Hello everyone, now as you have all declared that I'm evil and whatnot with my ending and so forth, I am writing this note to tell you that I have begun work on the sequel which I am thinking of naming…. Are you ready for it?

The Creeping Ivy.

The title will be somewhat explained in the first paragraph of the story, the intro if you will. You can give me your opinions of this title if you so wish.

Another thing I have to share with you all is that I am planning a Rewrite of The Poison Tree. I started this story in March 2011 and I myself have noticed the change in my writing style and opinion of my story over the year.

I have been advised to change up a few things and I intend to do so. Don't worry, the sequel will begin in the next day or so and I suppose it saddens me to change my first story but alas it must be done.

I think I have covered mostly everything. Thank you to everyone, my readers, my reviewers, my Grandfather (R.I.P).

Farewell but only for now – Domina.