Switch here. I know I haven't been active since like August last year, I'm sorry for that. I'm a really bad updater and now that I return I bring you a new story. I've been thinking a lot about how the flock would be at school but mainly Iggy. I mean he's blind and it must be hard. But I started to wonder how he did all his work in all his classes. Probably Fang did it…but I wondered if Iggy even knew how to write. So this is how that story progressed. It's about Iggy learning how to write and possibily read.

This is all in Iggy's POV unless I change it.

I do not own any of the characters…besides the one's I make up.

High school, the worst place for a blind avain-hybrid teenager to be. There are too many noises and too many people. Max's mom, Dr. Martinez, is making us attend school as long as we stay at her house. Everyone seems fine with it, Max is paranoid like usual, Fang of course said nothing, Nudge was practically jumping up and down, Gazzy wasn't as excited and Angel was as happy as Nudge. And what about my opinion? Well I absolutely hated the idea. I do nothing at school, I can't take notes because I can't see or write, so Max or Fang do it. So I have to concentrate on the teachers voice which is extremely hard with all the other noises in the room. In other words school is a pain in my opinion.

"Ig don't just stand there. We're going to be late." Max grabbed my arm and dragged me into the front office. I pulled my arm away and followed behind Max with Fang trailing behind me.

"Oh what was I thinking. I wouldn't want us to be late on our first day." I felt Max's hand smack my arm, "Ow…" I rubbed the spot she hit.

"You deserved it." I heard Max's footsteps stop so I stopped as well. "Hello, uh we're new here-"


"Uh, Martinez…" Max's mom made us take her name when enrolling us, she said it was easier to keep track of us that way. I tapped my fingers against my legs while the lady at the desk shuffled through papers.

"Ah yes. Maxine, Nickolas, and Jeffery Martinez. Here are you schedules and class starts in ten minutes. Here's a map of the school."

"Thanks." I listened as Max walked away and I followed after her, then Fang behind us.

"So, do we have the same classes?"

"It looks like Fang has all classes with Iggy except for one and I have four with Fang and three with Iggy and…" I heard her pause, the paper crumpled a bit. I heard Fang walk over, there was something wrong with one of our schedules apparently.

"What? What's wrong? Max get stuck in cooking class?"

"No….Iggy you have a class by yourself…" I stiffened. The worst possible thing to happen in this school had happened. I was going to be by myself in a room full of unknown people.

"What? What do you mean I have one class by myself? I thought I was suppose to be with one of you guys like we did in Virginia?"

"Calm down Iggy. I'll go ask that lady about your schedule." I hear Max walk back into the office. I shoved my hands in my pockets and leaned against the wall. I felt someone tap the side of my shoe, it was Fang.

"Don't let it bother you. Max'll fix it." For some reason I didn't believe Fang because Max came storming out.

"So did they change it?"

"No. She said you were required to take that class. It's suppose to help keep you caught up with homework and tests…and other stuff like that. You have to because-" I held up my hand to stop her.

"I know why….let's just get this day over with."

Max didn't have the first class with me and Fang, so she left to go to her class. Fang and I had English first, not my favorite subject, especially since I can't read or write. I followed behind Fang into the classroom and stopped as he talked to the teacher.

"All right class we have two new students joining us. Now why don't you say your name and something about yourself." Yes just the thing to start out the first day, saying something that could either brand you as an outcast or as one of the popular.

"I'm Nickolas Martinez, but I go by Nick. And I'm into pretty much anything I guess." I heard some girls whispering how cute Fang was and a whole lot of other stuff.

"I'm Jeffery Martinez, I go by Jeff, and I'm blind…" I heard the room go silent before they all started whispering. Well I guess I'm an outcast then, yay.

"Well then, why don't you two go take a seat in the back." I heard Fang start walking and I started to follow, that is until I stumbled on someone's foot (Which I knew was stuck out on purpose) almost landing face first on the ground, that is if Fang wasn't there. He helped me up, I clenched my teeth and continued following Fang to the back of the class, with the rest of the class giggling and what not behind us. I heard Fang tap on a desk twice and I sat myself at that desk. Fang got out his supplies while I just sat there and listened. That is until the teacher pulled out some spelling/vocabulary test thing. Lets just say that we're not the best spellers in the world…well Fang's probably better than the rest of us since he's on that laptop of his twenty-four seven. We didn't really start learning until we got to the E-House but by then I was blind, so I didn't really learn. Fang handed me a paper, which he was so kind enough to write my name on it. I thought he was going to help me write out what ever words the teacher said but…

"Nick. I'm sure Jeff can do his own test." That's right the teacher interrupted. I heard the teacher's footsteps come closer and stop next to me. "All right Jeff. You're just going to write the word I say down on the paper and then write what you think it means next to it. I know you're blind so do you need me to help you?" I lifted my head to look at her…well sort of.

"No…I'm good. I think I can manage."

"All right then. Well if you need any help at all please just raise your hand and I'll come over to help you." I listened to her walk away. She acted like I hadn't taken a test before and she even babied me. Like I need help. I picked up my pencil and scanned the paper for the lines. Soon I found the blue lines on the white paper and the teacher began saying the words on the test. The first word was 'emblazoned'. I haven't even heard of the word nonetheless know how to spell it. So this is how my spelling turned out 'mbazn'. I don't even think I got the letters to look like letters. For some reason every time I said it in my head it turned into a different word from emblazoned to mmbacon. Did I know the meaning no, so I skipped to the next word. There were only ten questions thank goodness for that. We passed our papers forward, which I didn't want to do. I heard some of the kids snickering at my paper, there was nothing to stop them from making fun of me now.

"How'd you do?" I turned towards the direction of Fang's voice.

"100% man. I knew all those words." Sarcasim for the win. "What about you?"

"Not too bad I guess…" I knew he wouldn't admit that he sucked either. After the test the teacher went on teaching until the bell rang for break. But she called me up just as Fang and I were about to leave. Fang walked up with me to the teachers desk, then stood behind me.

"Uh Jeffery I took a look at your test and well…" I guess she showed it to Fang because I heard a muffled laugh coming from him. "Jeff, I have to ask were you born blind?" I stiffened up for a bit before relaxing.

"No…there was…an accident when I was younger…"

"Oh well I'm sorry to bring it up…but I'm sure you learned you abc's and how to spell before the accident?"

"I never learned…There were, problems that led up to the accident…and I was never taught…" I played with the hem of my sleeve, I really wanted this conversation to be over with.

"Oh I'm sorry…but English will be with you through out the rest of your life. I don't want to watch you fail because nobody taught you. If it's fine with you and your family, I want you to stay after school once a week. I can help you keep track of your progress. I want to help you pass, but only if you want the help." I hesitated for a second. "You don't have to answer now, just talk it over with your parents and give me your answer next class. And Nick, can you begin helping him at home when you guys have some free time?" It was silent for a moment and I figured that Fang must of nodded. "Now you two head off to break and I'll see you tomorrow."

There was silence for a second before I followed Fang out the door. I hate these halls. Too many people, too much noise. I almost lost Fang a few times, but Fang took a hold of my wrist and made our way to meet up with Max.

"What took you guys so long? Breaks almost over."

"The teacher wanted to talk to us about something…" I crossed my arms and hoped Max wouldn't ask any more questions.

"You guys didn't do anything to upset the teacher already did you?"

"No…it was about something else about class. Just about what we missed. Nothing big." I could feel Fang's stare on me. I didn't want to tell Max yet, and I hoped Fang wouldn't tell her yet either.

"Okay then...Well then lets head to our next class."

The rest of the day seemed to go on without incident. NOT. I tripped on I don't know how many feet, listened in on everyone's conversation, more like gossip, and almost got lost about three times. So now it was time for the one class I had by myself. Max and Fang led me there and Max came inside while Fang waited outside. The room seemed quieter than the others today like there was less people. I heard footsteps coming towards us and then stop in front of us.

"Hello there. I'm Mr. Devon. One of you must be the new student I was informed about." I felt Max tug on my arm forward, almost making me do a face plant.

"Yes. This is my brother Jeff Martinez."

"Oh yes, I have been informed of your situation. I'm here to help with anything that you have trouble with. So why don't I show you around the room and explain about this class. Do you care to join us…"

"Max, but sorry can't. I have class so I better get going. So I'll be back to pick up Jeff after class." I felt Max tap my hand before leaving to say that I'll be fine, but I highly doubt it. She made it sound like I was a six year old.

"Well then Jeff, why don't we introduce you to the rest of the class and then I'll show you around." I felt him grab my wrist but I pulled it away on instinct. I could tell he was a bit shocked about my action by the silence.

"Sorry…it's a normal reaction of mine. I don't like people touching me without warning."

"Oh that's fine, it's my fault. I should of told you first. I was just going to lead you to the front of the class so you wouldn't bump into anything."

"Oh…well I've ran into plenty of things so I'm use to it by now."

"All right then, shall we proceed?" I didn't give an answer, just followed right behind until he stopped. "Okay attention. Today we have a new student joining us. This is Jeffery Martinez, he is blind but is just like anyother person." Yeah until you see the wings. "So Jeffery why don't you tell us something about yourself, like your age, family, hobbies, anything."

"Well I like to go by I-Jeff. I'm fourteen, I have five siblings and I like to uh…" Can't say blow up stuff or they'll think I'll blow up the school. "I like to tinker with things. I have to keep my hands busy."

"Thank you Jeff. Now everyone continue with your homework. Your helpers will come check on you in a bit." The kids then went back to writing or talking. "Jeff, I guess your wondering what this class is. Well this class helps children with disabilities like you in school. We help them understand the homework. Most of the kids in here are straight A students. Most people don't believe in them but everyone in here does." In a way I kind of felt happy here, by what I understood everyone was equal here no matter how different they are. "Sometimes we have a class where we just do homework and help with subjects that the students are having trouble with. While some days we have fun and play games. Some kids have a hard time concentrating and we don't want to have them just work all day long. Besides is good to have fun every once in a while."

As Mr. Devon was talking he showed me around, there were tables and chairs on one side, a television and games on the other. In a way it felt like a grade school room. Though we soon came to their own personal library. "Some of the students come over here to take a break from their homework. It's free access any time you want. So Jeff, since class is almost over we'll begin talking about your school work tomorrow. Is there anything in particular you want to do for the rest of the class?" I skimmed my fingers along the books, feeling all the different shapes and colors. I don't know why but after what happened today, I wanted to open a book and start reading. Sure I had audio books but holding a book was different. I put a book back and retracked my hand from the shelves.

"No…I think I'll just sit down for a bit." I walked over to where I remembered the chairs and tables being and sat, placing my backpack on the table. I folded my arm and placed them on top of my backpack and placed my head on my arms. This day was long and waiting for the bell to ring was even longer. I heard footsteps walk towards me, they were a bit heavy but at a calm walking pace. It was Mr. Devon.

"Jeff, I thought that while you were just sitting here that you might want to play with this. It's a rubix cube. You said you like to keep your hands busy. I'm sure this'll keep them busy for a while." He placed the rubix cube on the desk and walked away. I touched the rubix cube and skimmed the shape of it. I was amazed by it. There were six different colors on it, all around the cube the colors were in different areas. I started to twist it around over and over, connecting the colors together. But before I knew it the bell rang. Though I would have to wait for Max and Fang to get here before I left. I put the rubix cube down and waited. It took about a few minutes for Max and Fang to get there but we were out the door in no time flat.

"So how was your class?" I looked towards Max's voice and shrugged. "Well that sounds exciting…" Truthfully I didn't want to talk about today. So much happened in one day of school. ONE DAY. I didn't think that school could do that. So once we got to Dr. Martinez's house, I walked straight to the room I occupied with Fang and slammed the door. I fell straight on my bed hoping to get a moment of peace for once today.

So I hope you all liked it. I put Iggy in his own class kids who need help because I remember a class like that when I was in high school. So the classroom is based off what I remember the classroom looking like. I really want to see how Iggy progresses in allowing people to help him. So we'll see how it progresses.

I hope you all enjoyed. You may review if you like, I don't mind. I'll be updating as soon as I can. Switch Out.