The Black Lady of Mordor Chapter 23:

The combined armies of Rohan and Gondor stood outside the black gates and stood while the armies of Sauron marched out to meet them. It wasn't a hopeful battle Boromir realized as he looked about. He wanted desperately to search for Leanien, especially after the Mouth of Sauron spoke about the traitorous Black Lady. Boromir was beyond a doubt that she was somewhere in Mordor and still alive. He would find her; he promised himself that he would not leave without her.

As the army of Mordor surrounded the smaller army of men the air became thick with tension. It wasn't until Aragorn lifted his sword and said softly looking back at the remnants of the fellowship.

"For Frodo." Then he charged Merry and Pippin were the first to follow yelling out a battle cry and raising their swords. Then it was as if everyone moved into action they all ran towards the armies of Mordor and the last battle began. Chaos ensued it was every man for himself as the armies of Mordor outnumbered the armies of Gondor and Rohan ten to one. The battle raged around the fellowship as orcs and trolls attacked men on the ground and the Nazgul fought the eagles overhead.

There was a shudder through the entire area and the battle froze. Every man orc and troll looked back at Barad Dur as Sauron's screams were heard over everything else. The tower cracked and began to fall the eye became unstable and as the tower fell the eye exploded. Orcs and trolls began to run and Merry yelled out thrusting his sword into the air

"FRODO!" Almost as soon as the victory cry rang out Mt. Doom erupted and the cry of victory was cut off suddenly. The earth in Mordor began to fall in on itself and crumbled under the feet of the army of Mordor hundreds of orcs fell into the pits that were forming. For several moments no one moved, when the earth stopped falling, the black gates had been consumed.

Within seconds Gandalf had gotten one of the eagles to land and he got on its back just above the wing joint it took off and with two others headed towards Mt. Doom. The fellowship had collected together among the masses of men.

"We need to rally the armies hunt down the remnants of the Sauron's forces." Aragorn said to Eomer and Feramir. Though, when he turned to Boromir, Aragorn knew instantly that he wasn't going to get the man to help with the orc hunt until he had found Leanien.

"I am going to look for her." Boromir said and was about to leave when Aragorn grabbed his arm and said.

"Wait don't go alone. It is stupid to get yourself killed because you were careless."

"I will go with him." Legolas said walking up, Boromir gave the elf a nod and headed off towards Mordor.


Nearly three days had passed Boromir and Legolas had yet to find Leanien. Though the destruction of the ring was successful and they were both relieved to hear that Frodo and Sam survived and were well in Rivendell. Though, both man and elf refused to rest until they knew the fate of the entire fellowship. They had scoured the entirety of the rubble that was Barad Dur and had searched the lands between the gate and Mt. Doom whose fires had died and left the mountain a husk of the evil that once ruled those lands.

Boromir hit his fist against a rock and gave a cry of frustration.

"We have searched the entirety of Barad Dur and everything between the black gates and Mt. Doom. Where have they taken her!"

"Boromir the only place I can think that we have yet to look for her is in Minas Morgul. Though I begin to fear that we simply won't find her." Legolas said with a look of dismay. Boromir glared at the elf and said.

"She is alive and we will find her."


The two made their way to Minas Morgul which as with the majority of Mordor was now abandoned. Orcs dared not stay in the dark lands for men of Gondor often hunted them there. Minas Morgul without its host of orcs and Nazgul had remained much the same in the past few days. Though, it was there in the lower levels that Boromir and Legolas now ventured searching for Leanien.

"This place is far too quiet." Boromir muttered as they walked. Legolas was about to agree when he heard a shuffling ahead.

"There is something here still." Legolas spoke softly pulling his bow out and knocking an arrow. Perhaps it was foolish for them to venture into this dark place though they were both foolish in their search for Leanien.

Drawing his sword Boromir strode forwards with Legolas close behind, they rounded a corner and found a small group of three orcs huddled and prepared to fight. At the sight of them Legolas let loose an arrow downing one that held a tower shield. Boromir charged the remaining two who in their fright tripped each other up and fell to the gondorian's blade.

Those three orcs were the only life they found in Minas Morgul. Though they searched that evil place top to bottom they found only one sign of Leanien. That was a bloodied dress that was carelessly discarded in a pile of filth.

Sorrow hung heavy between the two as they admitted defeat and accepted that Leanien was beyond them. With heavy hearts they made their way to Minas Tirith.

When they arrived it was a day after Aragorn's coronation as king. They were met by friends and kin though no smiles crossed either face as they relayed that they had only found a bloodied dress. A vigil was held for Leanien and messengers were sent out to each of the fellowship to tell of Leanien's death. The last time the fellowship met was at the funeral of the elven woman who had found a way into each of their hearts.

"I will not forget the shock I held when I first saw Leanien dressed in the garb of a Nazgul at Weathertop." Aragorn said to the others who had gathered. Naturally Elrond and Arwen attended the funeral with the rest of the fellowship.

"I will miss the talks of herbs and plants she discovered on our journey. She was but a child to the world though fate decided her time came long before her years were spent." Gandalf said looking on at the mound raised for Leanien though they had no corpse to bury.

"I will remember the time spent teaching her how to wield an elven blade…" Legolas said trailing off as if he had other words to say but did not voice them.

"I will never forget the last time I saw her. When I realized that I could not ever feel for a woman the way I felt for her." Boromir said in his hand he held the necklace that Leanien had given him.

The funeral went on after each member of the fellowship spoke their peace about Leanien. Gradually they left, the hobbits were the first to leave followed by Gimli and Legolas then Aragorn and Arwen left. Until only Boromir stood vigil at her grave, when morning began to light the sky Elrond rejoined Boromir at Leanien's grave.

"You could not have changed her fate." Elrond said quietly.

"I could have done something more. I could have stayed with her. I should have stayed with her." Boromir said on the verge of tears, though sorrow hung heavy in Elrond's voice no grief showed in his expression as he spoke.

"I had foreseen it long before I knew she was alive. I had at first feared it to be Arwen who was fated to be lost to Mordor. It was not until Leanien returned to Rivendell that I knew who that vision was of. Over the course of the war I often cast my thoughts to that vision and saw many outcomes of it. This was perhaps the least damaging of what could have happened. Know this though; the ring was destroyed only because she was able to be strong when she was at her weakest." With this Elrond turned and left.


Ten years later… Boromir now stood as steward and general to the armies of Gondor, Aragorn and Arwen had ruled the land in prosperity and peace for years. While the numbers of orcs dwindled to rare sightings they still thrived in Mordor. A land which no one believed would ever be cleansed of the evil that once ruled there. In the first few years that had passed since the war of the ring many adventurous warriors had traveled to Mordor to hunt orcs. Feramir had married Eowyn and Legolas still traveled the lands of Middle Earth with Gimli. The two had over the years become even closer friends. Frodo and Gandalf had long since left Middle Earth with Galadriel and Celeborn. As Boromir heard it Sam did well for himself in the Shire as did Merry and Pippin. Denethor had passed away two years after the war of the ring leaving the position of Steward to Boromir.

Boromir strode into the throne room where Aragorn met with several of his capitains. A scout had returned with alarming news. It had been a serious enough issue that Aragorn had become involved with the matter. Boromir was in a velvet tunic and soft leather boots. Around his neck could be seen the silver chain to Leanien's necklace.

"Ah Boromir!" Aragorn greeted the man then turned to the scout who was a ranger like Feramir had been during the war. Aragorn nodded to the scout who began to relay why they were there.

"We were coming back from a scouting trip and passed by where the black gates once stood just to check and make sure… We ran into a party of orcs. So we attacked, they seemed rather organized for orcs so we kept one alive and interrogated it. The orc said that they were a group of border guards that they were defending the lands of the Black Lady." With this the scout produced an orc flag that was black cloth and on it painted with red paint was the shape of the pendant that was Leanien's necklace.

"I'll look into this matter personally." Boromir said. The scout spoke up again and said.

"That's not all my lord. There are Nazgul in Mordor still. We heard one shortly after killing the orcs. We did not stay in the area."

"Are you sure of this?" Aragorn asked having heard the information about the Nazgul just now. The scout nodded with a rather frightened look.

"I was a foot man during the war of the ring; I remember the Nazgul's screeching well my king."

"Boromir assemble five hundred men we ride for Mordor."


When they arrived where the black gates would have stood the sight was shocking. They knew that Mordor was beginning to live again though the thick forest they saw was not what they expected. The ground that had sunken was filled with clear water and around the land was fertile and full of life. Though what shocked them most was not the forest but the watch towers built on the other side of the lake that separated Mordor from the rest of Middle Earth. It was crafted of wood and at the top of each tower hung the same black flag with the red emblem. Orcs could be seen on the other side of the lake bustling about with the arrival of the army from Gondor.

Though Aragorn could not be sure something seemed rather different about the orcs than he remembered. Though, as one orc came across the lake in a boat with a white strip of cloth tied to the top of a spear the change became apparent. These orcs were better equipped and looked clean.

The orc got out of the boat and stood at the shore of the lake and waited as Aragorn and Boromir road up to it. They left twenty feet between themselves and the orc.

"What reason do you, king of Gondor, have to bring an army to the land Mordor and the Black Lady?"

"We seek an audience with the Black Lady. Have her come forth from the black lands." Aragorn said. The orc looked between the two and said.

"Should you betray the treat know this king of Gondor. We are capable of avenging our Lady." With that the orc turned and getting back in the small boat returned across the lake.

Boromir looked at Aragorn though did not have to speak to be able to answer his friend.

"Do not trust a hope Boromir, it is most likely not Leanien that is their Black Lady."

"How do you explain their battelments? It is the same." Boromir said as he pulled the necklace out from under his chainmail armor, the pendent glinting in the midday sun.

"We cannot assume anything Boromir. We must wait till we see who this Black Lady is."

Over three hours passed before they saw a change across the lake. A boat was drifting through the lake and coming into full view and out of a portion of the lake hidden by trees. It was made of wood and steel though the boat had a structural design Aragorn would not thought orcs capable of making. The boat was decorated with a spinning design that ended in sharp points.

When the ship landed on the near shore several orcs left the boat with ropes and stakes securing them in to ground, to prevent the boat from drifting away. It was perhaps three times as large as the small row boat that the single orc had taken over when they first arrived. When the boat was secured three more figures left the boat; one was clearly an Uruk hai, though the hulking Uruk wore plate armor that was not of the normal orc craft. The armor was similar in quality to that of the soldiers of Gondor. Though, the metal had been stained a black color. The second figure was that of a Nazgul the dark cloak was enough to tell Aragorn what it was. The Nazgul turned back to the ship and held out a gloved hand as a final figure clad in black departed the ship with the aid of the offered hand. This figure was shorter than the other two and wore a pointed helmet that was reminiscent of the one that Sauron wore when he had a physical form. This figure wore a black cloak as well. The three stood together the Uruk to the left, Nazgul to the right, the shorter person in the center. Aragorn noted that the Uruk and Nazgul were very near the same height. Whoever had taken rule of Mordor sought to appear imposing and strong. The three walked half the distance between where their boat was docked and Aragorn's forces.

"Shall we go and meet this Black Lady?" Aragorn said to Boromir who nodded. They dismounted their horses and walked the distance stopping ten paces away from the three black clad figures. For a moment no one spoke each side seemed to be judging the other. After a moment the shorter figure in the middle raised their hands and pulled off the pointed helmet, sleeves slide back to show the pale skin of their arms covered in ugly red scars, black tresses of hair fell from the helmet and the cool blue eyes looked at the two men and said.

"Hello Lords of Gondor." Her tone was cold and disapproving. Both Aragorn and Boromir looked at her shocked.

"Leanien." Boromir said almost unbelievingly he started towards her only to be stopped by the Uruk who snarled grabbing the hilt of his sword.

"You will not approach my Lady without her consent." Leanien ignored the Uruk and Boromir and addressing Aragorn said.

"Why have you brought this army here?"

"Leanien, what are you doing in Mordor? We thought you were dead. Why are you amassing an army of orcs?" Aragorn was dismayed when he saw that same unfriendly look on her face as when he first met her over ten years ago.

"I have taken charge of the lands of Mordor. My people are not an army to attack with but to defend against invasion. In the year since the war of the ring men have been invading Mordor and attacking a peaceful people."

"Peaceful? Orcs have and never will be peaceful." Boromir said with a glare that was on par with the ones that Denethor made.

"Tell me, when was the last organized attack against Gondor or Rohan? Not one has happened in over eight years. Prior to that I did not have the support of the majority of the orc population. Since I took charge of Mordor no attack has been made against men. We only defend our lands"

"Leanien these aren't your lands! Mordor was never your home and you shouldn't be here now." Boromir said in an angry yet pleading tone.

"You will not command my Lady Leanien." Hiss the Nazgul, though Boromir was sure that all the Nazgul perished with Sauron the one that stood before him seemed oddly familiar.

"Tellis I am capable of handling this. Though I think that it is best if I speak with these two alone. I will meet you back at the ship." Leanien said handing her helmet to Tellis who gave an irritated hiss but turned with the Uruk and walked back to the ship. Leanien turned her attention back to Aragorn and Boromir, both men wore an unbelieving expression.

"What happened to you Leanien?" Aragorn asked as if unsure the woman he talked to was actually Leanien.

"You mean after I was left in the pits of Barad Dur when you achieved your goal? Tellis saved my life. After I had been taken he was captured trying to sneak into Mordor. Tortured and starved we were left in the dungeons. Tellis was tortured using a Morgul blade; now he can never rejoin his ancestors in the Hall of Mandos."

"Please Leanien you must know we searched for you. Legolas and I, we searched for you. We thought you were dead." Boromir said with a pleading look, he desperately wanted to hold her in his arms.

"I would not have left even if you had found me. Tellis is now forever bound to Mordor by the sheer fear of what he has become. I will not leave him to linger in these lands alone."

"Why defend the orcs? How many now live in Mordor? If they decide they don't want to stay in Mordor how will you stop them?" Aragorn asked his tone serious.

"They have changed in the ten years since the war. They are a civilized people now and have no need to leave Mordor."

"They are orcs, they would rather kill a man than speak with one." Boromir spat, he did not know this woman who stood before him. He did not recognize his love under the scars; he did not see the woman he remembered in those eyes. This was not his love. This was not his Leanien.

"If you do not believe me then come and see for yourself. I can promise that while visiting my lands you will not be harmed."

Aragorn and Boromir exchanged a look then Aragorn said.

"Very well. Prove to us that you have control of these orcs and you will not lead them from Mordor. Then we will leave you be." Boromir gave Aragorn a disapproving look then nodded bitterly.

"In form your army of the arrangement and I will show you what has become of my lands."

As Boromir and Aragorn approached the boat they had with them five of their best fighters. Leanien met them with a mocking smile.

"A guard? Surely you trust me more than that."

"It isn't you I have a lack of trust in." Aragorn stated simply as the boarded the ship. Leanien turned to the Uruk who had greeting Aragorn and Boromir with her and said.

"It is important that these men feel we are a peaceful people and will not seek to attack them. The king and steward of Gondor may have once been my companions but that does not ensure the safety of our lands or our people. Shagrat we must be careful, some of our people are not far enough from the old ways to be ready to have a peaceful encounter with men." Shagrat gave a gruff nod and replied in his rasping voice.

"The fields are best my lady. The mountain is also well for these men to see."

"Very good, the lords are in attendance today so that is best. They will see how we have changed since Sauron ruled." Shagrat growled at mention of Sauron then said.

"Sauron did not rule my lady. He dictated." Leanien gave Shagrat a smirk and said.

"Remember it is because of Sauron that I am able to lead you now. Though, it is good to see that fear of him does not hold sway over you. I am reminded every day that you are the best choice for my third."

Boromir watched as Leanien spoke with the Uruk and felt an unknown rage burst to life as she gave the beast a smile while she talked. A hand clapped on his shoulder and Boromir turned to face Aragorn.

"Many things have changed in ten years." Boromir stated simply trying to pretend he did not care.

The trip across the lake was a tense one for the men of Gondor. They stood on deck as the orcs rowed the boat into a smaller portion of the lake that was surrounded by trees and the headed towards a dock.

As the boat was tied to the dock Aragorn and Boromir was led from the boat onto a packed dirt path. Leanien walked with the men from Gondor as Tellis and Shagrat walked just behind the men with the orcs that had been on the boat.

Aragorn noted that as they walked they passed several smaller paths and many of the orcs that walked with them branched off until the number dwindled to about half a dozen that followed the tour. As they walked the path widened and the trees thinned out until they came out to a large expanse of fields that were each fenced in and thick with wheat. In each of the fields cows roamed eating the wheat as they wished.

"These fields feed the livestock. I found that these lands were rich for growing crops after the mountain cooled and the ash cleared."

"This is your solution feed them cattle?" Aragorn asked skeptically as he looked at the cows eating the wheat. Leanien smiled and said.

"No it is only part of the solution. The rest is at the Citadel."

"Citadel, you have rebuild Barad Dur?" Boromir asked looking skeptically at Leanien, bitterly noting that she had reserved a smile for and Uruk and for Aragorn but had hardly looked at him.

"No, Barad Dur will never rise again. Those stones hold evil in them that even a thousand years could not diminish. The Citadel is built from the husk of the mountain." As they walked the mountain became visible above the tree tops they left the fields and back onto a path of packed dirt through the trees. The trees were less thick here and buildings could be seen through the forest. Each built of wood and each bearing the spinning design that was the same style that decorated the boat. Orcs were more numerously seen now and several stood in the door ways of the buildings and watched the group of men. Some orcs joined the group as they traveled through Mordor and again the trees thinned the closer they got to the mountain. It wasn't until the mountain loomed over them that the trees stopped again and the carved face of the husk of Mt. Doom. Out of the mountain was carved a city the blackened stones stood solemnly among the masses of wood buildings that were built around it. By now the news that men were in Mordor and the Black Lady was with them had spread. Orcs stood along the wide packed dirt path watching as Leanien led the men to the mountain. An orc walked up and matched his pace with Leanien's and asked.

"My Lady, the lords are in council are you intending to interrupt them with these…visitors?" The orc asked looking back at the men.

"These are our guests the King and Steward of Gondor have come to see our lands."

"You mean to decide if we are a threat or not."

"To put it bluntly yes. When our border patrol went to check the Gondor side of the lake there was confusion between our patrol and some scouts of Gondor. That is why the king is here now to see what has become of Mordor." The orc growled and asked.

"Do you want me to inform the lords that they will soon have visitors?"

"If you would. Thank you." Leanien said and the orc nodded taking off towards the carved steps of the mountain with a great spead.

"To be honest I did not think it would take you ten years to come and look into what has been happening here. Legolas and Gimli came through three years ago. Odd he said that he would inform you as to the condition of Mordor when he went to Gondor."

"Legolas and Gimli haven't been to Minas Tirith since I married Arwen." Aragorn said with a sight frown. Leanien simply shrugged though as they reached the stairs carved into the mountain she stopped and turned to them saying.

"Inside we will meet with the Lords of Mordor. They are all Orcs aside from me and Tellis. Naturally you must treat them with as much respect as you would a human or elven lord. I speak mainly to your guard that you brought. The laws of Mordor are different from Gondor, if your men insult a lord they have the right to demand retribution in single combat. Is this understood?" Leanien gave each of the men that stood behind Aragorn and Boromir a hard stare and Aragorn spoke.

"No one will insult any of the lords." With a nod Leanien started up the stairs.

Inside the arching doors was the thin strip of rock which Frodo cast the ring into the fires of Mt. Doom. On either side just inside the doors was a stair way down to a lower level. The main chamber was a rounded room with stair ways leading up against the far side. To a balcony which hugged the walls and went full circle around the chamber just above their heads. Against the walls above the balcony was a wide mural that depicted Frodo throwing the ring into the fires and the fall of Barad Dur. Several panels depicted a wraith version of Tellis bringing Leanien from the rubble of Barad Dur. The next panel was Leanien appointing the orc lords of Mordor. The wall had space for several more panels though they were plank spaces of smoothed stone.

Leanien led the group down the stairs and they came out in a lower level of the main chamber and there was a circle of chairs around a large table which was laden with a variety of meat and pitchers of drinks some solid metal so the contents were obscured others made of glass containing water. Seated around the table were several orcs dressed in fine clothing similar to the kind of clothing that Aragorn and Boromir wore when they were in Minas Tirith.

"Please have a seat." Leanien gestured for the men to sit at the table, most were hesitant to do so but after Aragorn and Boromir sat, they reluctantly did the same. "My lords of Mordor, we are visited by the king and steward of Gondor and several of their men. They wish to see how we have developed since the war of the ring." Leanien took a seat then between the men and orcs and poured herself a glass of water.

"Do not drink from the metal pitchers they are filled with blood." One of the orcs said holding up a goblet with a toothy smile and drank.

"Tell us, how do you run Mordor?" Boromir said ignoring the meats and pitcher on the table. An Uruk with broad shoulders and a hard face replied.

"Mordor is governed by the council that is us gathered here. We raise our cattle and keep to our own lands. What cause do you have to war against these lands?"

"We aren't waging war against Mordor." Aragorn said though he did not get the chance to explain further as an orc in a black tunic said.

"We know of your army outside the gates of our land King of Gondor. We know that your scouts have attacked our border patrol killing them all in cold blood. We know that our pasts have not been the kindest though times change and you seem to lack the capacity to accept this."

"That was a misunderstanding. Until the incident with the scouts we were yet unaware that the orcs had formed a civilization or that Leanien leads you."

"The Black Lady brought our civilization from the ashes of war like she came from the ashes of Barad Dur."

The conversation went much like for the next hour and Aragorn was grateful that he managed to get his men out of the council chamber without a challenge. They had returned to the docks and were preparing to leave. Tellis and Leanien were going to accompany the men to Gondor's side of the lake.

Aragorn stood on the deck of the ship with Tellis as the orcs prepared to take the men back.

"I must thank you Tellis. You have done a better job at protecting her than any of us ever did."

"Stop Aragorn. Do not pretend to have a sudden change of heart towards me. I know you never liked me and could never like me now with what I am." Tellis hissed out "You want to give me a proper thank you? Keep your forces out of Mordor. This land I will forever dwell in must become my home now. If you want to show any form of gratitude when you leave do not return, keep your men from here, and never let that man return here." Tellis said gesturing at Boromir. Aragorn frowned and said.

"That is for Leanien to decide if she wants Boromir around. Though I doubt he will stay here."


On the dock Boromir stood with Leanien and waited as she waved away several orcs asking if she was ready to depart.

"I need to speak to Boromir for a moment then we can depart." The orcs seemed satisfied with this and left her alone with Boromir giving them enough space to talk privetly.

"Leanien. Come back with me. You shouldn't be in this place, please." Boromir said though Leanien held up her hand cutting him off.

"Boromir, dispite what you have seen this place is very unstable still. Many orcs are still holding to the old ways though they have kept to the eastern side of Mordor. I must stay here, they need me Boromir."

"No they do not. You have some illusion that these orcs need you to lead them that you must remain here. Tellis is a wraith and you are covered in scares why can you not see what this place has done to you?"

"Boromir I will not argue the matter. I will remain here until the orcs have a stable society. If you wish to stay you are welcome but I cannot leave."

"Then there is nothing left to talk about." Boromir said turning and leaving. As they left not once did Boromir look at Leanien. Though Aragorn bid her farewell and she bid them to have a safe trip, then she returned to Mordor.


Sixteen years later…

Boromir lay in the healing house at Minas Tirith on his death bed. He rolled Leanien's pendent between his fingers as he looked out the window from his bed. The mountains of Mordor loomed in the distance though the black clouds had dissipated since the ring was destroyed those lands held his greatest love and his greatest sorrow. Outside his room in the hall there was a commotion then the door opened. In stepped two figures cloaked in black, followed by several guards and Aragorn.

"You cannot be here!" one of the guards bellowed at the cloaked figures. The shorter of the two threw back their hood and was reviled to be Leanien looking no different than she did when Boromir had first met her.

"Aragorn please I need a moment." Leanien said she sounded wary which was alarming to Aragorn and he ushered the guards out of the room assuring them that it was alright. Then he and Tellis left closing the door behind them.

"Leanein, why are you here?" Boromir asked his voice hoarse. Leanien walked over and sat on the edge of the bed and said.

"I am here for you. Boromir you didn't think that I would not come did you?" Boromir reached out to her and she took his hand in hers and smiled tears in her eyes.

"I thought you didn't care. When you refused to leave Mordor I thought I had lost you all over again."

"I know I felt your grief as it was my own. I felt it the same as I felt your pain with this illness, and I feel this passing looming over me as it is looming over you." Leanien took the pendent from Boromir's hands and said. "All of these years you kept this. When you came to Mordor I noticed it but I did not think you would have kept it after." She put the chain around Boromir's neck and settled down next to him on the bed and held his hand.

"Leanien…" Boromir started but was interrupted.

"Shh, Tellis is going to take over rule of Mordor. This last journey we will make together." With those words she kissed him gently on the lips and rested her head on his shoulder hummed a soft tune.

When Aragorn and Tellis went into Boromir's room later that day they found the two laying next to each as if asleep. Aragorn walked over and put his hand on Boromir's arm and confirmed that he was dead. He then looked to Leanien and turned back to Tellis.

"She passed with him. Did you know about this?"

"I knew she would leave this world with her mate yes. She bid me to give you this once she passed." Tellis said holding out a rolled up paper which Aragorn read.

'My story is one of tragedy if I could have changed the outcome I would have. My legacy is not one that many would want. At the expense to myself and those I love I was able to forever change Mordor. Though I never regret loving a man and those mortal years, the hours I spend with Boromir before our death means more than all of the year I have lived. Mordor is stable now and the orcs have become compliant with the new rule. I have left Tellis to rule the lands of Mordor. Please tell my father goodbye, and please bury me with Boromir.'

(This is the end of The Black Lady Of Mordor. Thank you for sticking with the story to the end it I felt like I kind of rushed the story in several parts throughout the story and as I was writing I was going to give it a happy ending and have Boromir find Leanien in Mordor but realized how unlikely that would be for him to find her so I changed the story to be the way it is now. I hope everyone likes the story and will take the time to give me their last thoughts about the story and review.)