Last chapter! I quite like it, which I'm surprised about. Enjoy!

Logan woke up to the feeling of someone nudging his shoulder. He blinked dazedly, trying to get his bearings. He remembered the night before. Kendall. The date. Almost sleeping on the couch. He vaguely remembered going upstairs to bed, but he felt so drowsy he couldn't be sure. Kendall was in the same position as before, fingers gripping Logan's shirt, face buried in Logan's neck. He couldn't help but notice how right it felt to have him there. Then he remembered he'd been woken up, and looked up to see who it was.

"Morning, sleepyhead," Mrs Mitchell said with a smile. You have school, you know. Mrs Mitchell said with a smile. "You might want to get up and get dressed."

Logan nodded. "Thanks, Mom." She left the room and Logan slowly sat up, carefully detaching himself from Kendall and shaking him gently by the shoulder. "Kendall? Wakey wakey."

Kendall stirred faintly and mumbled something about going away and letting him sleep. Logan just chuckled, shaking him again. "School, Kenny. Get up."


"Kendall." Logan sighed, rolling back his sleeves. "Fine. You leave me with no choice." He bent down and, trying to hold in his laughter, started tickling Kendall's sides. He couldn't help but burst out laughing when Kendall screamed, squirmed away from him and toppled off the bed and onto the floor. He knew how ticklish the blonde was, but that reaction got him every time.

Thanks to the overnight bag Kendall had brought with him, within half an hour they had breakfast, both got dressed and were soon on their way to school. They both felt cheerful, chatting all the way. But when they stepped in through the door, Kendall's mood started to drop. How much were things going to change from now on? What would people think when he and Danny weren't together anymore, and they saw Kendall's face had been pummelled? What kind of rumours would spread?

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, so I'll see you in English?" Without waiting for an answer, Kendall turned and walked away. Now his thoughts, for some strange, bizarre reason, were totally consumed by a tall dark-haired football player with angry eyes. Why wouldn't he just go away? Kendall didn't want anything to do with him anymore. He stood in front of the sink, hands gripping the edge to hold himself up as he stared at is own distraught face. The bruises were still there, still so noticeable. They were like scars.

Kendall's thoughts were interrupted when he heard the door open. He turned to see who it was, and stopped.

"Oh. Hey, Kendall," Danny greeted with a smile, stepping in front of Kendall, effectively blocking him from leaving.

Kendall was frozen to the spot. And he was so scared he couldn't even speak.

"What's the matter, baby? You look like you've seen a ghost." His hands moved to Kendall's waist, gripping him tightly. That smirk on his face was practically scaring Kendall to death. And he still couldn't move.

"I missed you, you know. I thought about you." Danny's hands were suddenly on his ass, feeling him up brazenly. "Well, I thought about you and your ass. But I think it's the same thing."

Suddenly Kendall could move, and he squirmed out of Danny's arms. "Leave me alone, Danny. W-we're done."

Kendall moved to leave the bathroom when he was grabbed by the arm. He turned around, his ice cold fear returning immediately. "Babe," Danny said, eyes glinting. "You know you can't get rid of me that easily. You know later on, you're gonna be alone and I'll be there."

"Oh yeah?" Kendall said defiantly, trying not to show he was almost shaking. "And what makes you say that?"

"You've a free period after lunch."

Kendall stared at him for a second, before turning and running out of the bathroom, Danny not trying to stop him. Oh crap he's right I'm free after lunch what am I gonna do? Kendall swallowed, trying to compose himself as he walked down the hallway. Normally he'd just got to study hall in a free period to get some of his homework done. Maybe if he got there really, really fast Danny wouldn't be able to—

"Hey, Kendall."

Once Kendall had recovered from the almost-heart-attack, he smiled at James. "Hey, James. What's up?"

"I was just—" James stopped. "What the heck happened to your face?"

"Uh . . . don't tell anybody?"


Kendall told him. James looked horrified. "What an asshole!" He paused. "I guess this might be a bad time, but I just wanted to thank you, for what you told me. Me and Carlos are . . . well . . ." James cut off with a grin.

Kendall smiled back at him. "That's great. I'm really happy for you two."

James's smile widened. "Thanks. Again. I'm gonna go find him, so I'll see you later?"

"Yeah, see you."

As soon as James was gone, Kendall hurried down the hall to his locker. He kept looking over his shoulder, and he really didn't care that he must've looked totally paranoid. When he felt a hand on his shoulder, he had to bite his lip to hold in a scream. He turned around and almost collapsed with relief when he only saw Logan. Right now the short brunette looked concerned. "You ok, Kenny?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Pfft, why wouldn't I be? Everything's great . . ."

Logan looked doubtful, but didn't pester him. "So, you ready for English?"

English class was normal and boring, as usual. However, Kendall desperately tried to concentrate on what the teacher was saying so he could keep his mind off Danny. It wasn't working. Even at lunch, Kendall would glance over his shoulder and see Danny smirking at him from his place at another table. He didn't want to eat, or do anything. Logan noticed.

"Kenny, are you ok? You haven't touched anything."

"I'm fine." Kendall bit his lip and wished he could just tell Logan everything. But that wasn't an option. Logan could get hurt. He wasn't gonna let that happen.

It seemed like only a minute later that the bell rang for the end of lunch. Logan had US history. Kendall had his free period. He walked through the empty hallway, heart pounding so hard he thought it might just stop. Then as he turned the corner and crashed straight into somebody who instantly had his arm in a vice grip. "There you are, baby. I was waiting for you."

Kendall made a whimpering sound, trying to free himself. "Let me go . . ."

"I just wanna talk to you, Kendall. I didn't think that was bad." With his sportsman strength, he twisted Kendall's arm so he squeaked in pain and stumbled sideways through the open door they were standing next to. Kendall saw a number on the door—23, the classroom nobody ever seemed to use—before the door shut behind him. With Danny blocking it.

Kendall backed away, managing not to trip over any tables. "Danny, I don't . . ."

Danny stepped closer, smirking, and Kendall backed further away. "Kendall, babe. You're not afraid of me, are you?"

Suddenly Danny pushed Kendall down onto the teacher's desk, holding him firmly by the hips as he climbed on top of him. Kendall found he couldn't breathe. "Danny, please—"

"Aw, come on, Kendall. We've been dating for over a year, and haven't messed around once." Danny slid a hand under Kendall's shirt, while another tugged at his pants.

"I don't care! Get off me!" Kendall was so scared. This was not how he wanted to lose his virginity; not to the boy who'd beaten him and then acted like it never happened. The boy who was now trying to force him into it. He refused to let it happen that way. But he was so scared he couldn't do anything.

"Danny, please!" Tears were building up in his eyes and when they started running down his cheeks, Danny bent down and licked them away, biting his cheek and making him whimper. Then a hand attached itself to the buttons on Kendall's plaid and started to undo them. Kendall couldn't take it anymore. He opened his mouth and started to scream, when Danny's other hand clamped over his mouth and nose.

Help me, Kendall thought desperately, feeling lost and afraid. Please, someone help.

Logan was on his way to the bathroom when he passed the study hall. Stopping outside the open door, his eyes wandered around the room. When he didn't spot Kendall there, he was confused. Kendall was always in study hall. He liked the peace and quiet; Logan had known him long enough to know this. He walked just inside the door to the nearest table and kneeled down next to Jenny Tinkler's chair. "Hey," he whispered. "You haven't seen Kendall, have you?"

"No," Jenny replied. "But I thought he'd be here. We were gonna work on our history project."

"I saw him with Danny on my way here," a boy next to Jenny added. Logan wasn't sure who he was. "They went into room 23, I think."

Logan stared at him. "You sure he was with Danny?"

"Uh huh."

"Uh . . . ok, thanks." Logan quickly stood up and left the room. How could this happen? He took his eye off Kendall for one minute and this happened! He hurried down the hallway and around the corner, his heart almost stopping when he collided with another boy.

"Hi, Logan." It was Carlos. "You alright? You look a bit . . . touchy?"

"I'm in the middle of a crisis," Logan replied quickly, stepping past him and walking towards room 23.

"Well, do you want any help?" Carlos asked, following him.

Logan stopped outside the door of room 23, grabbing the door handle and twisting it. He shoved the door open, storming in. His eyes immediately rested on the teacher's desk at the other end of the room. Danny was lying on top of someone. A blonde someone. Danny's hand was gagging that blonde someone, and there was muffle screaming coming from the blonde someone.

The blonde someone looked a lot like Kendall. "Hey!" Logan said angrily, striding across the room with Carlos following closely behind. "What the fuck are you doing?"

Danny looked up in surprise, and Kendall seemed to take the opportunity to shove Danny off him, stumbling off the desk. Then suddenly Danny's arm was around his waist, holding him tightly. Kendall gave a barely audible whimper, eyes wide and tearful as he struggled weakly to get away.

"Danny, I think you're a little out of control here," Logan said, trying to hold in his fury. "Why don't you let him go?"

Danny smirked. "You sure that's what Kenny wants? I don't hear him agreeing with you."

Kendall was shaking, legs barely holding him up.

"I think it's pretty obvious he wants nothing to do with you," Logan said coldly, stepping closer to Danny. "So back off."

Danny's smirk widened. "No, I don't think I will, pipsqueak." His arm around Kendall tightened, and right now the blonde looked like he was about to faint. But he didn't look like he could defend himself. Maybe he was just too afraid.

Carlos stood beside Logan. "Danny, I think you should stop this," he said quietly. Logan could've kissed him. However, he didn't even acknowledge what he said. His eyes remained locked with Danny's.

Danny just said, "I think this is between me and Mitchell. Not you."

"Then leave Kendall out of it," Logan said harshly. "Let go of him."

Danny rolled his eyes. "Whatever. You're really asking for it." But the arm around Kendall moved down to his side, and Kendall stumbled forward, away from him. Logan could see that he was trembling, even as Carlos grabbed his arm to hold him up.

"Look, if you two are gonna act like children fighting over a corndog, you should take it out into the hallway," Carlos said, gently leading Kendall towards the door. "I think you'd be better off around witnesses—I mean people."

Logan turned and followed the two out into the crowded hallway. He hadn't even heard the bell ring. Kendall turned to look at him with sad eyes. "Logan, please just leave him. He's not worth it."

"I know he's not," Logan replied matter-of-factly. "But you are."

While Carlos said "Aw!", Kendall's expression didn't even change. "Please, Logan."

Logan sighed. "Fine. If he doesn't provoke me anymore, I'll leave him alone to be the prick that he is."

Kendall gave a small smile. "Thank you."

They turned and had started walking down the hallway, when Logan heard Danny behind him.

"He wants it, Mitchell. You know it. You know I'll always have him because you'll never get to fuck that—"

Logan saw red. He turned around and lunged at Danny, tackling him to the floor. He heard gasps, and a cheer somewhere among the gathering crowd. Daniel shoved Logan, and then Logan punched him in the face. Just like that. It was surprisingly easy.

As he swung a fist at Danny again, he felt arms grabbing him and turned around to see Alan, one of Danny's jock friends. He struggled to get out of his hold, because Danny was coming at him again. Suddenly Alan fell onto the floor with a grunt of pain, because Carlos had leaped at him, and now they were in their own battle. He kept throwing punches at Danny, and he heard somebody yell Carlos's name, but he didn't pay attention, because Danny had hurt Kendall. He'd broken his heart, beaten him and then assaulted him? Nobody got away with that on Logan's watch.

Then suddenly Miss Collins was barging in, screaming, "Stop it! Break it up, right now!"

Logan reluctantly stepped back. He didn't feel any pain, surprisingly. He saw Danny had a bleeding nose. When he turned, he saw James and Carlos standing there too. James had a hand pressed against his cheek, but other that that they both looked fine. Had they really won?

Logan looked around to see where Kendall was, but Miss Collins was calling them all down the hallway, and he had to go with her.

"I don't know what was going through his head," Logan said furiously, as they sat on chairs outside the principal's office. "He's completely nuts." They were waiting to be told off, and Danny and his friends were already inside there. Hopefully receiving a large punishment.

"Not really." When Logan looked at him in disbelief, James shrugged and went on. "Dude, you know all the couples go to room 23 to have sex. It's a fact of life; I'm surprised the teachers haven't noticed yet. I guess to Danny, they were still together. I mean, he still liked Kendall, right? Even if Kendall didn't like him."

"I'd bet my life savings he just wants to shag him," Logan muttered, folding his arms. "I hate him. I really do. He's always got in the way."

James chuckled. "I know what you mean."

Carlos hit him over the head and started to laugh. "Well, we're all in this together now. Nothing we can do about it." The door to the office opened and Danny and his friends filed out, not even glancing at the three boys as they walked past. Then Logan heard the principal calling them in, and he stood up.

"Well, we all got suspended together," Logan said gloomily, as the three walked out of the office ten minutes later. He was surprised at how upset and distressed he didn't feel. He was actually quite proud of what he'd done. He'd done it for Kendall, and that was what mattered. Plus, Danny and his crew were suspended too. That made him happy.

He was just getting some homework books out of his locker when Kendall walked up to him. "You got suspended?"

Logan nodded, shutting his locker and putting his books in his bags. "Oh Logan, I'm sorry. This is all my fault."

"Hey, don't be silly. It's not your fault, and it's no big deal anyway. I'm sure my parents will understand." He paused. "Well, I hope they will."

"Tell them everything," Kendall said. "Explain everything to them, then they can't get mad at you. You were just protecting me."

"I thought you didn't want anyone to know?"

"I don't, but tell them anyway. I don't want you getting in trouble cos I can't even defend my sorry self." He paused, before giving a small smile. "Anyway, they're like second parents to me. Don't worry about it."

Logan nodded, still slightly uncertain. "Ok. Thanks."

"No problem. So now that you're suspended, what are we gonna do now?"

"Hold on. 'We'? You're not suspended, Kendall."

Kendall laughed. "And your point is?"

"Dude, you should stay in school—"

Kendall was smirking. "While you go around and have a great time without me? I don't think so." His smile widened and he leaned slightly closer to Logan. "Besides, I'd miss you too much."

Logan couldn't help grinning. "Ok. Let's go, then."

They walked out of school together, Logan smiling when no teacher noticed or yelled at them. Getting suspended wasn't as bad as it seemed. They walked down the street, and then Logan stopped. Would he really go home and face his mom immediately?

Kendall seemed to notice. "Wanna come back to my house?" he asked. "Your mom will be home, so . . ."

"Yeah. I can tell her later. Let's go to yours."

When they got to Kendall's house, they both went up to his room. Kendall sat on his bed, leaning back against the headboard and patting the spot next to him. Logan sat down and Kendall leaned against him, Logan winding an arm around his shoulders. Kendall turned his head to smile at him. "Thank you, for today. I don't know what I would've done. I just froze up."

"It's to be expected, Kendall. Don't even think about it anymore." Logan leaned closer to Kendall, resting their lips together.

When they kissed, it was desperate and needy and they both knew how much they wanted each other. This was why Logan lay down with Kendall lying underneath him, and moved his lips to his neck. His hands moved to the buttons of Kendall's shirt, and he pulled back to see if Kendall was going to protest. He saw the blonde looking nervous. Then he said, "I . . . it's not a pretty sight, Logan."

When Logan just tugged at the shirt encouragingly, Kendall smiled shyly and moved his own hands up to start opening the bottom buttons of the shirt while Logan did the top ones. Then Kendall sat up slightly so he could shake the shirt off his shoulders and down his arms, before pulling it off and throwing it aside. Logan noticed the nervous look remaining in Kendall's eyes. He was worried about how he looked with his injuries. But Logan was totally spellbound.

"You're so beautiful," he murmured, running his fingers along Kendall's abs. Before the blonde could say anything, Logan bent down and rested his lips on his shoulder, where and ugly black bruise had formed from Saturday night. Logan left little, gentle kisses on all of Kendall's bruises, smiling when he heard Kendall sigh in pleasure. Logan sat up and removed his own t-shirt, before leaning back down and running his tongue along Kendall navel, kissing and bruises tainting the pale skin. He fumbled with Kendall's belt, opening it and then unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans, pulling them down his legs. He was getting hard really fast, and he could feel Kendall was too. His lips met Kendall's again and his hands travelled back up to grab the waistband of Kendall's boxers. It was when he was pulling them down to reveal Kendall's hard cock that Logan stopped, suddenly unsure of what he was doing.

"Logie? What's wrong?"

Logan mentally shook himself. "I guess I'm just . . . I'm afraid of hurting you."

"Logan." Kendall lifted his hips and pulled the jeans and underwear off the rest of the way. "I know you'd never hurt me on purpose. You know I know that. Why are you so worried?"

"I . . ." Logan found he couldn't protest as Kendall opened his pants, pulling them and his boxers down his legs. Then suddenly he could speak again. "It's not just that. It's not like I've done this before, Kendall. Even if I don't hurt you, I'll probably end up making a total idiot of myself—"

"Logie." Logan unwillingly met Kendall's eyes. "You know I'd never think that of you," Kendall said firmly. "This is me. I'm your best friend; you know I won't laugh at you, or go around telling everyone what a terrible lay you are. I highly doubt that, by the way. Anyway . . ." Kendall started to blush. "I want you to have it. Nobody else."

"Have . . .? Hold on." Logan frowned. "Are you telling me you and Danny never . . . did it?"

"No, we didn't."

"But . . . he said—"

"And you believed him? He was only trying to piss you off, Logie." Kendall started to smile. "And it definitely worked. Before today, I never saw you hit anyone in your life."

Logan chuckled. "Well, he deserved it. Big time." He paused. "So, you're sure?"

"Well, do you want to do this?"

"Of course I do."

"Then I'm sure."

Without waiting for a reply, Kendall took Logan's hand and pulled him forward, putting his fingers in his mouth. Rolling his tongue around the digits, he sucked on them until they were wet enough, before pulling them out and guiding his hand down to his ass. Logan used his other hand to spread Kendall's legs further, then slowly pushed his forefinger inside the blonde's hole. Kendall let out a low moan, eyes clenched shut. "Logan."

"Shh, I've got you," Logan murmured, before sliding a second finger in. He twisted the fingers around, scissoring them and feeling around until he found what he was looking for as Kendall squeaked, head thrown back against the pillow as he stuttered out, "Th-there."

Logan tapped Kendall's prostate again, distracting him as he shoved a third finger in, stretching him further. Kendall was groaning in pleasure, and let out an angry whimper of protest when Logan removed his fingers. Logan couldn't help smiling as he spat on his hand and coated his dick with the saliva. Kendall wanted him. Not Danny. That was Logan's name Kendall had moaned. Not Danny's. His. It was all he'd ever wanted; he just hoped he wasn't about to mess it up.

Logan inched forward so that the tip of his cock was pressing against Kendall's entrance. Lifting Kendall's legs, he rested them on his hips for better access, and then with a nod from Kendall, he slowly pushed forward. Logan gasped as he sank into Kendall. He couldn't believe how tight he still was. Then he felt Kendall trembling and stopped. "Kenny . . ."

Kendall's eyes were now full of tears, and he couldn't seem to breathe properly. His hands were fisting the comforter almost desperately. Logan stared at him in horror as a tear slid down his cheek. "Oh God, I'm hurting you!" He started to pull out when Kendall grabbed his arm.

"I'm f-fine," Kendall managed to stutter out, tearful eyes locked with Logan's. "Just, please don't stop."

Logan stared at him for another second, before nodding. He leaned down a little, kissing Kendall's damp cheek and whispering, "I love you." He needed to say it, needed to get it off his chest.

His heart soared when Kendall murmured back, "I love you too, Logie."

They lay there for another few seconds, and then Kendall said, "M-move."

Logan slowly pulled back so only his tip was inside Kendall, then moved forward again, rocking their hips together gently. He went at this slow pace for a while, and then he brushed off Kendall's sweet spot again. Kendall screamed in ecstasy, back arching off the bed. "Oohh, Logan!"

Logan took this as a green light, pulling out and slamming back in, angling his hips to hit off Kendall's prostate again. He kept at it faster and faster, sweat trickling down his forehead as he pounded into his new lover. Kendall was groaning and panting, and screams of "Logan!" and "Harder!" could often be heard. Logan kept going until he finally felt himself go over the edge. He quickly grabbed Kendall's erection and pumped him into coming too, both of them panting as they rode out their orgasms. Logan rested there for a moment, before pulling out and lying down beside Kendall. They both lay there for a few seconds, then Kendall turned and kissed Logan on the cheek softly. "You're amazing, you know."

Logan grinned. "I know."

Kendall rolled his eyes smirking. "Wow, and you're modest too."

Logan laughed, kissing Kendall on the corner of his mouth. "Yeah, well. You're pretty amazing too. I guess that's why I've loved you forever."

Kendall smiled sweetly. "Wow, that long?"

"Well, practically since the day we met in Kindergarten. That was a fun day."

Kendall chuckled. "Yeah. Buddy Simmons pushed me off the swings and then you hit him. Then Jenny Tinkler kicked you and I had to stop her from choking you."

"Then we all became best friends. What a day."

"And now, here we are."

"I regret nothing."

Huh. I'm actually pretty satisfied with this! Well, the ending, anyway. Please review, and thanks to everyone who followed this!