I really wanted to start this like, BADLY. I wanna take a small break from my other stories and I couldn't stop thinking about this one. I was thinking of a lot of plots to build off of but couldn't really choose one, Midnight'sLastKiss recommended this one to me and I decided to mix it with one of the other plots I was thinking of, Making it.. Duel plotted? Enjoy

This takes place 1 Year after Johnny's Birth.

Cereal Kidnapper

Jack jumped out of the window of Jack's Donuts barely escaping the flames shooting out of the window. He rolled on the ground and got back up. He screamed as his breakfast diner was burnt to the ground.


A Splicer ran up to Jack and joined him.


The two screamed for hours, Until someone told them to kindly shut the hell up and called the police, Who then came and called the fire department.

Hours later

'' Well Jack, If you would of called us in the first place we could of saved it. ''

'' Dammit. ''


Eleanor walked into the living room.

'' Why the hell did Jack get mentioned first? ''

'' Eleanor I have no idea what your talking about ''

'' Never mind Father. Have you seen Dom? I'm scared shes going to.. Fire hand me. ''

'' What? Whats a fire hand? ''

'' She heats the hell up out of her hand with incinerate and then smacks my ass. ''

Delta grabbed a pair on sunglasses and slowly put them on.

'' Well... That sounds... Hot. ''

'' Lame... Well, If you see her let me know. She keeps getting me off guard. ''

Eleanor turned quickly to see if Dom was behind her and then ran out of the room.

'' Psst.. Coasts clear now. ''

Dom jumped out from behind the couch and joined Delta.

'' I'm gonna brand her ass with my hand ''

'' Awesome, Wheres Johnny? ''

'' Playing in his room, I tried to change his diaper but he bashed his bottle over my head and lit me on fire. ''

'' Pfft.. You can't handle him like me. ''

'' You can't handle my in bed! Oh snap! ''

Dom ran out of the room with her hand on fire and Delta heard Eleanor scream, Followed by Dom laughing and the sound of someone being chased.

'' The hell? ''


'' Sooo.. Unimportant fireman guy who doesn't have a name, Will my insurance cover this? ''

'' No.. You're screwed. Sorry Jack. ''

'' Dude, Help me out! You ate Donuts here all the time ''

'' No I didn't. ''

'' Get the hell out of here, Minor character. ''

'' Fine, I will. ''

The fireman left leaving Jack in front of his burnt down diner. Fontaine came running to him.

'' Hey man, I heard what happened. You okay? ''

'' Yeah... I can't believe it's gone. All that hard work. ''

'' Jack, You barely made any profits. I'm the one who brings the money home. As a matter a fact I have no idea how to survived without me. This is a blessing in disguise. ''

'' Man.. It wasn't about the money. The community loved me. Check it out. ''

Jack screamed out to a passing Splicer.


The Splicer responded.


'' Yep.. They like you all right. ''


'' DOM. ''

Dom ran to Delta who screamed out her name.

'' Check this out. ''

Dom sat down next to Delta and began watching the news with him.

'' and.. in other news. There is a Serial Kidnapper on the loose. He has been breaking into homes and taking children of any gender and age. It is advised that you keep your child in the same room as you during bedtime and bar your windows. The Kidnapper seems to - ''

'' If that kidnapper steals my kid I'm going to break him in two. ''

'' Don't worry Dom. I'll stay over if you want and watch over Johnny. ''

'' Thanks Delta. ''


Dell burst into the room in his Daddy armor, Lacking the helmet. He was a lot thinner than an actual Big Daddy so the armor hung off of him.

'' Oh god... ''

'' Hey Dom! I heard you needed help and I'm the dude to do it. I will not rest.. No.. I will not SLEEP to make sure that my baby bro is all right. ''

'' Dell, Shouldn't you be patrolling the streets right now? ''

'' Can't, This damn armor is too heavy and big. I keep tripping and those bad guys keep getting away. ''

Dom began chuckling.

'' Did you think about trying Sister amror? ''

'' Very funny! I just need to make this suit a bit... Smaller. You'll see. ''

Dell marched into Johnny's room and closed the door.

'' Should I stay anyway? ''

'' Yeah, Dell's an idiot. ''

Eleanor came into the room with her hand covered in electricity.

'' What are you doing Elli? ''

'' You like fire spanking people huh? ''

Delta got up and slowly left the room.

'' Oh yeah.. I dare you baby.. Come on. ''

Eleanor charged Dom who countered her easily and got her in a spanking position.

'' Tsk tsk tsk.. Eleanor you should of known you would get bested. ''

Eleanor's eyes widened as she heard the sound of flame build up. After about 10 minutes, There was an eternal red hand mark on her read end. Eleanor's cruel punishment was interrupted by knocking on the door. She got up and opened it and let in Jack and Fontaine.

Jack grabbed Eleanor and began shaking her.

'' It's gone Elli! IT'S GONE ''

'' What's gone? ''

'' Jack's Donuts. It burned down.. Someone lit it on fire. ''

'' Who? ''

'' I don't know you idiot, I just said SOMEONE lit it on fire. ''

'' Well exxcuuusseee me. ''

Dom walked over and put an arm over Eleanor.

'' Hey Fonty, I never asked you. Whose the man? You or Jack? ''

Fontaine blushed at Dom's question but Jack answered.

'' He... Hes the Man. ''

'' Hey.. Well... Whose the man in YOUR relationship? ''

Dom smirked.

'' Yeah Elli.. Whose the Man? ''

'' … You. ''

Eleanors face turned red from embarrassment.

'' Well.. This is akward... Anyway me and Jack still don't know who did it or why. It didn't seem like it was random arson. Someone did this intentionally. ''

'' But who? ''

'' Mystery time? ''

'' Oh Yeah! ''