Summary: Riku and Sora have been a happy couple for 5 months. They passed the little hugs, kisses, and I love you letters on the 5 month and finally went all the way. Riku has been feeling sick lately. Sora is worried and finally convinces him to go to the doctors.


Defying The Logic Of Things

Do You See What I See?


"Well...My mom was a stay-at-home mom but she went back to school to study law. My dad encouraged her...He was a doctor. A heart surgeon to be exact," Sora looked back towards the TV. "They were always encouraging Roxas, Cloud, and I to follow our do what we wanted to do and not let others tell us what we should do.." After that quiet speech, Riku went silent. Sora glanced at him in the corner of his eye when he felt the other male lean against him. Sora let a small smile grace his face as he turned to look back at the TV.

Sora yawned as he slowly opened his eyes. There was something warm on top of him. Cozy…hmmm….He gasped as that cozy warm thing on top of him began to move and…he noticed that same warm cozy thing on top of him that was moving was also pressed against something warm and not so cozy in between his legs. He groaned and tried to get his eyes focused on the warm silver fuzzy cozy thing on him. Suddenly, he snapped in focus and he grinned widely. That warm, cozy, fuzzy thing that was on top of him rubbing against something warm and not so cozy between his legs was Riku. "Well, good morning to you too," Sora mumbled as Riku shifted and looked at him. A moment of silence passed before Riku let out a surprised shout and scrambled off of Sora, dropping the blanket that had been covering the two.

"What are you doing in my ro-" Riku stopped and looked around. They weren't in his room. They were in the living room. "What are you doing in my house!" the silverette decided. Sora chuckled.

"We were watching movies all last night, remember?" Sora sat up on the couch and stared at Riku who was now sitting on the ground and staring at it.

"Oh yeah….I almost forgot…." Riku frowned as he smelled something cooking.

"I see you two are awake," Kadaj chuckled from the doorway of the kitchen.

"Morning, Kadaj!" Sora greeted with a grin. Riku grumbled a greeting himself and stood up.

"Breakfast is ready!" Kadaj chirped happily before leaving the room.

"Is it edible?" Riku grumbled as he followed his brother into the kitchen.

"Well Axel and Roxas seemed to enjoy it since their plates are already gone!" Kadaj grinned happily.

"Why do I get the feeling they think everything is edible," Riku rolled his eyes.

"Want seconds?" Kadaj asked.

"No thanks," They both said with a grin. Sora blinked.

"You don't want seconds?" Sora asked. Axel and Roxas turned to him and Axel shook his head.

"Shut up," He mouthed.

"I take that as a 'they normally eat more than one serving' which brings us to the implication that your cooking sucks," Riku said with a snicker. Kadaj pouted.

"Do you guys really hate my cooking?"

"Well…." Roxas mumbled.

"I love it!" Axel said.

"Then have some more!"

"I'm….really full,"

"If you don't like it, I don't mind," Kadaj huffed. "I'm obviously not the cook of the house. I won't be mad or sad if you don't like it,"

"Then….I REALLY don't like it…." Axel sighed.

"Well!" Kadaj glared. "You didn't have to say it like that!"

"Hey Sora," Riku looked at Sora as the three argued in the background.


"What is there to do around this town?"



"How about you just show me…." Riku grumbled. "Gimme a tour of your school if that will take longer," He gave a pointed look at the three other males. Sora snickered and nodded.

"See," Kadaj said with a smirk as Axel and Roxas sighed. "I told you my plan would work. I know my brother well and the one thing he hates the most is pointless arguments!"

"I see," Axel said.

"Now what are we gonna do for the rest of the day?"

"Spy on them and make sure they get together!" Kadaj said with a nod.

"Sound devious…I'm in," Axel said with a grin. Roxas rolled his eyes.

"I got nothing better to do so sure…"

5 Hours later

"The school is huge," Riku mumbled as he and Sora left the school's campus. "Even more so than it looks from the outside...way bigger than KUL,"

"Yup!" Sora said with a grin. "Hey, you hungry?"

"Actually…I am….We didn't eat breakfast, remember?"

"Alright! My treat,"

3 days later….

Riku was lying in bed staring up at the ceiling. He had been trying and failing miserably to fall asleep for the past 2 hrs. He looked at the clock. It was now midnight. He groaned and sat up. He had been thinking. And what he had been thinking about was making him mad. And because it was making him mad, he was thinking even more and harder. And because he was thinking so hard because he was mad, he couldn't get to sleep. He sighed and slipped out of bed and out of his room. He silently and slowly padded bare-foot to his brother's room and opened the door. "Kadaj?"

"Mhnn…?" The lump on his brother's bed moved.

"Kadaj," Riku whispered again as he walked fully in the room. The covers slowly slid from over Kadaj's head and he blinked blurrily at Riku.

"Riku?" Kadaj yawned. "Whatcha wan….at 12 in darungring…." He yawned again, after glancing at his bedside clock. Riku sat on Kadaj's bed and stared at the ground.

"I can't get to sleep…"

"Emf….Why?" Kadaj scooted back some and pulled the cover up and Riku slipped in.

"I….keep thinking about Sora…." Riku mumbled, glad for the lack of light since his face was burning red.

"That's nice…" Kadaj mumbled.

"No! It's not!" Riku growled. "I can't get him out of my head! And since that kiss I've been dreaming about him in not so innocent ways!" There was silence. "Kadaj?" Riku frowned. Did that bastard just fall asleep on him?

"Did you say you kissed Sora?" Now the other sounded wide awake.

"Yes I-"

"Oh my gosh! My baby brother got his first kiss and I missed it! When was this?" Kadaj sat up and stared down at Riku.

"Kadaj, we're the same age…."

"So? Don't change the subject and tell me when this happened!"

"About 3 days ago…"

"WHAT! And you're just now telling me this? Oh my gosh I have to call mom and tell her that her baby is finally growing up!"

"Kadaj, we're the same age! I don't how I can stress that en-"

"I was talking figuratively, smart-ass! Now tell me how it felt! Did you kiss him or did he kiss you? Did you move your mouth right? Did he dominate the kiss or did you? Did you place your hands in the right spot? Did he grasp your face gently or did he grope- if he groped you roughly and kissed you roughly I'm going to kill him- though you probably got some-"

"KADAJ!" Riku interrupted the other male's rant. "He kissed me. It was just him pressing his lips against mines! He used the excuse of him not having air or whatever because I thought he was an intruder and I kinda flipped him over me and knocked the wind out of him," There was silence.

"That's not romantic at all," Kadaj sighed. "You need to work on you-"

"KADAJ! What do I do? I don't want to think about it because then I won't get sleep and if I don't get sleep I'll get cranky and if I get cranky I won-" Kadaj covered Riku's mouth.

"You're in love with him," Kadaj stated. Riku pulled his brother's hand away.

"No I'm not!"

"Denial is the first step!"

"It is not! I'm not in love with that perverted fiend!"

"You so are!" Kadaj grinned widely.

"I so am not!"

"That was not even grammatically correct so I know you love him! Or at least like him a whole lot!"


"Tsk tsk, what did mother tell you about lying? Your nose will grow like Pinocchio!"

"You lie all the damn time-"

"You have to admit, you're at least a little bit attracted to him. If he was anyone else, you'd probably have gutted him right now after all the things he's pulled already…." Kadaj snickered. Riku sighed.

"But…how do I know if he really likes me back?" Riku whispered, all of a suddenly feeling uncertain.

"Are you crazy? Do you not see what I see? He's always flirting with you and trying to have your attention all the time. The guy practically drools all over you and doesn't even pay any mind to me at all,"

"Why do all of our conversations always lead back to you?"

"Because I'm sexy and you know it,"

"Whatever….so how do I solve my problems?"

"You mean your wet dreams?" Riku's face went red.


"Masturbation is always the answer to everything!"

"What? No its not and I'm not-"

"Ask me a question then."


"I'll show you…"


"I take it your silence is often mista-"

"You say that quote and I'll suffocate you in your sleep…" Riku growled.

"Aww…I always knew you loved me," Kadaj chuckled.

1 Week Later…

"My god…why did school have to start again?" Sora groaned. Axel and Roxas sighed in agreement.

"That had to be the shortest month I ever did have!" Roxas whined. Axel and Sora both continued walking past Roxas as the other stopped in front of his car. "Where the heck are you guys going?"

"The twins," They both answered at the same time. Roxas rolled his eyes.

"You two are just…ugh…"

"In love?" Axel smirked.

"In love with what?" Axel jumped as he stared at Kadaj.

"Oh…wha…nothing! SHAMPOO!" Axel blurted. Kadaj blinked. He yelped when he was pushed into Axel and out of Riku's way.

"Move," Riku grumbled. "You and your weird friends are in my way,"

"Aw….that really hurt, Riku!" Sora pouted.

"Why? Because I called you weird? You obviously are!"

"No….because you didn't refer to me as your friend," Sora's pout deepened. Riku raised an eyebrow. "Am I your friend?"

"Sure…." Riku said. Sora squealed happily.


"Did you just…" Kadaj trailed off. Sora pointed at the three.

"No….never speak of it…"

"Right…"Kadaj mumbled. He looked up at Axel. "Now! Take us to school!"

"I never agreed to coming with you people!" Riku hissed as he was dragged along with them.

"You never disagreed either!"

In the end, Riku ended up stuffed in the back with Kadaj and Sora. Sora was sitting behind Roxas, Kadaj was sitting behind Axel, and Riku was sitting the middle. "I promised Namine I'd pick her up," Roxas said as he pulled to a stop.

"Alright, I'll hop in the back," Axel said as he got out of the car. Kadaj scooted over and leaned against Riku as Axel got back in the car. As he sat back down, a blonde girl came out of the house they were in front of and ran to the car.

"Sorry if you were waiting long," She said with a smile.

"Naw, we just got here," Roxas said with a grin. "Oh!" Roxas gestured to the back. "If you haven't met them yet or if you forgot, this is Riku and Kadaj. They're the twins that moved in next door to me and Sor," Namine turned and smiled.

"Hello there," She smiled. "I'm Namine,"

"Nice to meet you, Namine," Riku and Kadaj said at the same time.

"Aww…You guys are just like Roxas and Sora," She giggled.

"What do you mean?" Roxas and Sora asked at the same time. Axel snickered while Namine giggled again. Silence passed through the car. Kadaj nudged Riku and nodded his head towards Sora. Riku raised an eyebrow. Kadaj spread his legs and huffed.

"I'm so squished!" Kadaj whined. Riku glared at him.

"Keep your legs closed then?" Riku growled.

"Nooo! You have to move!"

"Where am I going to move to? We're inside a moving vehicle made for 5 people to fit comfortably," Riku hissed.

"Sit on Sora's lap then! You're squishing me!"

"What?" Riku's face flushed red as he glared at Kadaj.

"Riiiiiikuuuuuu!" Kadaj whined.

"No!" Riku screeched.

"Please baby brother?"

"We're the same age!" Riku yelled. "But sometimes I wonder!"

"Pretty please?" Kadaj pouted. Riku hissed at him.

"I wouldn't mind," Sora said with a shrug. Riku glared at him.

"Go ooooon!" Kadaj pushed Riku into Sora. "C'moooon….my legs huuuuurt!"

"If it will make you stop whining so loudly in my ear!" Riku hissed. He frowned and looked up at the ceiling. "But wouldn't I just hit my-"

"Sit in between his legs then!" Kadaj whined. Riku hissed at him again.

"Are you a snake now?" Axel chuckled.

"Shut up, redhead!"

"It's Axel," Axel corrected.

"Whatever…" Riku muttered as he lifted himself up slightly. Sora spread his legs and helped Riku sit in between them. "Are you happy, you crybaby?"

"Yup!" Kadaj grinned. There was silence.

"The space between Sora's now spread legs and you are the same distance that was between me and you, ya jerk off," Riku hissed. Kadaj grinned devilishly.

"How would you know about jerk-"

"I take it your silence is a plea for your life," Riku hissed at him. Kadaj giggled but stayed silent. After that little exchanged, everyone was silently amused save for Riku. Riku sighed and leaned back against Sora tiredly. Kadaj leaned over to Axel.

"Do you see what I see?" He asked and nodded his head towards Riku and Sora. Axel glanced at them and grinned, nodding his head.

Edited: 11/5/13