Okay, so this is a "happy" chapter, dedicated to InvaderCakez, just because she reviewed. Thank you! But I am not a noob. Anyway the purpose of this chapter is to inform you of the seasons and time right now, because autumn and winter have very important things (acorns!)

Before summer ends, Cocomall had yet another surprise just around the corner! Oh, and it's not the fishing and bug contests organized by outside people, it was "regional exclusive".

It was the weekend, and by 10:00am, benches have been set up by the plaza, with a huge ribbon, and more like an over decorated stadium in a…suspicious way. Then I saw Tom Nook was standing by sheepishly, his wallet in his hands. Ow, that hurts the eyes.
But the good thing about coming early with my friends is to sit right in front of Tortimer, the funny and humble mayor. He treats us all like a family because hardly anyone is interested in politics.

Not to mention that we've never seen Pelly out in the sun. I heard that her cousin, Pepper, came to our town to take the shift from 4:00am to 8:00am, because she is not used to long shifts yet. And there could be more moving in too, so Pelly and her sister can actually have some days off, and shorter shifts. Finally we will get to see more of their lives.
"Um, ahem." Stepped up the mayor, waiting for the excited crowd's silent attention, "Dear residents of Cocomall…Today, the 20th of July, marks the day right before summer's end, but despite the unrecorded storm approaching on the 22nd, we will build some more facilities to our peaceful town. This is for your happiness and well being, so that's where the good part comes, sprouties! The renovations are your choice! It is open for the suggestions! Heh heh heh HAH!"

This was greeted with a wide applause, before the mayor mentioned some more,

"However suggestions will begin to be implemented in winter. And of course we do not have enough to finance all the good ideas, so it has to be reasonable and matching to the criteria."

The smiles died down a little, thinking whether this restriction would be a bad thing, but that must be expected, ofcourse, no matter how much of a fantasy we are living in.

"That's why there is another expected 'big thing' in autumn IF two ideas have been chosen and there can only be one! I dare you to guess it! HAH! Oh, and that's not all! The owner of the chosen suggestion will manage it in person, adding their name to the honored citizens list in town!" This time, was the real ear deafening cheer.