A/N: Just a very quickly written kurofye story. Because everyone loves kurofye... or if they don't, they should. Compared to my other oneshots, this has little, if no fluff *shock*


The mage was crying, the Princess had said so. Apparently she had spotted him in the kitchen. No surprises that the idiot was cooking, but why he was crying over his cooking was another matter. Okay, a lot had happened... an awful lot. The Mage had lost an eye – which incidentally meant that only one eye was crying, which was only half as bad... right?

The point was, was that damn Princess had talked him into checking on the idiot. She was worried, and nobody – not even Kurogane it seemed – could say no to that angelic face of hers.

Of course, that meant that Kurogane was pissed off. Why was it always his job to babysit the blonde retard? He couldn't stand the idiot, what with his fake smile and childish personality. Then again, it was bad enough that the kid and the Princess were on such bad terms and so miserable. He couldn't stand for the freshly made vampire to be even more miserable than he already was. The blonde had just started to get used to the idea of becoming a vampire, it wouldn't do for him to sink back into his idiotic misery.

At least that damn Manju bun was nowhere in sight...

"Oi, baka!"

Sure enough, as the mage turned, his single eye was puffy and red. Despite his obvious tears, the idiot smiled.

"Hello Kurogane." The ninja grit his teeth, why did it bother him so that the idiot was finally using his real name rather than those bloody annoying nicknames?

"What the hell are you being pathetic about this time?" Kurogane demanded, ever aware of his lack of people skills.

"Whatever do you mean?"

"You're... crying, idiot!" The word 'crying' sounded disgusting coming from his lips.

"Awe," Fye's eye softened. "Are you worried about me, Kurogane?"

"Of course not, baka!"

The idiot smiled and held up the round object he was chopping.

"I'm not crying, it's these onions, see. They make your eyes sting!" Kurogane batted the onion, and the hand holding it, away as it was shoved in his face. Already he felt his eyes sting.

"What kind of crap makes your eyes sting?" he demanded.

"Onions," the mage shrugged, clearly having no witty retort. As Kurogane turned to leave, annoyed at his waste of time, Fye whispered "thank you for caring, Kuro-tan..."

The next day he was back to being called Kurogane. The ninja didn't mind so much anymore.