A/N: OK guys, here is the last chapter, I hope you like it and find it a fitting ending to the story. This chapter looks at Becker being the emotional retard that we love him for being. Please review. Also I'm writing a one-shoot about these two that takes place after S4 Ep 6. Keep an eye out for it.


Jess looked over at Lester and raised her eyebrows.

"You're kidding right? You know what happened with me. We had our meetings; you got me a job and a whole new identity. What else can I tell you?"

"It's procedure Jess. We just need to get it all down on paper, make it official."

"Do we have to do it now?" Becker asked.

"Well wouldn't you prefer it to be over?"

"Fine, let's go then." Becker gave Jess a quick kiss before he walked off to one of the interrogation rooms. Lester told Matt to take Jess into the other room while he dealt with Becker. Matt nodded, smiled at Jess and held out his hand which she took gratefully and then they headed in the same direction as Becker and Lester.

Matt made sure that Jess was comfortable before he turned on the video camera and asked her to start from the moment she went through the anomaly. Jess nodded and began talking; she only stopped when she reached the bit when Becker had arrived on her doorstep. She didn't want to disclose any of that very personal information to anyone. What went on inside her flat was between her and Becker. She hesitated for too long causing Matt to look up. He watched her intensely for a minute and saw her blush. He could figure out what she wasn't saying and he didn't push her. He knew how she felt about Becker and he knew that Becker liked her. So he just asked her to tell him about how they got through the anomaly. Jess smiled her appreciation at him and continued her story. When she'd finished, he smiled at her and placed his hand over hers, squeezing them before he turned the camera off.

"Thank you Jess, it's all done. You can go home now."

Jess thanked him, pushed back her chair and stood up. Just as she headed for the door Matt spoke again.

"It's great to have you home Jess. I missed you, we all missed you."

Jess smiled, walked over to Matt and hugged him. It was at that moment that Becker opened the door and he stood there taking in the scene before him. He was just about to let them know that he was there when he heard Jess.

"I missed you too Matt. So very much, I'm so happy to be home."

Becker was stunned. What the hell was going on? Only a few hours ago he and Jess were making love and now, here she was telling Matt how much she had missed him. Was what happened simply that he'd come through the anomaly? Had she slept with him just because he knew her? Was she thinking about Matt the whole time? He slowly backed out of the room and quietly shut the door. He walked back to the armoury, he felt like shooting something.

"Are you ok now?" Matt asked as he pulled away.

Jess nodded, wiping her eyes and smiled. Matt continued to watch her for a minute before he spoke again.

"I'm happy for you Jess."

She looked quizzically at him, urging him to continue.

"You and Becker." He stated bluntly as he watched her blush again.

Even though they'd kissed in front of everyone, which in hindsight they probably shouldn't have, she didn't want them all speculating. So she smiled at Matt and thanked him again as she turned around and walked out of the room. Making her way to the main room, she couldn't stop thinking about Becker. She needed to see him, they needed to talk. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't see Abby and Connor walk up to her.

"Hey Jess, you all finished?" Connor asked.

"Yeah, all done. It was still weird though because you two and Lester would have memories of it all anyway. I don't know why I had to re-tell it."

"You know Lester. He's a cross the t's and dot the i's kind of guy." Abby laughed.

"I suppose so. Anyway, I want to thank you both for trusting me and helping us to get home. If you hadn't, I don't think we'd be here."

Abby threw her arms around Jess and hugged her, telling her that she was glad that she was back. Jess asked them if they'd seen Becker or if he was still with Lester. Connor told her that he'd seen him about five minutes ago and he'd been heading into the armoury. After thanking him, she made her way to the armoury, looking for Becker. Unfortunately he wasn't there when she walked in. Asking around, she found out that he was down at the firing range. Thanking Tom, she walked to the range. As she got nearer she could hear the sounds of gunfire. Picking up a pair of headphones, she waited for him to finish shooting. When he did, she walked up to him and touched his elbow causing him to spin around and grab her arm as he pointed the gun at her. When he saw that it was her, he quickly dropped her arm and took a step back.

"Damn it Jess, stop sneaking up on me or the next time I might really hurt you. What are you doing here anyway?"

"I came to find you."

"I thought you'd be with Matt after missing him so much."

Jess just stared at him, opening and closing her mouth. She didn't know why he'd said that. It took her a minute to respond but Becker didn't wait. He secured his gun, removed his headphone and left the room. She ran out after him.

"What the hell are you talking about?" She yelled out at him.

"Do you really want to do this here?" He asked, looking around at the other people walking in the hallway.

"I don't even know what 'this' is. Why would you say that about Matt?"

"I saw you, wrapped in his arms. I heard you Jess. You told him that you missed him. So what happened between us, did it mean anything to you? Or was I just a convenient body?"

Jess slapped him before she yelled at him.

"Becker, you are an emotional retard. There is nothing and I repeat, nothing going on between Matt and me. I told Connor that I missed him as well. Am I having a thing with him too? What about Lester? Hmmm? As for what happened between us… Oh forget about it."

Throwing her hands up in the air, Jess turned and walked away, leaving Becker standing in the hallway with a stunned look on his face. He saw a couple of women walking past shake their heads. Not wanting to see their looks of pity he walked quickly back to the armoury. It was there that Matt found him 20 minutes later.

As Jess was walking through the room, Connor, Abby and Matt intercepted her. Jess really wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. Becker had made her so angry. She'd made love to him, told him that she loved him and yet he still doubted her and her feelings for him.

"Jess, are you ok?" Abby asked with concern.

"Oh, I'm just dandy but Becker is a moron."

"What did he do?" Matt asked gently.

Jess told them about the conversation that had just happened in the hallway. Abby immediately put her arm around Jess's shoulder and told her that she'd take her home. As they walked past the guys, Abby gave Connor a quick kiss and told him to talk to Becker before he came home. Connor nodded but Matt could see he wasn't comfortable with the idea.

When the girls left, Matt told him that he'd talk to Becker. Connor nodded gratefully and headed off to his lab. Matt watched him leave and then walked off to find Becker. Fifteen minutes later he found Becker in the armoury. He was sitting at the table in the middle of the room, reassembling a gun. He hadn't even looked up when Matt had walked in. Matt waited a moment before he spoke and when he did, he didn't go gently.

"Becker, you are an idiot and an arse."

"What the hell do you want Matt? I'm not in the mood to talk to you. Just go before I shoot you."

"Becker, like I said, you are an idiot. What on earth made you think that there was something going on between Jess and me?"

"I saw you both in the interrogation room. She was in your arms."

"Geez mate, this is Jess. She hugs everyone. I think of her as a sister, nothing more. You need to go to her and apologise. Beg if you have to. Don't let her go or you'll regret it. She loves you mate. Now get up and go after her."

Becker sat and looked at Matt, letting his words sink in. When they finally did, his eyes widened and he smiled. He got up and walked out of the armoury, clapping Matt on the shoulder as a thank you. As he entered the main room, he scanned it for Jess. When he didn't see her, he ran to Connor's lab and asked him if he knew where she was. He told him that Abby had taken her home. Becker nodded and ran out to his car, praying that he hadn't ruined everything.

Ten minutes later he was banging on Jess's front door. Abby answered and she didn't move, making sure that Becker couldn't get in.

"Please Abby, let me in. I need to talk to Jess. I need to apologise to her. Please Abby."

Abby nodded and stood aside, letting Becker into the flat telling him that Jess was in her room. Then she grabbed her keys and left the two of them alone. Becker knocked softly on the door before entering her room. Jess was sitting on the bed in tears and his heart broke. He had done this to her and he didn't think that he would ever forgive himself. He walked over to the bed and sat down in front of her, taking her hands in his.

"I am so sorry Jess. I am an idiot, a jealous idiot. I'd only just gotten you home and then I saw you in Matt's arms and I freaked out. I'm not going anywhere until you accept my apology. Please Jess, talk to me."

She lifted her head and just looked at him without saying a word. Her cheeks were streaked by her tears. Becker raised his hands to her face and gently wiped her cheeks with his thumbs. Jess just stared at him. She wanted to forgive him but he'd hurt her so badly with his lack of trust. She really didn't know what to do.

"Please Jess, give me another chance. I meant it when I told you that I loved you. I need you in my life. I need you, without you my heart isn't complete. Not to sound corny, but it's true, you complete me."

Jess just looked at him, flabbergasted; she'd never heard Becker speak like that. She knew that she loved him, hell, she'd already told him. She would forgive him, she already had but she was going to make him sweat for a bit. Becker sat there, watching Jess. He'd truly opened his heart but it didn't seem to have worked. He'd ruined things completely. Letting go of her hands he stood up and made his way to the door. Before he could take more than a couple of steps Jess grabbed his hand. He stopped, looked down at their hands and then up at Jess who was smiling.

"Oh Becker, you may be an emotional retard but you're my emotional retard and that last little speech shows me that you are learning. Come here, I love you and you are going to show me how much you love me. I'll show you that you never need to be jealous, ever."