sun was rising as he waited in his home, when the clock struck 5am exactly an ANBU officer arrived at his door saying the Hokage has summoned him.

He ran as fast as he could towards the Hokage's office, when he arrived he was greeted by Shikamaru, Chouji, Kiba, Neji, and the Hokage. They all stood tall as they awaited the mission at hand, she sighed as she stared at them sternly and finally spoke.

"Since I cannot send any of the more experienced Ninja, I have no choice but to select the five of you. I want a retrieval of the runaway ninja named Naruto Uzumaki!" She yelled as she motioned her hand, this was the signal for them to leave immediately. Tsunade thought about the recent reports of an unusual activity near the border. The Hidden Earth Village claim it was nothing but a training exercise, except the amount of Ninja they had in their group was considered false information, and was quickly labeled as a high risk invasion attempt. It was not something that they would take lightly, considering that it was not that long ago when Orochimaru, along with the Hidden Sand village had invaded during the final process of the Chunin exams.

'Of all the times for an emergency like this to pop up, its almost as if it were all planned out.' Tsunade had come to a sudden realization as she ordered Shizune to send out a bird carrier to send an urgent message to the fleet at the border that it was a false invasion.

The teens were at the gate in a flash as they ran towards their goal, their loud mouth blond friend, but Sasuke's goal was his best friend who at times was extremely special and at others he wondered why he associated with the loud blond.

When they were about to leave the gates, Sasuke saw Sakura standing behind them she still was crying, her eyes were red as her dress when she approached Sasuke.

"Sasuke you have to promise me you will bring him back, please! I promise this will be a once in a life time request, I may even stop fawning all over you." Sakura plead between sobs, the group of boys were unsure of how to act as they lowered their heads in shame; Sasuke looked at his pink haired team mate before he replied.

"Of course Sakura, I will bring him home and we can be exactly like we used to, I just have to get it through the blond's thick head!" The raven haired boy smiled as he held a thumb up, it was comforting for him to do something like that without Naruto around, but both of them were completely unaware of the many trials ahead that they would have to face.

The group had ran to the direction they knew Naruto had gone too, they had to quicken their pace a lot of times. The sky was beginning to darken to the dark grey as Clouds started to form, it looked like a storm was about to come.

When they had closed in on Naruto, a Group of five strange ninja appeared and fought everyone with the exception of Sasuke because the fifth went up against Lee who appeared suddenly, to create the bridge to Naruto that Sasuke needed as he ran his fastest his heart pounding at the thought it was too late to reach him.

When Sasuke reached the place that his ancestor had fought in, he recognized it as the Valley of end, and he caught a glimpse of Naruto in the distance before he could think rationally he yelled at the top of his lungs."


The two talked awhile Sasuke was trying to convince his friend to return home by his side so that they could fight and hang out like they used too.

"Naruto please come home with me" Sasuke pleaded

"I can never return to that village again" Naruto spat

"What about you dream about being Hokage one day?"

"That was all an illusion, a dream I was deluding myself with!"


"Bah! me Hokage, I would have never made it, they would never let a monster have such a high rank and power!"

"You can change them Naruto please you have friends we are here for you!" Sasuke yelled as tears began to fall; the coming rain hid his tears well as he tried to talk more sense into his friend.

"I have no one!" Naruto hissed as he plunged a fist into Sasuke's stomach, the force made him tumble over clutching at his stomach.

"What about Sakura?! Don't you love her?" Sasuke managed to yell after coughing up blood, he started to defend himself blocking the onslaught of punches and kicks, even though he was more skilled and had the sharingan, Naruto was gaining more speed and power as the fight continued.

"She doesn't mean anything to me anymore!" Naruto looked down at the person he once considered his best friend maybe even like a brother but in the end he didn't care, as he started to barrage him with clones, it was taxing, but Naruto couldn't feel the oncoming exhaustion.

"I can't return!" Naruto yelled, as he threw shurikan, but none of them hit their mark. Sasuke had block and dodged everyone. The rain started to get heavier, the wounds Sasuke had gotten started to burn at the contact of the stinging rain.

"Naruto why can't you come home!" Sasuke was now screaming at Naruto as he began to dodge and swerve out of the blond's punches, but the rain gave Naruto the extra edge as he started to slash at the unsuspecting Uchiha. The battle was turning deadly, every strike was meant to kill.

"There is nothing there for me! Sasuke! Whether if you knew, or you didn't. I have always been alone, have you ever felt that way? To have everyone you want to love, hate your very being! Curse your every breath that you breathe every second of every day, or every time your heart continues to beat!?" Naruto roared

Sasuke was speechless as he stared at his friend in disbelief; he didn't know the full extent of Naruto's treatment within the village. He was vulnerable to the next few punches Naruto threw at him, Naruto was only seeing blood now, all the pain he had hidden over the years were being released on Sasuke. The Uchiha regained his thoughts, and started to defend himself. He finally managed to stop the fight for a few seconds, enough time for him to try and talk some sense into his blond friend, he would not give up.

"N-Naruto we can change that you and me." Sasuke pleaded as he stared at Naruto as his expression changed quickly from confusion to anger as once again he threw punches at Sasuke. Their fight continued, but now they started to fight with Jutsu. Naruto didn't hesitate as he started to attack Sasuke with Rasengan, the ball of chakra made indents, and craters in the earth. Sasuke had to counter every one with a Chidori, it dissipated Naruto's rasengan, but he was starting to tire out. Concentrating on standing on the current on water, and attacking as well as dodging, Sasuke was breathing heavily as both he and Naruto were near their breaking point. Sasuke knew that talking was over, this was the only way he could bring the blond loud mouth back, unconscious and bound in ropes. This would be the last jutsu either of them could create, Sasuke made the Chidori in his hands, his control was shaky but it was just barely enough to make. Naruto in the distance made his Rasengan, it was strange, the clone that he always needed was no where to be seen.

'Maybe I have a chance.' Sasuke thought as he bolted towards the blond, both of their jutsu readied. Seconds before the attacks collided, Naruto changed his target to Sasuke's stomach, while Sasuke had hit his arm rendering it useless, the power had lessened severly, but it was powerful enough to knock out the raven.

The two boys fought intensely until Naruto was crowned the winner, he was bleeding pretty bad as the rain continued to fall. Naruto listened to falling rain until he looked down at the fallen form of Sasuke, his mind was finally clearing as he was about to do go for the kill, but an abrupt pain consumed his arm he realized it was broken. Naruto cradled his arm as he fell on his knee's near Sasuke's head, he looked at the boy he had once considered his best friend, as the thought of returning back home passed through his mind, but he shook it off.

'It's too late to turn back, now that I have gone this far. Sasuke, thank you but this affection is too late to change me now, I only hope you finally realize it yourself. Please live the dream I had once wanted and live a long healthy life. I only pray you forget about me, because that's what I am going to do to you.' Naruto thought as he left towards Orochimarus lair, he couldn't risk someone else coming to finish what Sasuke had failed.

Hours later Kakashi had arrived by Sasuke's side, quickly taking him back to the village to get medical care just as the other jonin who were sent to back-up the genin and chunin on the retrieval mission. It wasn't until hours later that they realized that Naruto's scent and tracks were washed away due to the rain, Kakashi couldn't erase the scene of when he saw his student Sasuke was on the ground bleeding profusely, and needed immediate medical attention. He was glad that he quickly grabbed the boy and ran his fastest towards the village, but he was instantly saddened by the loss of his blond student, they were too late.

Orochimaru's Lair:

"So there you are Naruto, how was your trip? It was pleasent I hope, after all you took your time coming here." Orochimaru grinned as he saw the boy in front of him, his innocence was replaced with a malevolent atmosphere and a killer's intent was placed in his eyes which a tint of red glowed, he noticed that it immediately disappeared as Kabuto began to heal him.

"Will you keep you promise?" The boy asked, as sat on the bed that Kabuto told him to sit on.

"Only if you keep yours." The pale snake replied as he smirked at the malice in the boy's eyes as it got more intense each second, it was only the beginning and Orochimaru was already impressed.

"I will give you my body, if not a person from the hidden leaf will be used as an experiment!" Naruto threatened, but it had no effect on the Snake as he smiled as a response before giving his word.

"I know the conditions, but let's train that body. I want it nice and strong for when I decide to have it in a few years." Orochimaru replied as he observed the blond, noticing that he was far too weak at the moment.

"A few years? What happened I came too late for you?" Naruto laughed as he lay on the bed made by Kabuto who wanted to make it easier to heal his wounds

"Exactly, that's why we have to wait." Kabuto answered for his master, moving Naruto constantly to heal the large wounds, whoever fought him left a lot for him to heal.

"Fine, I will start tomorrow and train until I am satisfied about my strength!" Naruto demanded he wouldn't give the snake complete satisfaction, after all he wouldn't make it easy for as long as he can.

Orochimaru didn't want to raise the boy's anger and release the fox within him so agreed reluctantly, after all it was only temporary he thought.

Hoped you liked this Chapter, and I will continue I only hope one day that Naruto will return home to explain the misunderstanding he made for his village, and will they accept him even I am not sure as the story develops

I hope that you liked this, I had edited it, and made it longer with more information.