Wow... So, okay... Erm... Please don't use the various methods of torture and ouch that you guys reviewed and PM'd me! Just... ow. I have updated so that won't be necessary! *gulps, adjusts tie nervously* Authors Note is at the bottom to explain extended hiatus.

As Felicity slept in his arms, Alec was thinking about what the next day would bring. It had been six days since their steamy encounter and Alec was eager for it to happen again; being a virginal teenager for over 1200 years was not an easy thing to accomplish. Alec knew, though, that he should not be thinking about those kinds of things at that moment as tomorrow was the day that Alec and Felicity would be putting their plan into action and would travel to Volterra. The young couple was terrified of what they would find and Alec was desperately trying not to cry the tears that would never come again. He was scared for his sisters' safety and just wanted to know that she was alright.

Unbeknownst to them, Heidi was planning her and Renata's attack for tomorrow, as well. A week ago she had gotten Aro's permission for Renata and herself to travel for a week or two to hand out brochures to people from different countries; the guard thought the tourists who visited Volterra nowadays were getting bland and wanted a wider selection. Heidi and Renata were now hiding out in a cave hidden in one of the cliffs in La Push. They had been running around La Push, attacking random people from the tribe (mainly women and children) while trailing around Felicity's and Alec's scents from some of the clothes of theirs they had taken from Volterra.

The wolves were pissed off; that Volturi leech and Rayne were attacking their tribe, draining and sometimes even turning their people. The Pack had come to a decision; no matter how much they loved Rayne, she and her leech mate had to die. Paul would take no part in it and had been starting to develop suicidal tendencies. The Pack felt terrible, but there was no way around it and what was even worse was the fact that they were breaking the rule that had saved the life of Renesmee when she wasn't even a day old; the Pack will not kill the Imprint of another wolf because it could drive the wolf to insanity. That wolf also had the right to fight the wolf that killed their Imprint to the death. That was not a prospect that the La Push Pack wanted to face, but sacrifices had to be made.

That morning as Alec and Felicity were getting ready to go back to Volterra and the wolves were getting ready to attack the young couple, Heidi and Renata were mounting their final attack before they left the rest to the wolves.

Sam was just returning home from his patrol at 6am when he had a strange feeling of foreboding; his house was too quiet. By this time in the morning Emily would humming in the kitchen as she prepared breakfast for the Pack and Levi would be up and about, rushing about the living room with his toy cars. There was none of that noise this morning and it made Sam's heart speed up as he rushed to the door. As he entered his house, he tried to be rational and ran up to his bedroom to see if Emily was there. When he didn't find her in there, he decided that she must be in Levi's room as Emily and he sometimes crawled into bed with the little boy if he had nightmares to comfort him until he fell asleep again. Neither his Imprint nor his son was in the dark blue room and panic settled back into Sam's stomach.

Sam nearly jumped from the top of the stairwell back downstairs in his rush to find some evidence that Emily and Levi had gone to the shops from some ingredients that Emily had run out of. As the man entered the kitchen he smelled something that he hadn't smelt in years; burning food. He went over to the oven and found a very brunt cake and knew immediately that Emily and Levi weren't at the shops; Emily would never willingly leave food unattended in the oven. Another odour reached his overactive senses and he immediately crinkled his nose against the sickly sweet smell of vampire. He quickly sniffed again and realised that the scent was close to Alec's with something… different about it. He also smelt a very familiar scent; Rayne's—Felicity, he quickly corrected in his mind—with something different about it. His eyes widened in realisation and with a roar that alerted the Pack of his anger he leapt out of his house, phasing on the fly. With one last snarl through his mind to the Pack he rushed off to Forks. KILL THEM!

"C'mon, Alec!" Felicity hissed. Alec and Felicity soon zipped out of the Cullen's house into the forest to teleport, thinking it would be safer to let the Cullen's think they had gone hunting than that they had just disappeared.

"So where are you going to teleport us to?" Alec asked as they reached their planned teleportation spot.

"Just outside of the gates to Volterra." Felicity replied automatically.

"Right. How are we getting into the castle?"

"The underground entrance. If we find someone who isn't supposed to be there, what do we do?" Felicity asked in reply.

"I blind them with my power and you kill them. What if we find everyone…" He hesitated and swallowed hard, "dead with people we don't know near them?"

"We take them down; hard and fast. As many as we can." The young hybrid growled, her thoughts revolving around the mention of losing her one true family. "What if there is only a small group that happened to kill them?"

"I render them incapable with only their hearing still intact while they listen to each individual of their group be driven to insanity by your power."

Felicity swallowed hard and felt the familiar beginnings of tears burn the backs of her eyes and stab at her throat. "Alec," she breathed hard, "what are we going to do if they're all gone? If we lost our family? I don't think I can live without them."

"We fight as hard as we ca—" Alec's response was cut off by a menacing growl. The young couple spun around in alarm and watched as the wolves approached them in the clearing.

"What are you guys doing here?" Felicity asked, her eyes wide and confused. The wolves growled in response, their hackles rising and muzzle pulling back to expose more of their razor sharp teeth.

Alec moved to stand in front of his girlfriend, but was quickly stopped by chocolate muzzle of Quil. The pack of wolves split up forcing Alec and Felicity apart and averting their eyes so as not to get caught by their powers. The second largest wolf, pure black in colour, stayed in the middle of the two groups, deciding who was the biggest threat. He finally decided on Felicity; many in that position would have hesitated to kill the person who was like their own child, but most of those people weren't wolves who had their Imprint and real child taken away by aforementioned surrogate child. Sam was one of those people who felt the intense emotions that are felt in conjunction with having your child and Imprint taken away and he was pissed; mad enough to kill his unwillingly taken away surrogate child to get back his family.

"Sam, what are you doing?" Felicity got a snarl in response. "You look like you're about to murder me." A twisted smirk took place on the black wolf's face and Felicity's eyes widened in fear. "Sam? No! What did I do? What did Alec do? Please don't do this!" The wolf kept advancing. "Sam? Sam! Daddy!" The young girl screamed, tears running down her face. The wolf paused and took in her appearance; he seemed to be contemplating her comment. The beast seemed to shake his head and charged towards the girl, seemingly more enraged than before.

Two things happened simultaneously; a silver blur ripped in front of Sam and got caught in his jaws at the same time as a thunder clap rang out through the clearing. All hell broke loose and Felicity didn't know where to look. The brunette turned to where her boyfriend was only to see him grappling with a vampire; Heidi. Renata soon appeared and Felicity couldn't tell whether the pint sized vamp was hindering or helping Heidi. The wolves that had been over there were now ripping into anything they could, seemingly not caring which vampire they got, as long as they got one. She then looked over to where Sam had been seconds before getting a mouth full of silver; Paul. Sam was currently tearing into Paul as the silver wolf tried to fight back with not much reverence as he was injured already; his dark silver fur was turning darker still, turning as black as the fur of the wolf he was fighting.

Felicity's heart was torn between helping Alec and helping Paul but one last painful tug at her heart had her sprinting towards Paul and tackling Sam, teleporting them to the other side of the clearing. Sam was about the attack Felicity when he heard a pained whimper coming from a small reddish brown wolf; Collin was injured. This seemed to snap Sam out of his murderous stupor and he finally noticed the two other vampires in the clearing. It would seem now that Renata had Heidi on the ground and was holding her down for the wolves, trying with slight redundancy not to get bitten by one of the shape shifters.

Sam sprinted off to help one of his two youngest in the Pack. Felicity noticed Alec pulling Renata out of the fray and the rest of the wolves lay off of Alec so Sam must have told them to leave Alec and herself alone. The young male vampire was shielding Renata so the wolves could no longer get to her. Felicity decided that everything looked taken care of, so she teleported to her Imprint, sobbing when saw how much blood matted his usually silky fur. The young girl tried to stop the blood but her hands were too small to cover the wounds.

Heidi's body was soon being burnt and that was when the wolves noticed Paul's distress and pain; he was about to pass out and they urged him to phase, calming him through their mental link.

"Teleport us to Doctor Cullen." A naked Sam ordered Felicity, putting his hand on an equally naked but much bloodier Paul. The girl teleported the three of them to the Cullen house, straight into Carlisle's study where he was leisurely reading a book.

"Please, Carlisle, help him." The hybrid sobbed. "Please."

The blonde vampire jumped into action as Felicity was dragged down stairs to wait with the Pack, the Cullen's, Alec and Renata, all of whom had arrived as soon as possible when the missing trio was noticed. The group were in for a tense wait and Felicity didn't even notice through her heartbreaking sobs that her biological parents were cuddling her close as they tried to soothe her.

Real Life is a bitch. I'm a grade 12 student (senior) in my final semester (and 3rd term) in high school. Third term is the most important and stressful (that is to say, I've just completed the most important exams of my life). I am also doing Accounting Administration in TAFE (this possibly the worst thing ever) and Justice in University. Everything is due at once and it's... fucked (for lack of a better word). I have also been very unfortunate with my health in the past 5 months. I had surgery a couple of years ago and it's relentlessly making my life painful (literally) and every doctor and surgeon I have seen has no idea what to do. Funny thing is my condition is caused by stress... Just FML.

Sadly I also lost most of my 'friends' during this time. There was a huge fight and I haven't been the same since. I made new friends but nothing can replace the four years of friendship that happened to be the best years of my life. I also now have a three year old living in my house... He is a pain in the butt when it comes to me doing work or writing. Oh and one more thing, my job has become hectic! We are currently way short on staff and as a result I've had to work waaaaay more hours than I ever have before. In my life. *sigh*. So I just hope you guys forgive me!

I am currently working seriously on three different stories (a Twilight, a Glee and a Harry Potter) that I will write rigorously after I have finished this. I know where this is going and I know the ending. It should be three more chapters and an epilogue or just four more chapters. I am half way through the next one and holidays start next Monday for two weeks. After that I have six weeks left of school and then three months of holidays before I start full time University. And I just realised that I have eight weeks until I graduate high school... Somebody slap me?

Oh and by the way I HAD MY FORMAL! It was awesome and I looked amazing (I never say that about myself but I honestly believed that I looked better than any other girl there!) and just... GAH! *dies* but this was about 4 days after I lost my friends... So that was awkies. But it was amazing and nothing could have made the night bad 3 :)