A/N: I can't believe this is my first Primeval fic. I love the show but it took Becker and Jess to get me writing. I love this couple, they are the best. Originally this was only going to be a one-shot but it's just grown. I hope you enjoy reading it, please review. I love reviews, all sorts of reviews, even if it's just a smiley face. More to come.


Abby stood back and watched Becker watching Jess and Connor. Flicking her gaze over to the others, she saw Jess touch Connor's shoulder and laugh at something he'd just said. Looking back at Becker, she saw his jaw tighten and his fist clench. She smiled softly, he fought so hard to deny his feelings but they were so obvious when his defences were down. When Jess laughed again, he took a step forward before he shook his head, turned around and walked out of the room. Abby sighed, hoping that he'd figure out that Jess was perfect for him.

Walking into the armoury, Becker was still seething. What was Connor up to? Why was he flirting with Jess when he was dating Abby? Grabbing one of the guns, he placed his ear-piece on the bench before picking up a pair of noise reducing headphones, and then he headed out to the firing range. He checked the magazine and then chambered it into the gun before putting on the headphones and some protective glasses. Raising the gun, he squeezed the trigger and relished the feel of the weapon recoiling in his grip. He missed these weapons. Sure, the E.M.D's were great but nothing could beat the sound of live bullets exploding out of the gun barrel. He didn't stop firing until he had emptied the magazine. Leaning over he pushed a button which bought the target paper towards him. He was happy to see that all his shots had hit dead on. Only then did he remove the headphones. When he did, he cursed because the anomaly alarm was going off. He ran up to the armoury and tossed the headphones on the bench before he put the ear-piece on, only to be assaulted by Jess's voice.

"Becker, where are you? Becker? Please answer me."

"Wow Jess, calm down. I'm here. What's happening?"

"We have an anomaly. Connor, Abby and Matt have already left. When you didn't answer, Matt took Jacob with them."

"Why didn't he wait for me?"

"Because it's been nearly three minutes since the alert went off. We couldn't find you."

"Surely my black box…."

"It's not working, I told you to get it checked this morning. Where were you anyway?"

"I was at the firing range. I felt I needed the practice," he lied. "I'll be right up."


Jess had just cut him off. After he had secured the gun back in the locked cage, he grabbed his black box and ran up to the main room, cursing to himself the whole way. This sort of distraction was unacceptable. It got people killed. He couldn't lose anyone else. Especially not Jess, although he wouldn't let himself think to hard about that thought. As he reached the main floor, he saw Jess's chair slide across in front of the A.D.D. Thankfully the alarm had been silenced. He stood and watched her for a second. When an anomaly was detected, she was always so in control. Her voice was always a calming influence that came through the ear-piece. Her voice always seemed to calm him when his adrenalin was riding high. He watched her tuck a strand of hair behind her ear; he loved it when she wore it down. He didn't move until Stan bumped into him as he walked past. Jolted from his reverie, he walked over to Jess. She gave him a quick glance before she slid away. Great, she was angry with him. He was about to talk to her when Matt's voice came through his ear-piece.

"Jess, its Matt. The anomaly has been locked. No creature incursion this time. Jacob and the other guys will stay until it closes. Abby, Connor and I are on our way back. Did you find Becker?"

"Yes, he was shooting guns."

"No Jess, I wasn't just shooting guns. I was keeping my eye in. Keeping my skills up so I know that when I'm in the field, I can trust my aim."

"Sure, whatever you say."

"Anyway," Matt interrupted. "We'll be back in five minutes."

"OK Matt, see you then."

"Jess, can we talk?"

"About what?" She asked coldly.

Becker just stared at her. Jess had never spoken to him like that. From the very first meeting she'd been bright and bubbly. He loved her like that. This was more than her just being pissed about him missing the anomaly call but he didn't know what he'd done so he went back to his old ways. He would distance himself even further from Jess. He raised both of his hands, shook his head and walked away. By doing this however, he didn't see Jess wipe the tears from her cheeks.

Wiping her cheeks, Jess took a deep breath as she heard the team entering the room. She knew that they would come up to her, they always did. She knew her voice would be shaky, so she took some more deep breaths. Damn Becker, she had thought he'd been hurt when he hadn't answered her call but he'd been playing with his guns. Her fear had turned to anger but she couldn't decide who she was angrier at, Becker or herself.

"Hey Jessie girl. How about you make them all as easy as that one." Connor joked as he threw his arm around her shoulders.

She smiled and nodded still not trusting her voice. Connor, as usual didn't notice anything different but Abby was another story. She looked at Jess thoughtfully, making Jess look at her. Without saying a word, Abby asked if she was alright. Jess shook her head to which Abby motioned towards the break room. Jess gave a slight nod and Abby turned to Connor.

"Connor, take over for Jess for a bit, us girls need to have a talk."

"Um. OK, sure."

He held onto the back of the chair as Jess stood up. She told him not to mess with anything before walking off with Abby. They didn't speak until they reached the break room. Abby looked around, making sure that no-one was else was in the room before she turned back to Jess and said just one word.


Jess nodded and felt her eyes well up again. She didn't want to cry again and definitely not in front of Abby. She was so strong, Jess looked up to her. Abby put her arm around Jess's shoulder and gave her a hug as she led her to one of the tables. Reaching down, Abby grabbed both hers and Jess's black boxes and turned them off before placing them on the table in front of them. Then Abby just waited till Jess was ready to talk. Eventually she did start to talk. She told Abby about what had happened after the anomaly alarm sounded this afternoon, about how scared she'd been when Becker hadn't answered and how that fear had turned to anger when she finally did hear from him. Abby just listened, knowing that Jess needed to vent. She knew that the younger girl loved Becker and from what she had seen earlier, she knew that Becker had feelings for Jess as well. Reaching over with her hand, she covered Jess's.

"Jess, give him time. He does care for you. He just hasn't figured it out yet. He locked himself away after Sarah died. Just be there and be yourself. Or, if you don't want to wait for him to work it out himself, you could always make him jealous."

"Oh, I don't know Abby. Wouldn't that be cruel?"

"Maybe, but unless you want to make the first move, you could be waiting quite a while for him to realise how he feels. Men can be stupid."

"Hey, on behalf of men, I take offence to that."

"Oh Matt, how much did you hear?"

"Not a lot, but if you ever need a 'pretend' date, I'm your man. I think that that would get the reaction that you're looking for."

Jess smiled shyly and started to think that maybe she should. She wouldn't have done it if it meant she would have to use some poor guy but now that Matt had offered to be her 'beard', why the hell not. Maybe it would get Becker thinking. Matt continued speaking to Abby.

"Lester is looking for you Abby and Jess, Connor is needed in the computer lab but he can't go until you get back."

"Thanks Matt, I'll just freshen up. Tell him I'll be there in a couple of minutes."

She stood up and picked up her black box, turned it on and clipped it onto the back of her skirt. She handed Abby her black box and watched her walk out with Matt before she headed to the bathroom. She walked into one of the cubicles and lowered the lid, turning around she sat down to think. She had to do something. Becker seemed obvious to all her flirting. Although after that incident at Ethan's flat, she thought that maybe something would come of it. The hug had been wonderful but she should have known nothing would really happen, especially when he broke contact as soon as the other soldiers had entered the room.

Connor sat and looked at the screens, still amazed that the A.D.D. was his design. All of a sudden the alert went off. Connor quickly started to type, trying to pinpoint the anomaly's exact position.

"Connor, where is it?" Becker asked as Matt and Abby came running into the room.

"This can't be right."

"What is it Connor?" Lester asked as he joined the rest of the team.

"The anomaly is somewhere in the A.R.C."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I've double checked the co-ordinates. There is an anomaly here."

Jess stood up quickly when the alert sounded. Unlocking the door, she ran out of the cubicle, not realising that her black box had fallen off her skirt, and straight through the anomaly.