It was early afternoon when Japan first felt the ground shake. He immediately crawled under a table and clutched the leg, as all of his precious artifacts, vases, tea sets, and the like started falling down from the shelves and crashing down on to the floor. A samurai sword fell from its casing just missing his body. The loud clatters of the items were not enough to block out the sound of the screams outside. They were the screams of young children, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, grandparents. Everyone.
No, he thought, My history, my peopleā¦
Japan smelled smoke. It was a deep, dark, rich smoke gorged on the wood of homes and bodies. It was horrible. His lights flickered on and off before turning black and plummeting to the floor on top of the table. He managed to crawl out without getting injured. But the fires were spreading, getting so close to his home that was encased in darkness. He couldn't see.
I need to get out of here, he thought, but I feel so weak. I can't move.
His door slammed open. It was the police. Never did he think he would be so glad to see them.
"Sir," one said, "We're going to get you out of here. A tsunami is going to hit soon."
Japan tried to get up but he couldn't. The policeman scooped the tiny injured Japan up in his arms and ran out. He was too weak to protest. They ran outside to a waiting helicopter. The citizens pleaded for them to take their children who were covered in dust and blood. But the police didn't seem as though they heard.
"Help, them," he said.
"Sir, you are the priority. We were only told to rescue you."
"HELP THEM, he yelled, "The more that die, the weaker I get!"
"Are you sure?"
After he said that, he blacked out. He awoke in hospital. The monitors beeped louder as he tried to support himself up. A nurse rushed to his aid.
"Sir, don't overexert yourself. You're safe. This hospital is on high ground so we weren't hit by the tsunami. Are you okay?"
"I'm okay. Please do not trouble yourself with me."
The nurse nodded. "Is there anything I can get you," she asked kindly.
Japan thought for a moment. He was going to need help recovering. He knew that. He was also going to need rescuers. He was going to rescuers who would help his citizens, who would give them food, water and clothes. He needed a hero.
"A phone."
"There is one right by you."
"Thank you."
The nurse left the room. Japan leaned over to reach it. It seemed so far away and it pained his whole body to move. Somehow he managed to dial the number and picked up the receiver. He listened quietly as the operator connected his phone to one that was so many thousands of miles away. He couldn't wait to hear that voice.
"Japan? Is that you? Are you okay?"
That wasn't the voice he wanted to here. It was nasally and heavily accented. It was England.
"Yes. Where is America-san?"
"Injured. An earthquake hit Hawaii. So did several small tsunamis. It has made him very weak."
"Is he awake?"
"Yes," England said, "he is."
"Let me speak to him."
Japan heard muffled voices and the passing of the phone. Finally, the voice he so longed to hear came on.
"Japan, are you okay," it asked. It was loud and obnoxious. But the voice was music to Japan's ears.
"Ye-,"he started, "No, I'm not. I called because I need your help."
The other end stayed quiet for some time, before the voice came again, more somber and quiet.
"I'm sorry Japan, but I can't be your hero. Not today."
(A/N So did you like it? If you did please review. Flames are welcome as well. Please remember that I do not own Hetalia or any of its charecters.)