Hey GA fans out there. As some of you have noticed, I've stopped fanfictioning for more than a year I suppose! But recently, I've been flipping through old chapters of the original GA manga and it reminds me to start fanfictioning again. Well, I'm terribly sorry for hanging you guys so long, and I can't promise you anything of the up coming chapters. Well here it goes =D In this fanfiction, Mikan is a bit OCC. That's because I can't stand her bubbliness sometimes!

High School Beauty

By xXAikoXx

I do not own Gakuen Alice

Chapter 1 - Party by 8pm

A hint from the scent of sakura, spring is near, and so is the start of college life.

Sakura Mikan, of all the future Alice Academy elite students, is ready for her first day as a college student - a normal college student. Everything would go well -definitely- everything should go well when you're in college, shouldn't it? Well, you've been through high school life and all the teen dramas, what more is there to be installed? It couldn't be worse, right?

Things are going to be different from now. At least for the ex-queen herself, Mikan. As she tied her messy hair into a ponytail, pushing her big black-framed glasses with her shoulder, Mikan managed to grab her breakfast -2 slices of plain white bread- and headed for the door.

Being the 'queen' throughout her high school years, Mikan outshone every girl at school by being her talented, confident and intelligent self. She was indeed a high school beauty perfect in every way, who had all the guys drooling over her everytime she walked by their classes. She excels in her studies, not to mention having wide social circles and a group of trust-worthy friends. Her honey-sweet eyes that smiles whenever her dimples are shown, her seductive red lips which enhance that sense of sexiness in her whenever she wanted, the overly-delicate oval-shaped face which frames her eyes oh-so perfectly, even her hair indicates a hint of wildness, auburn in colour, slightly and naturally curvy. Also, rumours have it that she was dating a certain Hyuga….

Tired, would be the one word for the current Sakura Mikan. She's still beautiful, but she's masked all her beauty behind a pair of dorky glasses and fake braces. Mikan Sakura is tired of attention. She may be the popular cheerleading head of her high school days, but she isn't planning to go somewhere near the popular status quo in her college years. Being popular can be… excitingsometimes, Mikan has had her excitement for the past few years. Now, all she needed are peace and quiet, just enough to get her through college years without being known of her presence. And every girl has a story in past she would like to keep to her own

The Hyuga Residence isn't your typical billionaire-suite type of a mansion. The place is huge, even comparable to a palace! Floors made of the finest marble stones mixed with matched jewelries; Carpets imported from the other end of the globe; Lightnings specially designed to accommodate their worthy tenants; Swimming pools -indoor and outdoor- bigger than most of the houses altogether owned by typical moderate families in Japan. Luxuriously furnished, the Hyuga Residence stands as one of the proudest and most exclusive homes all around Japan. Few can affort a house as big as this one, and even fewer can manage a house orderly like it does. The Hyuga's has all the bulters, maids, caters and drivers it takes to ensure its tenants' comfort every now and then. And as for Hyuga Natsume, the heir to all Hyuga's Industries, well, he's one spoiled kid.

Sorry, kid? a kid wouldn't have the well-built body frame like this one. That Hyuga is one spoiled -but hot- guy?

When the Hyuga's Industries basically do everything from banking to entertainment showbiz and marketing -you name it, they've got it, Hyuga Natsume has all the assets he needs to do whatever he pleases. Not to mention, being the only son in the family, at the age of eightheen, he's one of the youngest billionaires all around Japan.

Ruka, who has been Natsume's best friend for a decade and so, stood beside the huge-indoor-50-meter-long swimming pool, staring down at his friend. A towel over his face, the young lad with raven hair relaxed himself after a good swim in the morning. He deserves some peace and quiet of his own. After all, today is going to be his first day at college. He just hopes that he wouldn't cause any commotions in college like he did back in high school.

"You know, you should really get ready for our first day at Alice's", the blonde lad with crystal blue eyes called.

Ruka got no reply from his friend.

"Come on, Natsume. You're not going to skip school again, right? And on our first day?"

Still, the red-crimson eyes stayed shut behind the warm towel.

"You know damn well I won't."

Finally, a reply.

Ruka couldn't help but noticed a hint of annoyance in Natsume's piercing but low voice across the huge swimming pool. He tried to resist a smirk. Heneeded a pick up line to get Natsume's attention, now that he's got it, he might as well cut straight to the point, "I can't believe that you're still trying to locate her, after what she did last year-"

"I'm putting this to an end, Ruka" Natsume interrupted as he got up and slipped swiftly into his robe with the bulter's attendance.

And before he left for shower, he gave his best friend one last glare, "And this time, she's gonna pay for what she did."

Ruka's eyes followed him untill he was out of sight, still smiling, he gave the butler a nod towards the door and started bursting into laughters.

"Hotaru, yeah I know he's coming to Alice Academy, but I'm on scholarship! I can't just back out? Wait, are you laughing? Hotaru?" Mikan stared at her phone in disbelief.

"You know I don't laugh, Mikan. You must admit it's amusing that you two were lovers back in high school, and now..." a calm voice from the other side of the line replied.

"I can feel it, you're smiling accross the phone. I've told you, this is one of the reason why I'm gonna escape from all the attention by any means at college, I'll do fine, you'll see!"

"I hope so. See you tonight." With that, Hotaru ended their chat.

Mikan stared at the phone in disbelief once again, how can hotaru just ended their conversation so abruptly, as if, as if she's just calling to make sure that Mikan's okay. Soon, a smile appeared across her face, with braces blinding anyone's view coming at her way.

Well, if she really wants no attention, she should really start by keeping those shiny braces to herself.

She hugged her books and quickened her steps towards the academy.


A girl with green hair stared down at the brunette who has just bumped into her.

"Hey who the heck- Why, if it aren't the last person i wanna to see alive. Hardly recognises you in your- um- disguise? What are you? Plastic surgeries gone all awry or something?"

Mikan stared back. Tough luck in the first day of college. Guess peace and quiet are just too much to ask for when you're foes with your rival in cheer leading team during high school days. Andhow in the world did she manage to pass English with all the grammatical errors?

Tougher luck when you see the principal of Alice Academy, Madam Rei heading your way.

Sumire glimpsed over to Madam Rei's direction and an idea hit her.

She put her arm around Mikan and showed off her brightest cheer-smile, " Morning, Madam."

Madam Rei nodded to both girls. She paused when Mikan was looking at her nervously, ignoring Sumire's hand over her shoulder which made her feeling quite uncomfortable.

"I've definitely seen you before Sumire, but I don't recall seeing... what's you name?" Madam Rei eyed Mikan cautiously.

"Sakura, Sakura Mikan, I come-"

"Of course, Sakura! We're like BEST FRIENDS since kindergardens! Oh gosh, Can you believe it, we're in college already!" Sumire interrupted with her high-pitch voice.

That got Madam Rei's attention and Sumire's on her way to victory...

Kindergardens? Now she's bad in vocabulary as well?

"Madam, Mikan's like the BEST student's you can get in the academy, being the 'queen' of our former high school."

Madam Rei lift a brow, " Is that so?"

"Of course! why would I lie? She's infamous for bullying the newcomers, not to mention being slutty and all. With her around, the school's definitely in chaos everyday, how exciting is that?"

Mikan's eyes widened, she turned to look at Sumire, trying to find a way to shut that annoying mouth up...

"Oh! Did I mention that she sleeps with all the hot guys? The being slutty part, rumours has it that even Hyuga's one of her victims. Pity." Sumire laughed inwardly for her genius plan.

"Shut up-" Mikan tried to cover Sumire's mouth but failed.

Madam Rei eyed Mikan alertly, "I see. I guess I'd better keep an eye on you, Sakura." She turned to Sumire, "As for you, I'd advise you to choose what to say next time, Sumire. I'm not entirely impressed by your... introduction of your friend at all."

After Madam Rei left, Mikan shook off Sumire's hold, "What was that all about?" She glared dangerously at the one person who had just made complete fools out of the both of them in front of the principal. Stupid.

Only to bring out Sumire's smirk, "Consider it a welcoming gift. You're gonna got more, I promise."

Mikan frowned.

That's it. if it's war Sumire wants, then it's a war she'll get.

Hasn't she heard that the former 'queen' of high school can be nice and quite bitchy at the same time?

And hasn't she heard that they're having a homecoming party at the Hall of Functions tonight?

Sumire is so getting herself busted tonight, and the best part is, Mikan'll be there to enjoy it every part of it. She's sure of it.

Watch out people, The queen is back.

Maybe just for the day.

Hotaru stared lazily at Mikan, who's wearing a hot red tube dress which is inappropriately short.

M.A.C., Shu Uemura, Kanebo... From foundation, blushes, eye liners, fake lashes, mascaras to lip gloss... Everything was in a mess on her make up counter. Hotaru then glanced at the clock on the wall which stroke 4.15p.m.

"I'm telling you, Hotaru, that girl's gone way too far this time, humiliating me in front of Madam Rei like that."

Hotaru turned her attention to a pile of papers in front of her, obviously doing some last checking before the welcoming party starts -she being the organiser of the function, " So I've guessed, Sumire would jump at any chance to make you look bad, so that she could be the new 'queen' of Alice Academy. What surprises me is that you actually fell for her stupid trick. Have your intelligence degenerated since you left high school or have you any wise plan to back fire at her?"

Mikan turned from the mirror to Hotaru, "It means a lot to me! Madam's impression of me. I'd rather she not have any impression of me than thinking that I slept... I slept with dozens of guys! I'm on scholarship you know. I'd never be granted admission to Alice Academy otherwise. I couldn't have afford it and you know it... Well... since..."

Hotaru stopped what she was doing and looked up. Tragedy stroke, Mikan lost her parents just few months ago. Since then her life has changed drastically and turned her into an invisible-girl-wannabe. Both the girls live together at a small cosy condo owned by Hotaru's parents. Being her best friend, no one understands Mikan like Hotaru does.

"Yes I get it, it means a lot. Though I still think that you're over reacting. Now, humor me."

Mikan knew Hotaru's referring to her plan of taking revenge on Sumire, she slipped into a pair of Dolce and Gabbana heels, "Tell me the most devilish item served on tonight's menu."

End of Chapter 1

Well, how is it? I hope you guys like it! Please R&R to tell me what you think about the story so far, I'd appreciate it. Thank you =)

As for the next chapter, well, all I can say is that, Revenge can be so sweet at times.

Mikan is really going to be b*tchy in the next chapter... I'm worrying if she'll put you guys off... cause she's like the main character. Haha But she's not the typical goodie-good girl like in the story huh. =P Well good news is that she has two sides. She's good when she treating her friends(At least someone she considers one) But she can be really annoying when someone stepped on her tail. Well.. I'm not used to writing Mikan's evil side... So this is a first time for me... Hope it'll be... exciting! =)

Till then!

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