Why am I starting another fic? I really need to finish the ones I have. _ But this just won't leave me alone until I write it down!

Disclaimer: I do not own YuGiOh!


Demon Rising

A young man laid on his back in a large, grassy area.. Pearly wings laid beneath him. He didn't seem to notice the winged man who stood behind him. Who regarded him with intensity.


Yami opened his ruby eyes. "Yes, Gabriel?"

"Michael wishes to see you."

He scoffed. "I don't know why he has to act so high and mighty. He could have came to me himself if he wants to talk."

Gabriel frowned. "You are requested to come to the sanctuary. This is a matter of the Council."

Yami nodded and stood. "Oh, I see."

They both left the grass and walked through a rather large town. Houses and buildings of all shapes, sizes, and kinds lined the streets. Small children ran around with no worry or fear and adults laughed and talked with little to no care in the world. A few winged men and women mingled amongst the people. In the center of the town rose a large, church like building. Its surface glowing and shimmering. The doors were open and welcoming to any who approached.

Yami followed Gabriel through the doors and up a few flights of stairs. The room at the very top was guarded by a large beast. A Seraph. Its many wings covered its body.

"The Council awaits you." It said in a booming voice and the doors opened.

Yami and Gabriel stepped through and the door closed behind them. They found them selves in a circular room. A semi-circle of desks and chairs took up one side of the room. At these desks sat the Angelic Council. Gabriel made his way to his own seat. The nine Archangels made up the Council and they all had their eyes on Yami.

"It is good of you to come, Yami. I haven't seem you in awhile" Said the angel in the middle. He gave Yami a warm smile.

"Yes, it has been awhile since we have talked, Michael, but what does the Council want with me?"

"Straight to the point, as always."

Yami chuckled. "Well Gabriel did wake me from a nap. I would like to get back to it."

Michaels expression became serious. "I'm afraid your nap will have to wait. I do not know how much about the situation in the mortal realm you know, but we need you to go there and investigate."

Yami frowned. He had been afraid of this. "I know that the numbers of demons are skyrocketing and that we have no idea why."

The entire Council grimaced in one way or another. "Then I guess you know already."

"Where will you be sending me?"

"A place known as Domino. It seems to be where the demons are increasing the most. I need you to find out why they are increasing so much and why. But keep your identity as secret as possible."

Yami nodded. It was common for angels to be sent to the mortal realm for some reason or another, but they were forbidden to reveal who they truly are, unless it was necessary to the task. "I understand, but why me? I'm sure there are many angels more capable then I that would be more then willing to go."

"I will discuss that with you in a moment. For now, please wait in the sanctuary, I will be there momentarily."

Yami said nothing and left the council chambers. "Michael, are you sure about sending HIM?" Yami heard Gabriel ask just as the doors closed behind him.

Yami made his way down the stairs and into the large sanctuary on the ground floor. He sat in a wood pew and glared at the marble floor.

'Why ME?' He thought. 'The council doesn't trust me and I haven't even been to earth in… How long was it now? A few thousand years? I can't even remember my own past life, let alone know about how things have changed.' His glare softened and he sighed.

"Troubled, Yami?" His head shot up to meet Michaels soft green eyes.

"I just don't know why you would seed me, I'm not even a proper angel."

Michael smiled. "Because I have faith in you. You are, after all, my star pupil. I was the one who gave you a choice to become an angel or live your afterlife as a normal spirit. It is my duty, as your mentor, to help you on the journey you have chosen."

Yami smiled back. "I know that this is what I chose. I wanted to continue to make a difference in peoples lives. To bring peace and happiness to others."

"And that is exactly why I chose you. Come, I must brief you in more detail on your mission."


OH GEEZ. I know I really need to be working on my other stories, but I'm caught in writers block, and usually writing new things helps over come it!

- I am devastated by what is happening in Japan right now! If you don't know: a horrible earthquake hit Japan and then giant tsunamis have also been battering the country. Thousands of people are missing or dead. Please keep the Japanese people in your thoughts while they go through this devastating tragedy!