Morg: Heyo! I know, I know. Shut it guys and just enjoy!

Ikuto: You're ridiculous!

Amu: She told you to shut it!

Morg: I'm going to threaten to take you out without the intention of ever doing so!

Ikuto: Fine then! You don't own us!

~Loving Every Amu~

"Don't worry Tsukiyomi Ikuto-sama! I, Saaya, will protect you from the harms of high school life! I'll make sure that no one dares approach you!"

First thought through my mind, fanfuckingtastic! now I have to deal with this skank. Second thought through my mind, why the hell am I here? Oh yeah because I don't have a choice. I transferred to a new school my senior year only to have every girl in it already at my feet. I've only been here for ten minutes people! I mean come one! Ten minutes!

"Dude, from the look on your face you seem to need a BFFF right about now."

There stands a kid with reddish hair and green eyes. He's grin the stupidest grin I have even seen. "So what if I do? What does that even mean?"

His grin gets larger before he turns on the crowd. "Oi! Get the fuck outta here! We got classes to get to people!" People start scattering and heading for their classes. "My names Souma Kukai and we are now official Best Fucking Friends Forever."

I roll my eyes and start off down the hallway. He follows as if there's nothing else for him to do. My plan is to ignore him and see if he disappears. By lunch time I know that's not happening. He even introduced me to his friends Nagi, Rima, Yaya, Tadase and Kairi. Not that I care. I mean I don't need friends since I have fans but I guess I'll sit with them at lunch.

Funniest thing happened. I'm standing in line with my BFFF – I know its lame – and this chick walks into the cafeteria. The entire room goes silent. I'm like WTF. Who is this chick? I'm about to ask when she marches over to the line and grabs a tray. The kids at the tables seem to relax and everyone in line seems to go a little bit faster. I don't have to explain the fact that I am the Tsukiyomi Ikuto. I hurry for no one. Soon enough she's right behind me in line tapping her tiny ass foot.

I glance back at her before carrying on with what I was doing. I don't give a fuck who she is. She can wait. Then her little foot goes faster. I just start thinking that I should just turn on the charm and make her fall like all the other bimbos in this school but she beats me to the punch.

The sassy little thing opens her cute little mouth. "Move it bitch! I want my food!"

Now I'm pissed. "Who do you think you're calling a bitch, whore?"

I expect her to back off after the glare I give her, but hers just seems to match mine. She lines up toe to toe with me, which makes me smirk considering she's like a foot and half shorter. "Obviously I'm calling your slow ass a bitch! Get your pretty little face out of my way before I damage it!"

Bitch say what? "Fuck you skank. You can wait like everyone else."

Her next move infuriates me. She actually took a swing at me. Never in my life! Of course I easily dodged it considering I am the amazing person I am. This move ticks her off even more. She wrenches her hand free flips me off and begins to walk off. My pride wasn't about to let her get away that easily. "I'll be here the next time you PMS too little kitten."

How I managed to dodge her tray and all the food she had on it will remain a mystery to every person in attendance to our little encounter. I didn't get to see the little spitfire for the rest of the day, which made it unbelievably boring. I slept through my afternoon classes. By the end of the day there were rumors flying around that I'd made the move on some chick named Amu because apparently nobody told me she was a psycho.

If there is one thing I hate more than anything else in this world its pity. My classmates laid it on pretty thick. Pity as in 'I pity you for having to deal with Amu' or 'I pity you because no one told you that she's crazy'. I glared right back at them. Even my BFFF didn't say anything to me all afternoon.

The next day was even more fucked up. I got up and went to school unlike I normally do. Alright I admit that I like to skip. It keeps my mind healthy considering it'd turn to mush if I sat through every single one of my classes every day. I'll admit that I went to school in the hopes of running into that Amu girl again. The problem was she ran into me. I mean straight into me. She was like a completely different person but I knew it was her.

What was even stranger was the fact that she wore a pink cheerleading outfit complete with a visor with a heart on it and people actually smiled and talked to her. I didn't doubt my instincts for a moment, not even when they called her Ran. I knew it was still Amu. Amu might not be her real name but I'm going to stick with it since that's the first one I heard.

Kukai greeted Ran like an old friend and asked her what she was up to. She apologized like eight times to me for running into me. I just rolled my eyes. She was obviously playing dumb like she didn't recognize me from the day before. I couldn't figure out why everyone suddenly seemed to be her best friend.

She took off before I could ask her what she was up to. "Hey BFFF, who the hell was that?"

Kukai grinned at the retreating figure. "That's Amu's sister. They have some weird thing worked out with the headmaster where the five girls take turns coming to school. Apparently only one can attend each day so they switch. Amu's the badass you saw yesterday. Ran's that sporty thing you saw today. Tomorrow you'll meet Miki then Su and last Dia. It works out because then we only have to deal with Amu on Mondays."

I didn't buy it for a moment. He seemed serious so I went to the headmaster to ask. "Tsukasa you and I have known each other for a while now. Spill the beans on the Amu girl. You and I both know that I can tell that it's her every day."

Tsukasa glanced around the room. He even checked out the window and down the hallway outside his office before locking his door and putting on some light music. In all seriousness he looked me straight in the eye. "Figure it out yourself Ikuto."

That was it. That was all he said after he built it up like he was going to reveal some huge ass secret. "I'm asking you so I can figure it out."

Tsukasa shuck his head and sighed. "You have to do it on your own if you're going to be of any help to her."

"So you admit that there is only one."

"I'm not saying anything."

I stormed out of his office only to run into Ran. This time I'm the one to apologize before I head off. Then it hits me, why was she at the headmaster's office anyways?

Tsukasa's words hang into my head as I lay on my bed trying to sleep. They don't leave me alone, however, so I start devising a plan. I'll wait to meet the other three Amu's before I decide what actions to take.

Miki was a total surprise. She appealed to me in a completely different way then Ran and Amu. She had blue hair instead of pink and she seemed calm, cool and collected. They are basically the three Cs I live by. I have to maintain my cool and act calm and collected or else he comes out and takes over. Nobody wants that.

"So you're Miki huh?"

I receive a slightly annoyed look but she decides to answer. "Yes I am."

Blunt and to the point. I like it. "How are your sisters Ran and Amu?"


Maybe I don't like it so much. "You know I think you're alright. At least compared to your spaztastic sisters. You seem to be the level headed one."

Miki stared at me for a few seconds before laughing lightly. "You've only met two of them. How would you know?"

I shrug my shoulders but before I can reply she's already gone. Su was even more messed up. She wore lots of green verses Ran's pink, Miki's blue and Amu's black. Her hair was a soft blonde color and she ended every sentence in an annoying way.

"I'm sorry about Amu desu! She can be hard to get along with desu!"

I wanted to kill myself after her second sentence. Worst part was she seemed to be friends with the people I sat with at lunch. She brought them all lunches and babied them the entire time. I'll admit that her cooking is delicious but offering to cut up my food into bite size pieces is going too far.

Dia was harder to understand. She had orange hair and wore lots of orange and barely talked to anyone. Everyone seemed to give her some distance out of respect. Like if she was royalty. She didn't act high and mighty so I went up and talked to her.

"Dia, right?"

She raised her eyebrow at me in a quizzical way and didn't answer. I ran my fingers through my sexy blue locks. We just stared at each other. She didn't look like she was trying to ignore me, but at the same time she wouldn't answer.

"So you aren't going to tell me what's going on either huh? You know I'm going to just warn you now. I will figure out what you're up to. I know there's only one of you and you better believe that I'll discover your fucked up little secret."

Orange head didn't say a word as she walked away from me. I knew she got the message though so I did something I never do on purpose. After school I headed for the roof. I stood on the edge and looked at the ground five stories below me. If he didn't come out then I was dead. I checked the grounds to make sure that no one was watching before I jumped over the edge. I felt my body twisting and turning through the air as he started to wake up.

Don't ask me how it works because I'm not completely sure. I landed on my feet and calmly slinked away. My hands moved to feel the blue cat ears now perched on top of my head. I could already feel my tail swishing behind me. My plan worked. Yoru came out to play.

Yoru's conscious couldn't take over my body, but his catlike reflexes and instincts did. I used our abilities to sneak along through the bushes and trees even along the rooftops to follow orangey. I wanted to know where the nut case lived.

She led me to a large white house. Different objects were strewn about the yard. They were items that clearly belonged to each personality. I watched and waited as she entered the house. There was no call of hello or welcome home. She was alone. I took my opportunity to do what I did best when connect with Yoru. I snuck in. The rooms didn't hold much although there was a bedroom for each girl. I assumed they were all decorated to fit their personalities. They were all badass in their own ways.

I managed to scope the house without Dia being aware of my presence. She just sat in the living room and stared at the wall. I even snuck behind her a few times to check out the kitchen. I was about to leave when my cover was blown. They had a fish tank. Damn them to hell! Instinct, Yoru's instincts, took over my body and soon enough I was sitting in front of the tank watching the little treats swim around. My tail flicked back and forth nonstop as my mind worked out a way to get to them.

I wasn't aware of being caught until Dia's face appeared at the other side of the tank. She looked straight into my hungry eyes until I noticed her. Of course I blushed furiously. I know what you're thinking. The Tsukiyomi Ikuto does not blush, I blame it on Yoru. She moved around the tank after I became aware of her presence and felt one of my ears. The shock didn't show on her face after she confirmed that they were real. I was thankful that she didn't touch my tail. It's a little sensitive.

She then gripped my ear and pulled me away from the tank. I let out a yowl because let's be serious. It hurt like hell. She didn't let go either so I was forced to follow her at a crouched down level. I thought for sure she was kicking me out. Instead she led me through the one door I hadn't been behind yet. I looked down the steps and prayed to God that my life didn't end in the creepy basement of some crazy ass chick.

To my surprise she pulled me into a finished basement. She let go of my ear and nodded her head towards the far wall. I meandered over to it and saw that it was actually a giant dry erase board. It was split into five sections. A top the first section was the name Amu then the names Ran, Miki, Su and finally Dia. They each had their own area. Amu's words were written in black under her name. Ran's in pink, Miki's in blue, Su's in green, and finally Dia's in orange.

I smirked as I read Amu's writings.

Boring morning, wished I hadn't gone to school until lunch. Met an asshole that actually stood up to me. Maybe this won't be so boring anymore. Lazy afternoon. A few confessions that made me smile while I watched the boys cry in rejection.

Towards the bottom it was signed with her name and a smiley face with devil horns and a tail.

Ran's was written faster than Amu's. Almost like she had so much to do that she couldn't be bother by the chore of writing everything slowly.

I ran into the guy Amu wrote about. I mean literally ran into him. I apologized and headed off for practice. Everyone was nice and said hello. I bumped into him again at the headmaster's office as I went in for my weekly meeting with Tsukasa-san. Not much to say about the evening.

Her name was signed with smiley face that was winking and giving a thumbs up. I just shook my head and moved on.

The next writing was definitely Miki's. It was short, blunt and strictly to the point.

Met Ikuto. He asked about Ran and Amu. I think he knows. Nothing else happened.

Su's was a little longer than the others. I skimmed over all the cleaning and cooking she wrote about before getting to the good stuff.

Ate lunch with Ikuto desu. He seems different than the others desu. I could tell he was watching me desu. I, too, think he knows desu.

Dia's section was still blank. I assumed that she was waiting to write hers down since the day was not yet over. I understood. She had a lot more to write considering she knew my secret and I'd broken into their house.

"So what does this all mean exactly? Why do you guys write messages to each other if you're all the same person?'

Of course she didn't leave me an option besides following her up the stairs. Once we were back in the kitchen she took out a notepad and a pen and began to write.

Ikuto what's your other personalities' name?

I stared at her for a moment in confusion before she pointed to the ears on top of my head. I felt like an idiot! "Oh, uh Yoru. He doesn't actually take over though. His instincts and catlike abilities sort of do but I control it most of the time."

She nodded before taking the pad back into her lap. Her hand worked flawlessly over the paper.

Why do you care about us?

That one was harder for me to answer. I didn't know nor did I have a reason. "Fuck, maybe because you're interesting unlike everyone on this damn planet."

She just nodded again. This girl seemed to accept anything for an answer. I liked that. I didn't have to think too hard to make up some meaningless bull shit. She wanted me to be straight and I was prepared to show her how straight I could be. And perverted thoughts are now running through my mind. Focus!

You're right. We're one person. Don't abandon any of us because of who we are inn that state. If you abandon even one of us then you lose us all.

I stared at the pad. What did this chick mean I'd lose them all? Slowly I nodded my head. I knew that she knew that I wasn't completely sure what her warning meant, but she didn't press it. "Can I ask a question?" She nodded her head so I continued. "What's your name when you guys aren't split?"

Dia sighed before she put her hand back to the paper. I didn't think it would take her long to write one name, but she wrote for about a full ten minutes before I was allowed to see. Of course now that we were back upstairs my ridiculously good nose and ears could pick up the noises and scents of that damn fish tank! Shit! I was going to have to be careful or they were going to lose some pets.

Amu. She may seem bitchie and grouchy a lot of the time, but if you can get past her nervousness then you will see why she's the original. We're more like things she wanted desperately to have the qualities of. Someone she trusted used her desires against her to trap her and the rest of us this way. We are all the same person and yet we are all different. We need someone who can love us all as one but again as separate people to break the curse.

This was deep shit. I mean curses and whatnot. I'm not entirely sure why I have Yoru inside of me, but hell I'm not complaining. He helped me out to get this far so to be honest I love the guy. "Wait. If you guys switch during the school days and there are only five personalities but you always have the same day then who are you on the weekends?"

Dia smiled at me again.

Stay the night and find out in the morning.

I smirked at her note to me and raised an eyebrow. She blushed before furiously writing something else.

Neko pervert! I didn't mean that! Don't be stupid and blow this now.

I couldn't help but chuckle. "I was only joking."

One thing I knew for sure. There was no way in hell I was leaving before I found out.


Morg: Not bad eh?

Ikuto: Is this really what you think the inside of my head sounds like?

Amu: I do!

Morg: Only in this fanfic.

Ikuto: Whatever.

Amu: Ikuto's cranky… review so I can be put back together again.