Hey guys! Mizutanitony here back with a new fic for yet another awesome Bioware game, Dragon Age 2. This is most likely going to be a one shot since I just finished the game and it got me thinking about writing again. This time though I'm going into a new area for a pair and it's pretty much all romance and it involves my male blonde hair hazel eyed Carric Hawke and the lyrium tattooed elf Fenris. That's right, gay sex and this is post game. Despite the fact that I fucked up and did not 100 percent friend Fenris and did not get the final bit of the romance so no achievement received. Spoilers abound.

Now if you don't like guy on guy well then by god don't bother reading this. And by the way yes I'm a guy and I have no problem with this because well this is how my dating life goes.

I'm sure I'm bound to lose a good number of male readers but ladies I adore you all; you perverted little minxes. And I'm gonna restart Cherished Days soon, huzzah!

I'm coming up with this on my own and am just using some Bioware characters. I don't own them or the game!

Also for some reason I think Fenris likes vegetables a lot and I'm going to be describing my version of Hawke so he wont' look like what's in the commercials.


Never written Dragon Age so my writing will take awhile to find its flow and I haven't written in MONTHS! So give me awhile.

This just takes place at some RANDOM part after Hawke goes missing months after becoming the viscount seeing as we aren't told how long it's been once Varric tells the story.

Also it's gonna be a little bit playful and light hearted/sappy as I think outside of battle, maybe Hawke has gotten Fenris to soften up and in combat he is much more powerful with someone to protect. *shrugs*

And if I get this done quick enough…the first mature rated MHawke and Fenris Romance. FUCK YEAH!

And Fenris and Hawke will not be wearing their normal end game armor as to avoid detection.

Who do we contact to add Fenris to the character list?

word of advice fellow writers. Never finish writing a chapter at 2 in the morning, take two hours to write it, and then post it..as you can see the quality will suffer. So maybe I should get a beta to help with this if you guys want it to continue.

The date was Dragon Age 9:40. The location was a village about a weeks travel from Starkhaven located next to a large lake. Several farms dotted the landscape; the golden wheat waving gentle in the early autumn breeze. It was a warm evening and the sun was slowly making its way behind the mountains. It's light reflecting off the lake water like precious stones sparkling beneath the disgusting grey rock one was accustomed to finding them in.

Inside the inn of this particular farming village a broody looking elf sat at a table in the corner; a bottle of wine, a large pitcher of water, and three large plates of food sat on the table. He made no attempt to eat the meal. Instead he just sat there waiting, a large silver looking sword rested in the crook of his arm.

His face was hidden beneath a large black cloak, his features only visible if one was to approach the table and at seeing the size of his weapon no one in dared to approach him and he welcomed it. Instead he drank his water and nodded at the barmaid whenever she passed by.

It was her tenth time walking by him and his stomach gave a painful growl. Giving him, he removed his glove and began removing food from the plates. From one he took a few pieces of mutton before cutting a large wedge of bread from the other. Next came his favorite part, the fresh vegetables from the nearby farms.

This was always his favorite part of a meal.

As a child, before Danarius' sadistic experiments on him, he helped the house gardener tend to the crops on his former masters property. He stared at the freshly sliced tomato and smiled at one of the few happy memories that had surfaced a couple months back.

He watched his sister learning how to help in the scullery as he picked his the first tomato he'd ever grown off the vine. He was able to hide it along with a few other vegetables in his pocket before ending his shift for the day. That night he gave them to his mother and it was one of the happiest moments of his childhood. A warm feeling spread throughout his body as he watched her face light up at what he had done while his sister showed off her sewing skills by showing her mother a new apron. It was one of the few bright lights in his soon to be darkened life

The familiar twitch of a grin made itself known in the corner of his mouth that quickly disappeared when a loud cough interrupted his thoughts. Quickly putting the vegetable in his mouth, the elf felt a warm flush spread in his cheeks and his guest laughed at the sight.

"May I ask what you find so amusing?"

"You are smiling in public. Usually you only do that after certain activities."

Fenris glared across the table and twitched his foot once he felt the boot of his companion brush his calf; his lyrium tattoos gave off a dim light. "Must you be so crass? I thought the purpose of us leaving was to keep stay under the Chantry's radar?"

Carric Hawke pulled down his hood and ran his hand through his shaggy blonde hair before checking his short ponytail. "Speaking of which, we have to leave in the morning seeing as one of my contacts just arrived from Markham." Hawke pulled out one of his knives and cut a piece of mutton and placed in on a slice of bread. He took a bite and swallowed before continuing. "We are about a three days ahead of them, but if the Seekers send scouts with horses, we'll have more trouble than we can bargain for."

"There are only two of us and even with horses we can hide much easier than a group on horses. And should they prove hostile" he looked out the window, and smirked, "we can take them by surprise by hiding in the wheat fields."

Carric chuckled at the image of the smaller man jumping out of the wheat; Blade of Mercy carving through flesh and his face covered by large amounts of wheat. His amusement earned him a glare and after taking a large bite of roasted corn he asked, "What's bothering you this time?"

Eating a couple bites of bread, Fenris poured himself a glass of wine and drank deeply before growling. "You are either laughing at some sort of sordid image of me cleaving a horses head off with my anniversary gift, OR at the possibility of a good rut out under the stars in the fields." He watched the human squirm in his seat. He responded with a laugh of his own and poured himself a second glass of the wine along with a glass for the human and raised it. "To Fereldan depravity"

Hawke took his glass and waited for Fenris to raise his own. The elf brought it up and after gently tapping the rims of their glasses they drained them. After pouring himself a second, Hawke took another large piece of mutton and a fair bit of vegetables. They ate in silence for a bit. The occasional glance and smile at one another their only communication. When the table was finally cleared they ordered a couple more bottles of wine. In the middle of their third bottle, they decided to head upstairs and call it an evening.

The rest of bottle three and number four were clinking happily in the hands of the rogue as they wandered up the stairs. As they climbed, Fenris had the unfortunate pleasure of tripping on the second to last step; his drunkenness making the human laugh.

Feeling his face flush in embarrassment, the warrior growled at the rouge and climbed to his feet chasing the human all the way to the large room at the end of the hall, his sword grasped as if ready to attack. The door swung open in front of the elf and he watched the human disappear into the room before it ricocheted back toward the frame.

To Fenris' luck, the door did not close all the way but it closing would give the rogue the advantage. Opening the door, the elf gently nudged the door open and gave the room a quick overview before entering. The room was spinning slightly due to the alcohol in his system, but he stood firm.

His eyes scanned the room for possible places the rouge could hide. Deciding to check the most obvious places first, Fenris looked above him and checked the ceiling to find no sign of the rogue. Using his sword, he waved it at the ceiling incase the human had decided to slip into the shadows. When his search was completed, the elf thanked the Maker with a silent prayer that he hadn't skewered the human because of his inebriation.

Setting the sword next to a night stand, Fenris pulled a match out of the drawer and lit a nearby the candles on both sides of the bed before shutting the door to continue his search; this proved to be a rather unwise decision.

Just as he set the lock on the door, two hands appeared on either side of him and his nose was filled with the scent of wheat and flowers as a warm pair of lips began kissing the back of his neck. They were gentler than when they first spent the night together, but that was a moment of passion; at least that's what Fenris told himself when he left. He told himself it had been a fleeting attraction based on respect and nothing more, but he had been a fool.

For three years he lived in cold seclusion, and yet even after hurting the one he loved Hawke always kept him by his side, and even defended him in front of Anders. Fenris felt a pang of guilt at this. His misguided hatred towards all mages had forced Hawke to betray one of his closest friends. And though he knew Hawke had joined the Templar's out of concern for the people, Fenris felt that he may have influenced that decision.

Feeling the elf grow even more tense than usual, Hawke wrapped his arms around the elf's waist and whispered, "What's bothering you, emma lath?" The warrior snorted at the question which the human took immediate offense to. Turning the man around he couldn't help but ask, "What's so funny? At least I'm making an attempt to learn the language."

"And it is a welcomed attempt, Hawke. It's just that your accent needs a little more work."

The elf turned and locked eyes with the man a smile on his face. It took a moment but soon the human was smiling back and the elf wrapped his arms around his neck; undoing his lovers pony tail. He watched the thick blonde hair fall around the human's neck and once it was he couldn't resist running hands through the golden locks. A few moments of peaceful silence passed between them before Fenris leaned in and placed his lips against the humans. The human returned the kiss gratefully. So gratefully, that Fenris had to tighten his stance so that the human didn't force the elves head into the door.

It was a game for them, to see which of the two would make their pleasure known first, and as was almost always the case, Fenris was the loser. His moan echoed in the rogue's ears and he couldn't help but smirk when the elf parted his lips, and Hawke was more than happy to indulge him.

The elf sucked in large amount of air and gripped his hair tightly when Hawke's tongue met his. He felt his knees lose a bit of there strength and soon the elf felt the sturdy wood of the door on his back as he returned Hawke's enthusiasm.

Cheering in his head at his victory yet again, the champion pressed his prey harder against the door as he began gently chewing on the elves lower lip between kisses. The guttural groan of the warrior made the human let out a growl of his own that only deepened when he felt his lover's nails begin digging into his back.

Laughing at the growl, Fenris squeezed a little harder and when Hawke broke their kiss to gaze into his eyes the elf latched his mouth to the human's neck he gave it a gentle bite forcing the human to growl.

"You always know just what to say."

Lifting the elf from his throat, Hawke gave him a gentle kiss before running his hands through the gray hair. As he spoke, his hands gently traced the silver tattoos that would forever mark the battle scared skin of his mate. He Fenris' hands trace the scars on his back. The warm touch of the calloused hands along his spine sent a shiver throughout the rogue's body.

With his mates defenses dropped, Fenris lifted the shirt off the slightly perspiring human flesh and met no resistance in removing it completely. Tossing it aside, he heard the faint thud of the light chain mail hidden beneath the cloth before placing his lips to the battle hardened flesh while his hands traveled down the back of his human before placing his hands on his hind quarters. As his hands gripped them he felt strong human hands run up the back of his own shirt, but the human made no attempt to remove the article on his chest. Instead Fenris felt the removal of his belt.

It took a great amount of will power to take one of his hands to help remove his pants. When they were resting at his ankles the elf kicked them to the corner where the shirt now lie. His lightly armored pants landing with a dull thud of their own while the belt remained at his feet.

During this his lips never left the humans flesh; they only kissed their way lower. Tracing along the flesh, the occasional flick of his tongue across a hardened nipple before giving it a gentle bite. Fenris remembered the first time he tried doing such a thing. His time as Danarius' slave left him little time to enhance his sexual prowess thanks to the fear his presence created.

Yet his desire to explore proved fruitful and after many months, Fenris knew which buttons to push. Releasing his mouth from the small nub, the elf continued his journey south until he was on his knees, nose brushing against the buckle of the belt known as Hindsight; his hands expertly loosing the strip of leather.


The elf shook his head. "If you complain, I shall send you from this room and force you to spend the next few evenings without my company." When the human groaned, the elf chuckled to himself as he removed the pants. "If only the citizens of Kirkwall could see their champion whining like a new born babe at the hands of a former slave."

Upon feeling the cool night air on his flesh, Hawke kicked his boots, pants, and under garments into the rapidly growing pile. With everything out in the open the human pulled the elf off the floor and flung him over his shoulder as elven curses filled his ears. Snickering at the elf, Hawke gave his rear a couple of gentle pats and taunted, "And how about I write to Varric about me carrying you around like a disobedient child that's about to be put to bed."

The cursing stopped and once the elf felt the softness of the pillow beneath his head he cursed, "Do that and I'll skewer you like a stuck pig," before being silenced by another kiss.

When they parted, Hawke whispered, "And here I thought I was the one who did the skewering?"

Fenris scoffed at the pun as he pulled the man into another kiss. Hawke returned it eagerly; their breathing grew heavier with each kiss urging the rogue onward. Removing his lips from the elf's, Carric gave him with a kiss to the throat as his rough hands slowly massaged the small frame beneath him. The powerful muscles relaxed under his touch making his heart beat faster at knowing the elf allowed him this honor.

He took hold of the soft fabric covering his hands and began to lift the armored shirt off of his lover. Setting it on the side of the bed, Hawke opened his eyes and once his eyes adjusted he was surprised to see Fenris' tattoos glowing brightly. For a moment his heart stopped until he noticed the small droplets of sweat on the elf's forehead and the look of sheer bliss covering his face.

When he felt Hawke's hesitation, the elf opened his eyes and asked, "Don't tell me you're nervous."

Hawke pulled the shirt off the elf and ran his fingers along the glowing scars. "I've only seen this when you're ready to kill and I…" he swallowed loudly and received a kiss from the elf.

"Ma emma lath, Hawke. I am not angry with you, I myself don't even know why they are glowing but I do know one thing my dear champion." He kissed his lover before whispering. "I am as far away from killing you as one can possibly be and as I said when you came to my home; you are my future and I will do my best to never hurt you again."

Hawke placed his forehead against the warriors and rubbed his finger along the scar.

"I'm a fool."

"You are a man like any other and capable of making mistakes."

Hawke scoffed. "Like you're so perfect."

The tattoos glowed brighter as the elf's eyes narrowed. "I have apologized for my indiscretions and am doing my best to rectify them and I would appreciate it if you'd…UMPH!"

When the elf relaxed, Hawke pulled away. "You talk too much."

"Says the man who…"

The elf's retaliation was silenced by yet another kiss and an impatient tug at the thin bit of fabric covering his groin. Lifting his hips, the removed his lips from the humans and placed them to his ear and growled, "No more games tonight, Carric."

Carric shuddered when he felt the elf's teeth on his ear. It was incredibly difficult for the champion to concentrate, yet he found the strength to reach into the nightstand and pulled a flask from inside. When Fenris' teeth left his ear, Carric took his lips once more and pushed the two of them into the pillows.

The kisses intensified and just as Hawke slipped his tongue past the elf's teeth and began to open the flask. Once it was opened, the bottle was taken from him by a pair of glowing hands. The rogue propped himself up and continued to devour the elf's tongue, only to stop when he felt the oil in the flask being massaged into his exposed member.

Fenris' hands were like magic and Hawke had to remove himself from his partner's lips in order to breathe. Mere millimeters separated their lips, the bits of flesh barely brushing against each other as the champions breaths grew more and more under the gentle strokes of the elf's hand.

Hawke twitched in his hand, which told the elf to stop. Instead he gave a gentle tug and raised his legs, resting the human between his thighs. Pulling him closer, the elf whispered into the human's ears and after a few moments, his breath caught when the human entered him. He relaxed almost immediately, but the immediate sensation always took him by surprise.

Running a hand through his lover's hair, Hawke pressed his lips to the elf's before pulling out and reentering the elf. The smaller man did as he always did and exhaled when being entered. Hawke broke the kiss and watched the elves face. He kept his pace slow and watched the elfs face twist in pleasure. His eyes closed and his lips barely parted though his breaths were heavy with sweat pouring down his forehead and it came to no surprise when he felt Fenris' legs wrap around his and his arms wrap around his neck.

Feeling the human's pace quicken Fenris couldn't help but dig his fingernails into the back of Hawkes neck. His reward was to have the human latch onto his neck like a mosquito. Fenris dug his hands into the humans sweat covered hair as he tightened around his lover.

The human groaned in pleasure and snuck a hand between the two of them. It only took seconds, but Hawke found his prize and grasped it. The elf sucked in a large amount of air and bucked his hips just as Hawke's hand reached his tip. It was a game between them. Hawke would always try and tease him, but Fenris would call his bluff and it would turn into a competition to see who would break first.

This time however, Hawke was determined to win. Just as felt the elf thrust upwards, Hawke took his finger nail and ran it along the underside of the elves shaft rewarding the human with a low growl from the elf.

The threat had no effect on the human and soon their positions were reversed with the elf straddling the still thrusting human. Rocking gently with the thrusts, the elf lowered his face and rubbed his nose against his lovers.

"You play dirty, shem."

Hawke raised his fingers and gently flicked the tip of the elf's still erect penis. "You forget who you're dealing with, Little Wolf."

Fenris growled, but there was a smile on his lips. Hawke was the only one he would allow to use those two words in that manner. Raising his hips, Fenris reached behind him and cupped a familiar pair of testicles and began massaging them. Lowering himself, Fenris squeezed as the spheres before tightening himself as he raised.

Hawke bit his lip and tried to supress it, but a low moan escaped his lips. Opening his eyes, the human traced his hands along the tattoos while Fenris used his free hand to guide them. Their pace slowed to a gentle rocking, never breaking eye contact.

When his right hand stopped on the elfs heart, Hawke let it stay there. Fenris placed a hand over the human's and smiled. Sitting up, Hawke wrapped his left hand around the elf's waist.

Grinning the elf removed his hand from between the human's legs and wrapped it around his lover's neck. Bearing down on the man's lap, the elf rocked back and forth, squeezing with each forward thrust as the human thrusted into him.

They were so lost in their activities that they didn't realize the candles had burnt out and making their only means of visibilities the bright glow of lyrium infused flesh. The gentle rocking of the bed and their breathing the only sounds in the room. It felt like an eternity, but all good things must come to an end eventually.

Fenris felt the human tighten up and a familiar feeling of warmth spread inside him. The elf heard a satisfied sigh escape the man's lips. Lifting his face, Fenris placed a gentle kiss to them as he ran his fingers through the drenched blonde hair before speaking.

"Never one to disappoint."

Hawke laughed and kissed the elf back. "Well I try my best."

The human wrapped his ams around his elven companion and brought them into the large pile of pillows and pulled the large comforter over them. The room was pitch black but that didn't matter. Hawke wrapped his arms around the elf and felt his warm breath against his neck.

The rouge ran his fingers through the elves hair, eyes staring at a dark ceiling as his mind raced about the possibilites of what was ahead of them. Before he could reach a conclusion, he was interrupted by his partner.

"Do you blame me?"

Turning in the direction of the voice, the champion couldn't help but ask, "What do you mean do I blame you?" He felt the elf stir in his arms and grew scared. Fenris rarely showed any kind of nervousness and Carric was growing nervous as well.

"Do you blame me for what happened to Anders and the mages?"

Sitting up, Hawke continued to stroke the elf's hair and shook his head. "I don't blame you for anything. Anders made a choice and I made the decision to fight them. I realized my mistake when it was too late and I have prayed every day since then for forgiveness."

The elf could hear tears rising in his voice and he pulled himself up off the mattress and pulled the human's head to his shoulder; tears drenching his skin. The elf placed a kiss to his head before speaking.

"You are not alone in this, emma lath."

Hawke shook his head the tears still falling, "No, I am. I talked Merrill into fighting. I betrayed my sister I forced so many people to do things they would never have done. I forced good people into resorting to blood magic, turning them into the one thing they were innocent of being. And more lives will be on my hands no matter what I do. I've become a murderer not a champion."

The elf remained silent, words escaping him. He couldn't figure out what to do for the man, and for the first time in the past eight years he felt completely helpless. Finally after ten minutes of silence, the elf spoke.

"I can't help you in making a decision Hawke." He said before tightening his grip on the larger man. "But know that I will be at your side til the very end."

Nothing else was said that night. Both men fell asleep, heads resting against one another.

The next morning, the two men left the farming village behind and headed into the forest. Their hope was that they would be able to lose their pursuers due to the large amount of animal activity.

Shortly after mid-day they took a break against a tall tree, the rustling of leaves the only sounds in the forest.

The elf closed his eyes, focusing on the gentle breeze and the sound of leaves. The smell of autumn flowers filled his nostrils. He was alone for the moment as Hawke had left to go to the relieve himself. The elf had to admit he missed the solitude in the evenings since Hawke had a horrible tendency to snore.

His solidarity however was interrupted by the sound of footsteps. Opening his eyes, the elf saw no signs of life, but he knew they were there and he pulled the hood of his cloak over his head and removed himself from the damp ground, sword drawn.

"I know you are there and I will find you. So what do you say we cut the games and get this over with."

Though from the tree tops several people made their presence known, their chests emblazoned with a great white eye surrounded by flame like markings.

The elf scoffed. "Seekers? May the Maker bless you on your mission."

From the group a man stepped forward and inspected Fenris. He kept his head down, "Have I offended you in some way, Ser? My master is only a few minutes away if you wish to speak with him."

The man smiled and raised his weapon. Just as he was about to make contact, Fenris stopped him and concentrated. His hand glowed briefly before it exited the mans skull. When it was removed, Fenris raised his weapon and removed his hood.

"You will not have him."

Three of the seekers pulled their swords and charged while two others drew their bows. The first was easy enough to sidestep and run through, the second and third however were smarter and used their comrades death to flank him while their other comrades released their arrows.

The first arrow went high while the second lodged itself in his shoulder. Cursing, the elf swung his sword and severed the heads of one of his close range enemies, but thanks to the arrow he couldn't complete the arch and was rewarded with a slash to the leg. However he was spared further injury thanks to the links of mail hidden beneath his clothing. Grasping the sword, Fenris raised his only to be met by another arrow in his arm.

Cursing, he dropped the weapon and plunged his hands into the sides of the nearest opponent and severed his crushed his kidney's before kicking him away. Turning the elf was prepared to charge when he felt a sudden tightening around his neck and felt something press against his jugular and pull him off his feet.

Clutching at his neck, he felt the thin rope around his neck that was now his noose. He kept still and breathed calmly, until he noticed the two fresh arrows aimed at his head and his heart. His heart pounded in his chest and as his own mortality seemed imminent a series of thoughts flashed through his head, before the throats of his would be murderers fell to the ground, their throats staining the ground with blood and legs spasming.

Just as his vision began to fade, Fenris felt his body collide with the ground with a loud thud following shortly after him and a voice hissing, "Sorry for being late. I took a small detour."

Catching his breath, the elf removed the rope from his throat and looked at the human and gasped, "Potion. In my pack."

Nodding, Carric pulled the elf to the tree and removed the arrows from his arms. The elf barely made a sound as the projectiles were removed and gave a small prayer of thanks when the human placed the bottle to his lips. When it was drained he looked at his lover. "Seekers, from the Chantry."

Hawke nodded. "I saw the symbol on the chest of the one that was trying to hang you. Can't believe they'd want to kill you. You've supported the chantry more than most people I know."

Fenris chuckled and felt a rush of energy in his body as the potion healed his wounds. When the pain was gone, he had Hawke help him stand before speaking.

"You're their main objective. Anyone else not deemed of any worth is possibly considered expendable." He walked over to his would be executioner and kicked the corpse. "Just like these poor bastards."

Hawke sheathed his daggers and picked up the elf's sword and handed it to his companion and waited for him to place it on his back. When it was secured the human mumbled, "So much for having friends you can trust."

Fenris reached up and squeezed his shoulder. "You still have me."

Hawke smiled at the elf. "And for that I am thankful. But we have to keep moving or else we may have another set of would be assassins challenge us to a fight."

Stepping away from the bodies, the two men walked a few miles in silence. The afternoon barely broke through the canopy of the forest and all was quiet save for the passing of dear or a small squirrel.

When he finally decided to speak, Fenris asked, "Why were you so late in coming to help me?"

Hawke laughed and reached into his hip sack and pulled out a large apple and tossed it to the elf. "You said you were hungry and wanted to eat an apple." After a few moments of silence the champion heard a familiar sound and turned his head and smile at what he saw. In the warrior's hand lay the apple with a large bit missing from it along with the mans face being covered by the hood. Beneath the cloth, Hawke noticed that the elf was blushing and it was at that moment he knew that no matter what hell he drug them into, the warrior would always stand by his side.

Okay dragon age fic done…continue yay or nay? If yay I'll change the genres until then enjoy!

Sex and violence gotta love it. And if you have ideas...please message me on site so long as you log in, I almost always reply.