Author's Note: This most certainly should have been at the bottom of chapter 22 but it didn't make it for some reason. Please excuse my bad form for adding it as a separate chapter.
I don't believe any story is written entirely alone and there are a few people that I must thank. Fredda (Rangergirl1234) you deserve more than a toss out mention at the top of each chapter to show my appreciation for your work as the beta on my stories of late. You are such an encourager and a positive source of feedback that it makes sending my rough work to you a real joy. Thank you.
And to all the readers who took the time to send me reviews and messages after every chapter, I can't tell you how much it means to see your words in my in-box. I use your suggestions and your questions to shape what happens next so I feel that you deserve a special show of gratitude as well for the encouragement you provide for me to keep typing.
I'm taking a few days off to try and clear my head of Vince (my body is fighting it because my mind is full of images of Vince that it's reluctant to let go of), but I'll be back on Monday with a new Merry Man story. Hopefully you'll all come along for the ride.