Author's Notes: Sorry everyone for not updating in awhile! School held me back and..during my last checkup it seems I've had a breathing problem myself (Asthmatic Bronchitis to those curious). So, Chick's not the only one who has trouble breathing now..Anyway enough about that, let's see if Light gets to Chick in time! Also, I apologize if this cahappie isn't good. I've been tired lately and feeling kind of sick. Read, Review & Enjoy. As usual Disney/Pixar owns ALL characters, except Shakeria. I ONLY OWN THE IDEA & MY OC'S!

Meanwhile, Chick was still with Doc & Sally under the tree where Light left him. He was on the verge of death it felt/seemed like. The green stockcar was now forcing himself to breathe any air his filters was able to take in, which wasn't much..This felt like the end for him, he knew the red stockcar had tried his best but he didn't think he'd make it anymore. Sally was pacing worried for both talking aloud to herself, which Doc & Chick could easily hear. The Hudson Hornet blinked shifting his crystal eyes over to the pacing Porsche

"Ohh Light, please hurry up..Chick's sick we can't help him.."

Chick heard her talking, though his state of mind was focused on trying to breathe still. He couldn't comment even if he wanted to verbally, he just hoped the red stockcar would get to him in time. By now he was too weak to do anything, and breathing was just about impossible. He talked in his head commenting, which was the only way he could talk right now, since his throat was slammed shut during this breathing episode.

As if able to somewhat read Chick's mind and catch his reaction, Doc replied this calmly to her. Though indeed he too was a little nervous he knew he had to remain relaxed for medical experience taught him that a patient reflects what you show.

"Sally, you pacing & panicin' ain't gonna help Chick in his state..I know it's tense, I'm just as concerned, but we need to stay calm for him. If we panic, he's gonna panic and that'll only make him worse.."

She stopped doing both as best as she could "Sorry Doc..I'm just worried.." she looked out again watching for Lightning

Please hurry Stickers..Chick's barely hanging on..Where are you..?

Finally, after what seemed like 10 hours on the road he finally made it back to Chick. As his outline started to come clear in the faint moonlight, Lightning had a look that a tired dog does after completing it's orders. His grill had the mixed expression exhaustion and satisfaction as he approached Doc, seeing Sally with him.

The blue Porsche sighed relieved and raced over to the worn out red stockcar "Stickers! Your ok..I was worried sick!"

He winced slightly, forgetting to have informed her "Sorry Sally, I went to train Chick and then this whole him being ill thing started so I've been with him most of the night..Minus travel time.."

Doc got the medicine and looked at Light "Good job kid, and with a few minutes to spare..And I think you oughtta rest, you look like you haven't slept since the run.."

The red rookie nodded his hood and lowered down sleeping, no longer needing to worry about the green stockcar. He knew with the medicine he got he'd be fine, and make a recovery..But what he didn't know was if he could ever race with him again. He hoped that he could..other than Weathers,who's now retired, Chick is the only one who gives him a challenge. The others make him feel he's racing with tires or his shadow.

Carefully, Doc injected the shot in Chick's wing "It'll take a few minutes to circulate through, but you'll be able to breathe soon.."

The green stockcar was relieved to hear this..That was all he wanted right now. He kept his body relaxed as best as he could, talking mentally to himself as he waited for the medicine.

McQueen did it..He actually got the medicine in time..He really did help me make it..

Moments past, Sally drove back to the Cozy Cone now knowing Stickers was ok and not needing to worry. Lightning was fast asleep, leaving Doc the only alert one to watch. Even though he too was tired, he had to stay up because he was the only one who had enough experience to do this and the kid had run so long he seemed too tired to do anything more. His crystal eyes remained calmed and focused on Chick waiting to see if this medicine would help..or he'd have a strange allergic reaction to it.

Time soon told itself as the green stockcar felt his hood and filters loosen back up again. As soon as this happend, he gasped in as much air as his filters would allow, after being so deprived of it. He was breathing hard again, but in a way to get the air his episode wouldn't have let him have.