Disclaminer: The following story contains characters that are a property and ownership of the Walt Disney corperation and Marvel Entertainment Inc.

Except for Ron Zupper, who is a character I created on the spot to fill in for Trish Tilby.

This is a chapter a bit short, but it's told from the view point of Professor X

They say there came a day when the Earth's mightiest heroes banded together to battle a foe, no single hero could defeat. Yet one wonders, who really was the true foe that day? Was it the monster or the god?

Though in the end, the day was saved, one wonders who the villain of this piece really was…was it themselves or the threat before them. It's often a question one goes through when those with good intentions plans tend to go awry.

Were the heroes to be blamed for forcing her hand or was it the guilt she held within and realized her own mistake? Never the less, the X-men suffered the brunt of the attack either way which forces their leader and founder Professor Charles Xavier to wonder…is his dream dead?

Three weeks have passed since the Professor's return to the team, and since that time things have been a bit more chaotic than ever. It consisted of a variety of funerals for the fallen mutants, a reunion of former X-men and allies, and a assortment of decisions upon where to take the X-men next, since some of his former students retain their mutant abilities.

It was one of these meetings that he was in right now…surrounded by a legion of heroes, from former Avengers members, Captain America and Iron Man, to his former students Mirage and Storm, and even others heroes sit within this table, but at the center of it all lied him…Spider-man, it was his message of the future that resulted in this, and while he couldn't blame him for any reason whatsoever, he knew his intentions were noble, yet it made things worse instead of better for the lives of his students.

"I'm glad you all came today," Spider-man stated to get started, "I know some of you are wondering just why you are all here?"

Author's Note: Sorry for the short chapter, but I decided to skip the reunion and head straight into the new world order. My reasons for this consist of not fully gaining a voice when it comes to certain X-men members.

Still that doesn't mean the story will end this way, as it's set to continue in the Was it all a dream Peter? main storyline, but from Peter's POV, and it has been 3 weeks since M-day.

Also if anyone is to recall the whole Initiative/Avengers Acadmey idea and combined that with what remains of Xaviers, and you may get where some of the Beta X-men along with some B-listed heroes will end up next.

As for this story let me first give you all some heads up...

1. The WILL BE a one-shot or two that will be between this chapter and the last chapter and it focuses on the funeral of Wolverine. It's more like a private funeral/wake at night for heroes and x-men alike so expect guest stars galore.

2. A one-shot between the funeral and this chapter as a conversation between X-23 and Spider-man, as Peter convinces X-23 to join in on this new world order.

3. The next story line arc in the Was it all a Dream Peter? will center on the Collective, but knowing how this story functions so far, expect a twist or two within this story arc.

4. The next chapter within Was it all a dream Peter? may or maynot have Peter revealing all that has happen within his dreams to his Superhuman collegues, but whether or not they believe him after all that happen is still up for debate.

Anyhow hang in there readers as we're about to get a little funky and twisted.