Hope you like,, Kind of a spur of the moment thing though, I still enjoyed writing this chapter! :D

I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters!

It Wasn't Supposed To Happen

Chpt. 1

It had been six months since the well had closed up.

They had finally beaten Naraku, and soon after they had found the last remaining pieces of the jewel. They had waited, making preparations, trying to accept the fact that Kagome would probably never come back. Inuyasha had been stressing, Sango as well, and Miroku taking the time to comfort her. Shippou had been trying not to think about it as best he could, but sometimes he would break, knowing his adoptive mother would soon leave his side.

Kagome used most of it spending as much time as she could with them, never missing a chance to play with Shippou, talk to Sango, and sometimes she even enjoyed the constant arguments she would have with Inuyasha. Because they proved she was still there.

But it wasn't long before the time came,and they couldn't wait any longer to purify the jewel. Both Shippou and Inuyasha argued that they could take a little while longer, that they needed more time. But Kaede, Miroku, and even Sango agreed that she had to go back. They knew the more they waited, the harder it would be, so they had to get it over with.

Kagome had been sent back the moment she purified the jewel.

Everyday, for weeks, she would jump in the well. Always getting her hopes up, only to let them be crushed by the moment she would hit the bottom of the well, still in her era. Though, she finally started getting over the pain.

Her grades got better, and soon enough, she was in her senior year.

She had finally forgotten, and become a regular teenager again.

Her eyes wondered as she hardly took any interest in her friends' conversation. They all had boyfriends, and now, that's all they ever talked about. Usually, they would leave her out of the conversation, knowing she held no curiosity.

"Hey, Kagome?" Ayumi asked. Kagome turned and looked at her,

"Yeah?" she asked, wondering why they had suddenly added her into the conversation.

"Well... I was wondering..." she asked hesitantly, but had her sentence finished by Eri,

"What ever had to that bad boy you were dating? Inuyasha... was his name, right?"

She tensed, "Well, umm.. We broke up." she said, trying to change the conversation before they asked anymore questions.

"Why!" she asked, enthusiasm gathering in her voice.

Kagome looked down, "Can we not talk about it?" her voice sounded pitiful, almost desperate.

"Bu-" then Ayumi cut her off,

"We understand." she said as she looked at Eri and Yuka, daring them not to say anything else, "If you don't want to talk about it, we won't talk about it." she said as she sent a smile in the direction towards Kagome.

She turned around to face her friends, but instead, stumbled back as a tall, muscular man bumped into her shoulder.

"Oh, sorry!" she said, gaining her balance.

"Watch where you're going, woman." he then walked off, giving no other words.

"Rude much?" she asked.

Then the voice caught up to her. It was familiar, but she found her conscience didn't want to know who it was, as her heart beat out of her chest. But her curiosity was to high. She turned to see the man she had ran into. Long locks of silver ran down his back.

Then she knew.


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