Assassination's Note: first off, my PS3 got taken away so this chapter might not make much sense since I can't remember everything - some of you might be saying, 'Go to YouTube!' - well, see, thing is...there's walkthroughs that annoy me since some people skip stuff and all that Anyway, this is a EzioxDesmondxAltair (I put the uke in the middle, makes more sense to me).
: I use google translate to get the Italian words so...if I'm ever wrong, please point it out.
rated: 16+ (for swearing, some sexual interactions, and violence/blood - gotta love it, eh?)

He crouched down, eyes sliding shut while the man's left hand rose to cover the gash adorning his side. Blood oozed out in gushes, splashes coming out with each time he bent over or had to run. Though at this moment the assassin was hunched forth, his left foot planted atop the roof next to the one he was currently on.

Puffs of air slipped past blood-stained lips, giving the scar resting upon his lips a much more sinister look. Coughing he began to push himself up to the next roof, though the image began to become static, a wild, loud, screech assaulting the vast skies. Though he tried to understand what it meant.

Ezio's leg began to fade, scratchy in a way as he looked down on it with wide eyes.


Chocolate spheres snapped open, jerking up from where he lay. The man's eyes darted from side to side with a frightened shimmer within the dark orbs, breathing hastily while swallowing here and there, his elbow resting on the headrest of the Animus 2.0. Something seemed entirely off about the last thing he'd seen, it was almost as if…as if he was being warned about something foreboding that would approach. Slowly he looked over at Lucy with confusion flickering in his brown spheres.

"Desmond, what happened? You just…" she started, eyes wide as she then noticed how pale his skin was. "…you forced yourself out of the memory."

"I didn't," he retorted, furrowing his brows as he sat up, legs spread and shoed feet set upon the tiled flooring. "There was a fight and a Templar got lucky – wait!" Desmond jerked his head up, raising a hand and making a slamming down motion. "Ezio died because of a lucky shot?"

"That can't be the case, kiddo."

Both the male and woman glanced over at Rebecca who was staring at the screen of her laptop.

"You wouldn't be here if he had died because of a careless fight."

"She has a point, sadly."


"I'm just saying."

Returning her gaze to the laptop she lifted a hand and began to type something in before furrowing her brows. If Ezio had died to that then Desmond wouldn't be here but he couldn't be that careless enough to get hurt like that while he's surrounded… Grumbling to herself the dark haired woman started to gnaw on her lower lip before her eyes widened once the screen began to flicker than snowed. What?

"Shit!" she shouted, the chair's legs screeching as she abruptly stood, her hands gripping the screen with a horrified look. "What the hell did you do Desmond?"

"…I didn't do anything." he complied with a questionable expression resting upon his features while the blonde Stillman moved around to see exactly why her friend was freaking out and as upset as she was only then to have to cover their ears as Shaun's laptop soon went on the fritz and squealed in a horrifying way. "Ugh…!" Clamping his eyes shut Desmond hunched over while Lucy yelled for the Brit to turn it off.

Fumbling, while still trying to cover his own ears, Shaun eventually closed the laptop, the shrills finally ceasing to nothing. Breathing out in relief the four of them then turned their attention to the snowing screen of Rebecca's computer. Pushing to stand, Desmond reached his left hand down to tug the device out of his arm and stared at the laptop with half-lidded eyes.

"This hasn't happened before," Lucy informed, causing Desmond to blink and veer over to her with a raised brow. "Even with the other assassins we needed to 'train.'"

Rebecca's shoulders slumped, a defeated expression crossing her features while frowning. Raising her right hand she lightly, lovingly, placed it atop the back of the screen and slowly closed it, all the while the laptop made a buzzing sound. Something's wrong…

"Dio mio…"

Lifting his head up the bartender glanced to the side with a somewhat horrified look, that voice… Ezio? No, no it couldn't be him, he was dead. Buried, decayed and rotten to nothingness within the ground. He wasn't alive. That's right, I'm the only one left.

"-mond. Desmond!"

Veering over to Lucy he blinked before pursing his lips while trying to figure out if he was simply hearing things or if this was all just a dream. "Yeah?"

"I've been doing some research on your ancestors…" Shaun prompted, causing the dark haired Miles' eyes to widen and turn to stare at him with his lips parting about to retort on how that was like invading his personal life but once he saw the seriousness within those eyes Desmond snapped his mouth shut. "What's interesting enough is that with the files Lucy got from Abstergo it seems as if there are more people out there with your DNA."

"…" Silence came from him as he took in this information.

'more people'…'your DNA'…?

"What?" he cried, eyes wide and body rigid with shock as he felt surprise and disbelief ring through his veins, obviously shimmering in his brown hues since Shaun's 'I-know-it-all' smirk came into play.

"Yes, I only managed to get as far as I could before this problem with our computers and Intel came into play." Turning in his office chair the Brit rested his elbows upon the arms, fingers linked and leaning forth. "You were their last resort, since you were the closest and easiest to kidnap."

"'last resort'?"

"Yes." Lucy spoke, voice low before turning to face him with a worried look. "Your ancestors are alive, Desmond."

"Il mio dearests," a man called, raising his glass, his arm wrapped around a woman's waist and turning his head to kiss another's cheek teasingly. "Drink to your heart's content, tonight is a special night!"

Lowering his glass to drinking distance the man laughed wholeheartedly before taking a sip of the blood red wine. Swallowing he set it down and grabbed onto the woman's chin, lowering his eyelids in a seductive manner.

"Shall we enjoy the night together, amore?"