Tell Me...*

Part one

On a red velvet couch, next to a roaring flame, lay a man wearing a black cloak. He laughed demonically and waited for a young woman to speak; He had been waiting for this for a long time.

"So, Lord Voldemort, tell me about your childhood…" Dr. Eris Koughfkav asked him.

On the list of Dr. Koughfkav's secretary, Mrs. Lovewood, the appointment schedule was yet again added to. Mrs. Lovewood was very precise and was rather fond of lists.

1:00 Lord Voldemort

1:30 Galbatorix

2:00 Roger Conte

2:30 Darth Vader

3:00 empty (crossed out) Mr. Teatime (Also crossed out) Spike

3:30 The Big Bad Wolf

4:00 The Evil Witch

4:30 Ironel Novendot the Wolf's Paw

5:00 Group Session

Pricilla Cinder

Melusine Cinder

Darth Vader

Empress Berenene dor Ocmore


This is a crossover thing (and my first try at fan fiction!) where I sit down famous bad guys (or at least memorable ones) and talk about what happened from there point of view. I think this will be fairly intertaining, exspecially the group session. So review if you want to be nice, recommend another bad guy to sit in the red velvet chair, or if you actually have an opinion. I'll try to write this faster if someone starts following it but if not, I'll work at my own pace. Thank you for reading this, you're absolutely epicipipical! -Sorrel

*Disclaimer- The only character that belongs to me is Dr. Koughfav the others go to the following-

Voldemort is from J.K. Rowlings Harry Potter series

Galbatorix is from Christopher Paolini's Inheritance Cycle

Roger Conte and Berenene dor Ocmore are characters from Tamora Pierce (The Song of the Lioness Quartet and The Will of the Empress respectively)

Darth Vader is from Star Wars

(though only mentioned once, Mr. Teatime is from Terry Pratchett's Hogfather)

Spike is from the Buffyverse

Ironel Novendot is from Tanith Lee's Claidi Journal's

The Big Bad Wolf, The Evil Witch, Priscilla Cinder and Melusine Cinder are inspired from fairy tales

Thank You!

Other Disclaimer- If I didn't do this right I'm sorry, its my first fan fiction and I'm still getting the ropes. If I did mess up please tell me how I can fix it.