Chapter 1: Anmesia

I opened my eyes to find a black apartment or so in front of me. Why am I here, of all places? I stood up and tried to know anything that happened before I blacked out… Thinking, thinking harder, WAIT! My name! What is my name? How do I know?

Maybe that building will tell me. Or maybe not. Something just tells me that it is too creepy inside for me to go and ask for my name. I looked behind that apartment to find a…forest? This got me even more confused, why would there be an apartment in the middle of the beautiful wildlife? I just stood there, waiting for an answer. Until it came. A disgusting trained dog appeared from that dark block. It pounced and headed straight towards me. Then it's trainer came into vision as well, just as revolting as his "pet" is. A big, tall, fat, uniformed man with a black stick and a black uniform, ew! He seemed vicious and he looked like he wanted to kidnap me. But why would he and that dog attack such a charming girl like me? I know my charming look and eyes would always fool everyone. But this human is heartless, almost a robot. So I yelled my best and started running, hoping that someone could hear me and come to save me.

I dashed through the trees, left and right, until I felt a twig that attached itself to my foot and made me unable to run any more. I landed on the floor with a bump and tried to get my foot free.

There was no time. I lost my charm along with my memory, and now a dog is going to touch me. How could this get any worse? Well, I didn't completely lose my luck, because a shadow on the branch of the tree jumped down between me and the revolting creature. The shadow-figure was sort of weird, it had a spherical head and two antennas on the top of its head, or maybe they weren't antennas? I was too tensed to focus on that point, but the dog ran from the shock of seeing the figure, and the man, slightly confused and greatly astonished, tried to catch up with the dog. Phew! They were gone. The shadow figure turned around helped me up.

"Thanks." I thanked him and then I saw- I saw who he was. A furry paw? A tail? That thing was a cat, a white cat wearing a red helmet, with its two blue ears standing up from the helmet. It wore a red racing suit, red socks and white trainers. But, regardless of the fact that it was shocking to see a mutant animal, behind his helmet glasses there were beautiful eyes.

"..Who are you?" I asked.

"Let's talk later. Come with me." Was his reply.

We reached what seemed like a train station that had a monkey wearing a uniform. That was cute. I always hated monkeys because they never wore any clothes, but when monkeys act civilized, then I like them. I still hate gorillas though. So he talked to monkey and the monkey talked too. "Are you real?" I asked. The monkey and the cat looked at me, perplexed, not knowing what to say. Finally the cat responded,

"Yes. We are real animals, not mutants like those silly cartoons on television. In fact, those animals that you see in the human world are inferior beings. But it's a long story, Let me explain everything on the train.

"Where are you taking me?" I panicked.

"To a safer place." The cat said, "To Cocomall."

On the train, the seats were green and there were many of these animals. The cat chose a bench and we sat down. He looked at my clothes and began the conversation,

"Sorry that I haven't introduced myself earlier, I'm Kid Cat. Who may you be?"

"…I don't know." I said.

"It's ok, don't be shy."

"No I'm serious, I really don't know. I don't remember anything, I just lost my memory about half an hour ago."

"Well, you could now make up your own name! It's nice to choose a nice name (not like mine). It's like your reborn into a new life." He said, giggling happily.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I replied sadly.

"I see you like the colour red." He said, looking at my red plaid shirt and my white jeans, my red hairpin and my red glasses.

"Oh, I do! So what's a Cocomall?"

"It's a beautiful town silly! You'll live there, far from the human world."
