Thinking Nothing's Wrong

A/N: Hello, I just recently finished the series Heroes and have been dying to write this story since season two. It's quite hard to put into a story the idea I had. This is completely AU. Claire was never adopted. Nathan kept her. Heidi is her real mom. Gabriel Gray is the same age as Claire. (17) They're in love but Nathan will have none of that. It's one of those typical stories of girl and boy in love but girl comes from rich family/ boy comes from poor family. Girl's family cares about their image and refuses to see their daughter with someone so lowly. Anyway, I hope you like it. Please give me some feedback. First Heroes Fanfic. :D

Disclaimer: Don't own Heroes.

Chapter One

Claire Petrelli looks up from doing her homework at the desk in her bedroom. She was lost in thought, not really paying attention to the history book she was supposed to be studying. She thought she had heard a clicking sound over the music she was listening to. Taking her earphones out of her ears, she listens intently for the sound she thought she heard. All she heard was the pounding of the beat coming from her earphones. She shrugs and starts to put them back into her ears when she hears it again. She realizes the sound was coming from her window.
Shutting off her Ipod, she hops up off her chair and quickly walks over to her window. Claire parts her curtains a tiny bit and peers out. It was pitch black out. All she can see are shadows in her yard. The nearest lightpole was halfway down the street. Nothing seems out of the ordinary until she sees a movement down below her two story window. Next thing a small rock smacks her window, making her jump slightly. Smiling to herself, she realizes who is throwing rocks at her window. Claire parts her curtains all the way and opens her window. Sticking her head out she whispers out, "Gabriel!"
"Hey, Claire," He quietly responds. "May I come up?"
"Hold on, okay?"
Claire walks across the room to her bedroom door and opens it, peering out. She walks into the hallway, quietly closing the door behind her. She then walks to her right down a hall leading towards a staircase that goes down into the kitchen. She stops in front of a door that goes into her two younger brothers' bedroom. She can hear their muffled snores through the door. She turns around and walks back down to her room then walks down the hallway straight across from her door. She comes across the staircase that leads down to the front of the house. If she continues down the hall, she would come across another hallway that has an office room, a couple of guestrooms and, at the very end is her parents' bedroom. She walks down the hall to her parents' bedroom and presses her ear to their door. Not hearing anything, she assumes they are still at their friend's party. Her parents, Nathan and Heidi, were always going out, forcing Claire to stay home and babysit her younger brothers. Most of the stuff they did was to boost Nathan's political career. Claire walks down the carpeted sprial staircase, walking to the front door. She unlocks it and steps onto the dark porch.
"Gabriel!" She calls out. A dark haired and dark eyed 17 year old boy walks up to the steps of the porch. He was wearing his usual vans, skinny jeans and collered shirt that he left unbotton to reveal a band tee. He smiles at her. Claire hugs him. She then ushers for him to come inside. She didn't want her gossiping neighbor to see them. She then shuts and locks the front door behind them, pulling him through the dark house. Before they reached the stairs, Claire heard a bedroom door open then close upstairs. Her eyes grow wide.
"Fuck," she whispers to Gabriel. She can hear the chandelier rattle as someone walks across the hall above their heads.
"Claire?" They hear her father call from the upstairs landing. Claire can hear him start walking down the stairs, making her heart skip a few beats. She quickly turns around and pulls Gabriel through the hall that leads down to a dining room. Going around the dining table and through a door on the otherside of the room, they find themselves in the kitchen. Claire can hear her father in the hall. She turns to Gabriel.
"Go up those stairs and run to my bedroom as quietly as you can. Make sure you hide," she whispers. All he does is nod. She watches as he races up the stairs as he can. Claire sees his feet disappear right when Nathan enters the kitchen. She turns around quickly. Trying to even out her breathing without him noticing, Claire smiles at her father.
"Claire, what are you doing?" He askes her.
"Hello, dad. I was studying when I decided to get something to drink." Claire walks to the white cabinents and grabs a glass. She turns back to her father. "Would you like something to drink?"
"No, thank you. I thought I had heard something down here. Just checking to make sure I locked up the house." Claire nods and walks to the sink, filling her glass up with water. She turns around and leans against the counter, sipping it. "What time did you and mom get in?" Claire asks. "I didn't hear you come in."
"Must have had that music up loud, then, eh?" Her father says, walking to the cabinents to get himself some water. Claire only shrugs looking down at the floor. She sets her cup on the counter behind her. "We came in about thirty minutes ago. How were the boys?"
"They were fine. Made them leftover spagetti from last night." Claire replies.
"That's good. We would have came said something to you when we first came in, but we assumed you were in bed." Claire shrugs again and glances at the clock on the microwave. It read 12:15. She didn't realize how late it was. "Like I said, I was doing homework." She answered. Nathan nods and sets his now empty glass next to Claire's.
"Well, you should get to bed soon. Don't you have a test tomorrow?"
Claire nods. Nathan lifts an eyebrow, giving her a stern look. Claire almost rolls her eyes but stops herself in time.
"Yessir," She answers, knowing that's what her father wants to hear.
"That's better," he says. He grabs her head and kisses her on the forehead. She smiles at him. "Goodnight, Claire." "Goodnight, Dad," she replies. Nathan waits for her to climb up the stairs before switching off the lights in the kitchen. Claire walks down the hall, passing her brothers' bedroom. Nathan squeezes her arm, affectionately before passing her and heading down the long hall to his room. She waits until she hears her father go into his bedroom before entering her own.
If Nathan ever found out she was sneaking boys in the house... Claire shudders. She doesn't want to think about what the consequences would be. Claire quietly opens her bedroom door and slips in, closing it behind her. She looks around her large bedroom. Next to the door to the right was the dark chery wood desk she had abandoned earlier. Her textbook and schoolwork cluttered the top of it. Along the walls was a billboard that had a calender and a whole bunch of pictures of her and her friends and family on it. There were also posters. Ones of various bands on them. Straight ahead towards the left a bit from the door stood her dresser. It too was dark cherry wood. It had a vanity mirror attached to it. She walks across the room to her full size bed. It laid next to a bookcase. Next to the bookcase was the window that had a window seat. Sitting on her bed, she whispers.
"Gabriel." She turns her head when she sees her closet door open. Gabriel walks out.
"I thought your parents wouldn't be home for abother hour or two at least," He says, while walking towards her.
She stands up and he embraces her. She loved hugging Gabriel. Breathing in his unusual scent that consisted of mint and pine. Coolness. Refreshing. She holds onto him tightly, not wanting to let go. He pulls away from her at arms length and leans down to capture her lips. She got onto her tipitoes. He was so much taller than her. Claire pulls back and stares into his dark brown eyes. Whenever she stared long enough into those eyes she could always see a sense of sadness in them. He breaks their contact. He walks to the bed pulling back her lavender colored bedding. Claire walks to her dresser pulling out pajama pants and a t-shirt.
"It's almost one o'clock," She says, as she walks into the bathroom. She changes quickly and walks back out into the bedroom. She walks over to the bedroom door where the light switch is located and switches it off. "You came over later than usual," She continues as she walks over to the bed. Gabriel kicks off his shoes as Claire slides into the bed. Gabriel follows. "I'm sorry. My dad didn't pass out until awhile after he got home from work. He actually had a good day today, surprisingly."
"Well, that's good isn't it?" She asks, laying her head down against the soft pillows. Gabriel turned to his side propping an elbow up to rest his head againt his hand. He looks down at Claire, gently pushing her hair away from her face with his other hand. "I guess," He whispers. Claire can see his features turn into a frown. She places her hand on his cheek then wraps her arms around his shoulders. Gabriel leans against Claire, positioning himself so that he's comfortable. He places his ear on her chest, listening to her heartbeat. She runs her fingers through his hair, rubbing his scalp the way he likes it. "You guess?" She whispers back. She breathes in the earthy scent of Gabriel's hair, making her relax even more.
"Yeah," he replies. "It's not good because I couldn't come to see you earlier." She smiles. She kisses the top of his head. He kisses where her heart beats. "I love you, Gabriel Gray." She tells him the umpteenth time. "I love you too, Claire Petrelli." He replies, feeling himself fall into the dark clutches of sleep.