This is a quick one-shot I wrote based on the poem below. I read it and immediately thought of the airport scene in the 100th episode. I meant for a paragraph to kind of match up with the stanza, so hopefully it makes sense. Please, please let me know what you think!

P.S. The poem is love's farewell by Michael Drayton and it's in Booth's POV, I just didn't put that in the actual story.

Since there's not help, come let us kiss and part;
Nay, I am done, you get no more of me;
And I am glad, yea, glad with all my heart,
That thus so cleanly I myself can free;

Shake hands for ever, cancel all our vows,
And when we meet at any time again,
Be it not seen in either of our brows
That we, one jot of former love retain.

Now, at the last gasp of love's latest breath,
When his pulse failing, passion speechless lies,
When faith is kneeling by his bed of death,
And innocence is closing up his eyes,

Now, if thou woulds't, when all have given him over,
From death to life Thou might'st him yet recover.

And now we're here. This is our final goodbye. No one can stop the inevitable. You are running away, so I am too. You don't want me anymore, not that you ever did. So now this is my final goodbye. I must stay true to my word. I will move beyond you, past you. I will find someone who will love me, for me. I can get over the heartbreak you have caused me. I can be free again.

I'm holding your hand now. That's all I can manage. Right now, this is us. Just us. It's as deep as it gets. I've heard people say we, you and I, can have conversations just with our eyes. Yes, I see it now. But when we return, there will be no more. I will be me, and you will be you. That is how you wanted it. So, no more of the silent conversations, no more shutting the world out. We are one person and another person in a sea of billions of others.

But I did love you. I will never deny it. Whether it was unrequited or not, it was there. It was one of the truest things I have ever experienced in my life. You have stripped me bare. You know my secrets, my joys, my haunts. And I know yours. That's who we are. Were. It was a beautiful thing. Was. But now, like a man on his death bed, with us standing here, it begins to die. It takes it's final breath as you are called to leave me. I am losing my faith in this love, maybe I already have. So that dies along with it. And the pureness of our love, yes, ours, joins along in the march to the afterlife.

But, you can change it. As it slips away, you need not but pull it back. I love you. I always will. But only you can pull us back from the recesses. Don't let this be our final goodbye.

So what did ya think? Please, please review!