I haven't written something in a long time. Been 2 years. And I've changed my name. So it's no longer Switchgun, it's SpiralNinja05. So don't be alarmed in the name change. I'm starting to get back into the swing of writing these. Hopefully this is to your liking as you all liked the previous chapters.

Fang POV

I was keeping an eye on the restroom door to make sure Iggy went the right way when he came out. Though it had already been almost 10 minutes and the only people to have left the men's restroom were 3 jocks….3 jocks that are in out English class….I stood up and started walking towards the restroom.

"Where are you going?" I looked back at Max.

"Restroom." I turned my head back and continued walking towards the restroom. I opened the door, closing it behind me, glancing around for any since of Iggy, but there was no sign of him. This was strange since I didn't see him leave the restroom. Then I noticed that one of the mirrors was cracked, it could have been broken before but I saw traces of blood on it and some on the floor. "Hey Ig, you in here?" There was silence for a bit, which I almost left when I heard a response from one of the stalls.

"Yeah. Did you come to check up on me like the good big brother you are?" I scowled a bit, he was enjoying himself a little too much.

"Oh you know I care about you all the time. Now are you done? Lunch is almost over."

"I think I'll stay in here. It's a good place to ditch."

"I'm sure a bathroom stall is comfy as can be considering how cramped they are." I walked over and stopped in front of the stall I could hear Iggy's voice behind. "Now get out before I kick the door down or I can have Max come in here and drag you out." There was another pause, I knew Iggy was thinking over what I just said.

"No I think I'd rather go to class than feel the wrath of Max." I heard him fumble with the stall lock and I froze when he opened the door; he looked like a car had ran over him, twice. He had a few brusies on his face, some blood coming from the corner of his lips and off his head a bit, his hands looked like they were busted up and I noticed he was clutching his stomach.

"What the heck happened?" Then I remembered I saw those 3 jocks leave the restroom before I came in. "It was those 3 football jocks from English, wasn't it?" Iggy was staring at me, more like glaring at me. I had guessed right.

"Of course it was them, but only two of them actually did it. I think the other one was watching the door."

"They did a number on you considering their just high school punks. I saw them and they looked completely fine. Did you fight back at all?" Iggy walked past me and made his way to the sink, holding his hand out skimming it along the edge. I knew if I tried to help him he'd just lash out at me. He turned on the water and began washing his hands and face, practically ignoring my question. "Ig, answer the question." He dried his hands and face then turned to face me, which was still more of a glare.

"I didn't fight back because of Max. Because of her lecture the other day. I'm trying to stay out of trouble so we won't have to move around again." I could tell that Iggy had held himself back, and wasn't happy with it. We all hated holding back. I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You're not alone. Me and Max are here for you. Call out for us next time and we'll come help you." Iggy brushed off my hand.

"It's my problem. I don't want you and Max getting involved. It'll just cause more problems…"

"Fine but if we see those 3 picking on you again, I don't guarantee that either Max or I will hold back. Now let's get back to Max. She's probably watching the restroom like a hawk by now." I started walking but stopped when I noticed Iggy wasn't following. "What's wrong?"

"I don't want to go out looking like this and have more people staring at me."

"Ig don't worry about them. Now come on or Max will drag you out." I grabbed Iggy's arm and began dragging him out.

Iggy POV

I really didn't want to go back outside. People stared at me already when I was blind, and now I'm covered in bruises so I look more like a freak. But Fang was right. I really should worry about the others opinions, but I can feel when they're staring at me, I don't like that feeling. And I knew that once we exited the restroom most of the teenager's eyes were on me. We made it over to Max who was speechless for once.

"What the heck happened? Did you slip and hit the sink or something?" I glanced in her direction.

"No. I'm not that clumsy." I sat back in the area that I was sitting before I left, trying to ignore Max's stare and everyone else's.

"Then what happened?" I knew Max was staring at me but I didn't answer her back and just went back to what eating whatever was left over. Though when her death glare doesn't work on me she goes towards someone else. That someone else being Fang, and Fang always gives in to Max, well mostly. "You were in there, what happened?" Luckily the bell rang for lunch to be over. I stood up and stretched.

"Well what do you know, it's time to get to the next class. I guess we'll have to continue this conversation later." I could tell Max wasn't happy.

"We will. Because this conversation is defiantly not over." I heard Max stand up and march off while Fang didn't move.

"Aren't you going to march off as well?" I said picking up my backpack.

"Why would I do that? I know Max doesn't know what happened but I'm not going to leave you alone like this. I don't know what you'll do. You'll probably ditch, or those jerks will jump you again."

"You don't know that. I'm just going to go as if nothing happened." I threw my arms in the air, "See nothing happened I'm perfectly fine nothing's wrong!" I winced slightly. My stomach still hurt and now I knew Fang wasn't going to let me go with that.

"I'm sure there's nothing wrong with you. Come on we should at least go to the nurse before you head to your class by yourself." Go to the nurse? Seriously? Fang was actually suggesting we go see a nurse, a place where it spelled like medicine and other stuff that smelled like the school.

"No. No. There is no way I'm going to a nurse's office. These wounds will be healed in no time."

"True, but you have your class by yourself now. How are you going to explain to your teacher all the bruises and the dried blood? You're going to the nurse's office either way." I crossed my arms and turned my head looking down towards the ground. Fang had a point. Mr. Devon would send me straight to the nurse if he saw me covered in bruises. Why does Fang always have to be right?

"Fine. I'm only going this once."

"Good. Besides I think you'd rather go with me than having Max take you." I heard Fang lean over grabbing his backpack.

"Yeah that's true. She'd just make things worse than they are."

This is it for this chapter. Hopefully you all enjoyed. Comment/Review if you like it or have any suggestions.


Spiral is out~