A/N: Hey guys! Even though I ship Kurtofsky hardcore, this is my first attempt at a fic for them. It's a songfic based on Evanescence's "Good Enough". (It was originally a oneshot, but I got a few requests to make it multi-chapter, and I squee'd and did so.)
Disclaimer: I don't own Glee, and I don't own Evanescence. But, oh, the things I would do to Amy Lee if I did. ;P
Under your spell again
I can't say no to you
Crave my heart and it's bleeding in your hand
I can't say no to you.
Kurt sighed against Dave's lips. It was a small thing, really. A tiny little noise of contentment. But to Dave Karofsky, it was everything. For the past two weeks since Kurt's return to McKinley, Dave's life had revolved around such noises, and the ways in which he could elicit them.
Maybe it wasn't perfect. Dave still wasn't out, so their trysts were relegated to janitor's closets and unoccupied bathrooms. But somehow, nothing else seemed important when he was alone with Kurt. He was consumed now, swept away by Kurt's beauty. He hadn't expected that the smaller boy would ever have been able to even just forgive him, let alone embrace him the way he did now. As Dave covered Kurt's jawline with soft kisses and pulled him close, he thought that if he were any more thankful for this boy's forgiveness, for his existence, his heart might explode.
Shouldn't let you torture me so sweetly
Now I can't let go of this dream
I can't breathe but I feel
Good enough
I feel good enough for you.
After all he'd done, he still sometimes doubted that he deserved to be in Kurt's presence. But with each caress of Kurt's flawless skin, with each kiss pressed to his perfect lips, Dave felt that maybe he was slowly making up for their past. He was trying with every touch to prove that he really had changed; that he really was good enough.
He didn't want it to only be like this forever. He wanted to be with Kurt. He pictured himself walking down the hallways with one arm draped casually over Kurt's shoulder, with Kurt's head on his chest and his hand in his back pocket. And if anybody disapproved of the sight of them, they'd be met with a defiant glare from the two in return. He realized that he wasn't scared anymore. He realized that it was finally time to come out.
And I'm still waiting for the rain to fall
Pour real life down on me
'Cause I can't hold on to anything
This good enough
Am I good enough
For you to love me, too?
He hadn't expected the conversation with Kurt about his impending announcement to go like this. It had been derailed with just five words.
"Dave, we need to talk." Kurt said.
Dave searched the smaller boy's face. It was contorted into a look that Dave had never seen there before. "I thought we already were?" he questioned, ignoring the pinch in his chest.
Kurt sighed. Another four words, and Dave instantly understood the purpose of this conversation. "Blaine's coming to McKinley."
Dave exhaled and nodded. He decided to play dumb. "Uh-huh. Well, that's cool. I know he's one of your best friends, so that's.. yeah. Really cool."
Kurt allowed himself to smile momentarily. "Yeah, I'm really happy. But, Dave, it means that there needs to be some clarification on what this is and what it isn't." Kurt gestured back and forth between them a few times for effect. It wasn't needed. Dave knew exactly what he was saying. And that look was back, but this time Dave recognized what it was. It was guilt.
Dave steadied himself. He hesitated, unsure if he wanted to ask the next question, already fearing he knew the answer. "So then, what are we?"
Kurt bit his lip slightly and shrugged his shoulders. "I've been wondering that. I suppose we're.. friends? With makeout benefits, of course."
Dave eyes were fixed on Kurt's mouth. He could hardly process those words. "F-friends with benefits? That's.. that's what you think this is?"
Kurt shot Dave a confused look. "I.. yeah. What did you think it was?"
Dave's mouth opened and closed a few times. Did Kurt just say 'was'? He didn't want to talk anymore. His heart was in a vice-grip and he wished he could dissolve into the floor. "I don't know. I guess maybe I thought it was something more."
Kurt eyed him pitifully. "Oh. I didn't realize you'd ever.. oh. I, uh. Dave, I'm sorry. But I just never thought of you a-"
Dave cut him off. "I get it. You don't think I deserve to be with you. And you're probably right. Plus, hey, what would your friends say if they knew about us? They'd warn you to get away from me in a second, I'm sure."
Kurt looked pained. "That's not what I'm- I just think that I shouldn't get too serious with anyone right now. Keep it light, you know? See what's out there. And you- you should do the same."
Dave's jaw clenched; a tidal wave of emotions threatened to overwhelm him at any moment, and he was desperate to bite back the words that hung on his lips. One more look into Kurt's eyes, though, and his lips betrayed him. "Kurt, I don't want to see what's out there. I only want you."
Kurt placed his hand flat against Dave's chest. "You say that now, but how do you know you mean it if you never even look at anyone else?"
Dave's hand covered Kurt's. "No. No, Kurt. I am so sure, I.. I love you."
Kurt pulled his hand away and took a few steps back from Dave. "If you love me, Dave, then let me go. This is for the best." Kurt responded, eyes cast down to the grayish-brown concrete floor.
Dave opened his mouth to protest, but his utter devastation left him unable to form words. Instead, he gave Kurt one last dejected look before throwing the door open and tearing off down the hallway. He didn't look back to see if Kurt was watching him; the tears had started streaming down his face as soon as he had touched the doorknob and he'd be damned if Kurt was going to see him cry.
Dave Karofsky's gaze lingered forlornly on Kurt and Blaine as they traversed McKinley's hallway together, all silly grins and giggles. They walked with an elegant stride, practically gliding along, so contentedly immersed in their own conversation that they seemed to completely disregard all other inhabitants of the hallway. As they passed him by, Kurt looked back at him over his shoulder twitched the corners of his mouth into a small smile. Dave gave the slightest nod in return. He watched them walk away, beating back every urge that was gnawing at his insides. Kurt's words reverberated in his head. This is for the best.
Dave hated it, he really did. But he was stuck. All he could do now was wait, and hope that Kurt would eventually realize what he already knew to be true. Dave was good enough. He was good enough to realize that Kurt deserved to be completely, unendingly happy; even if it couldn't be with him.
Dave sighed as Kurt and Blaine disappeared around the corner. He closed his locker and headed off down the hallway in the opposite direction.
So take care what you ask of me
'Cause I can't say no.